GAIA Global Health, Oakland, CA Videos

Videos by GAIA Global Health in Oakland. GAIA is a nonprofit working to increase access to essential healthcare at the far end of the road in rural Southern Africa, and to build the capacity of local healthcare systems. Learn more about our approach and impact at

Globally, cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women, with low and middle income countries facing disproportionately higher risks due to poor access to preventative strategies such as human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination, cervical screening, and treatment of cervical dysplasia.

GAIA mobile clinics provide primary care and health education in rural and remote areas of Malawi that are far from government health facilities. To improve access to lifesaving cervical cancer screening, we built partnerships with district health offices, hospitals, and the Baylor Foundation to screen over 3500 women in 2023.
Boosting public awareness, access to information, and the availability of screening and treatment services are key to fighting cervical cancer, and GAIA hopes to continue to grow our efforts this Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and beyond.

Video Transcription – I have [come] to GAIA for cervical cancer screening. The reason for going for cervical cancer screening is for me to know about my body because I have heard a lot and seen a lot from a patient suffering from cervical cancer. So after I had seen how dangerous the disease is I therefore decided to go for a screening so that I could be able to know my health status. So here I have been screened and I have received my results that [I] am okay and I am happy.

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Other GAIA Global Health videos

Globally, cervical cancer is the fourth most common cancer in women, with low and middle income countries facing disproportionately higher risks due to poor access to preventative strategies such as human papillomavirus (HPV) vaccination, cervical screening, and treatment of cervical dysplasia. GAIA mobile clinics provide primary care and health education in rural and remote areas of Malawi that are far from government health facilities. To improve access to lifesaving cervical cancer screening, we built partnerships with district health offices, hospitals, and the Baylor Foundation to screen over 3500 women in 2023. Boosting public awareness, access to information, and the availability of screening and treatment services are key to fighting cervical cancer, and GAIA hopes to continue to grow our efforts this Cervical Cancer Awareness Month and beyond. Video Transcription – I have [come] to GAIA for cervical cancer screening. The reason for going for cervical cancer screening is for me to know about my body because I have heard a lot and seen a lot from a patient suffering from cervical cancer. So after I had seen how dangerous the disease is I therefore decided to go for a screening so that I could be able to know my health status. So here I have been screened and I have received my results that [I] am okay and I am happy.