Fleet Risk and Safety Consulting, LLC

Fleet Risk and Safety Consulting, LLC


A DOT compliance and safety management solutions company that works alongside your team to ensure you are in compliance with the DOT regulations


Extension of Compliance Date for Entry-Level Driver Training
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Final rule.
FMCSA finalizes its February 4, 2020 interim final rule (interim rule), which revised a December 8, 2016, final rule, ``Minimum Training Requirements for Entry-Level Commercial Motor Vehicle Operators'' (ELDT final rule). This action finalizes the extension of the compliance date for the ELDT final rule from February 7, 2020, to February 7, 2022. This action provides FMCSA additional time to complete development of the Training Provider Registry (TPR) and provides State Driver Licensing Agencies (SDLAs) time to modify their information technology (IT) systems and procedures, as necessary, to accommodate their receipt of driver-specific ELDT data from the TPR.
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Extension of Emergency Declaration
The FMCSA has extended the Emergency Declaration for the Pandemic until May 31st 2021 or when the National Emergency is over which ever is 1st.

Med cards, Licenses, and annual inspections if they expire during this time they will be good until the Emergency Declaration is over. If you can get these done great, but in some area's of the US it has been impossible. HOS are also affected if your entire load is on the list of items needed for the pandemic.

Here is the pdf for the Declaration:

Extension of the Expanded Modified Emergency Declaration No. 2020-002 (02-12-2021).pdf


What happens if a driver does not consent to a query?
If a driver does not consent to the query, it means the employer requesting the consent cannot access that driver’s Clearinghouse record. This also means the employer cannot verify that the driver does not have an unresolved drug and alcohol program violation in their Clearinghouse record.

Therefore, by refusing to consent to an employer’s query consent request, a driver is prohibited from performing safety-sensitive functions, including operating a commercial motor vehicle (CMV), for that employer. Refusing consent to one employer does not affect a driver’s eligibility for performing safety-sensitive functions for other employers.


Click on this link to register:


DOT Compliance Workshop 09/15/2020

Do you want to save 10 to 20% or higher on your Commercial liability policy? Then get your Safety files in order, I have saved my clients thousands of dollars by improving their Safety Records and lowering their CSA scores.

We will be doing a Webinar on 9-25-2020 on DOT Compliance, Get the details by clicking on this link:


DOT Compliance Workshop Do you have all your required DOT compliance files in order? Are you prepared for the DOT audit? Are you in the best position to defend your companies Safety practices in a court of law? If you are not then this Webinar is for you!

New Hours of Service Webinar Free 09/03/2020

In a few weeks the New Hours of Service rules take affect, Do you have a clear understanding of how they will work? Join us on Tuesday the 8th at 1 pm Est, sign up below ITS FREE

New Hours of Service Webinar Free How are the new Hours of Service going to affect you? Get your questions answered by the experts. Whether you use ELD's or you are exempt the new rules will save you money and give your drivers more flexibility

U.S. Department of Transportation Requests Public Comment on a Pilot Program for Additional Hours of Service Flexibility | FMCSA 09/01/2020

WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) today announced that it is seeking public comment on a pilot program to allow additional hours of service regulatory relief by allowing participating drivers to pause their on-duty driving period with one off-duty period up to three hours. comment here


U.S. Department of Transportation Requests Public Comment on a Pilot Program for Additional Hours of Service Flexibility | FMCSA WASHINGTON – The U.S. Department of Transportation’s Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration (FMCSA) today announced that it is seeking public comment on a pilot program to allow additional hours of service regulatory relief by allowing participating drivers to pause their on-duty driving pe...

New Hours of Service Webinar Free 07/31/2020

FREE NEW HOURS OF SERVICE WEBINAR! Do you have questions about the New Hours of Service that takes affect 9-29-20? Learn how to integrate the new rules with the present regulations. Sign up today for my Free Webinar:

New Hours of Service Webinar Free How are the new Hours of Service going to affect you? Get your questions answered by the experts. Whether you use ELD's or you are exempt the new rules will save you money and give your drivers more flexibility


I think we finally got it, New logo


we put a truck on it


New logo what do you think


I am getting ready to host a Webinar, it will be on DOT Compliance setting up your Safety Plan. Who is interested in attending?


working on a logo


I can say another positive result from a compliance review


New hours of service recap

1. The 30-minute break rule, which requires a break after no more than eight hours of consecutive driving, can now be satisfied by the on-duty/not driving status, rather than off-duty status. That means a driver’s “break” could be satisfied by stopping to fuel the truck, for instance. This change accounts for the majority of the $274 million the agency estimates the rule will save each year for the U.S. economy.
2. The sleeper berth rules will now allow drivers to split their required 10 hours off duty into two periods: an 8/2 split, or a 7/3 split — with neither period counting against the driver’s 14 hour driving window.
When asked why the split sleeper berth did not extend to the type of even split that was allowed under older HOS rules, Mullen said, "the research studies on sleep as of this time we didn’t feel were fully supportive of going any further than 7 and 3."
3. The new rule changes the adverse driving conditions exception by extending by two hours the maximum window during which driving is permitted. The current rule allows for an extra two hours of driving time, but it still had to be within the maximum 14-hour workday. The new rule allows the workday to be extended to as much as 16 hours in the case of adverse conditions such as extreme weather or congestion.
4. The agency will change the short-haul exception available to certain commercial drivers by lengthening the drivers’ maximum on duty period from 12 to 14 hours and extending the distance limit within which the driver may operate from 100 air miles to 150 air miles

Still waiting to be published then it will be 120 days before effective

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Let us Help

Our company is helping organizations like yours to cut losses. What makes this possible is our belief that a successful risk and safety control program is made up of several fundamental elements. It begins with a solid plan that addresses loss history, frequency and severity, regulatory compliance and applied training and implementation. Our company has assisted organizations like yours with development and enhancement of successful safety and risk control programs. But we do not do it alone. We work with you in a close partnership to protect your assets, control losses, and increase your profitability.

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DOT Compliance
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D & A Clearinghouse



Palm Bay, FL