Alameda County WIC Program

Alameda County WIC Program


Nutrition program for pregnant & breastfeeding moms, parents of children under 5. To learn more or make appointment (510) 595-6400 or [email protected]

To learn more or make appointment call (510) 595-6400 or email us at [email protected]. We are Dietitians, Nutrition Assistants, Lactation Specialists, Breastfeeding Peer Counselors, Community Services Experts here to give you the info you need to make healthy choices for your family. Staff speak English, Spanish, Chinese, Vietnamese, and Cambodian. We're here for you! give us a call at 595-6400, email us at [email protected], or drop by on of our offices to find out more.


🚨Save the Date🚨
Holiday Cookies with the Cops
Tuesday, December 10th
901 E.14th St. San Leandro, CA

Join us for a festive evening with Santa and Friends! Enjoy cookie and ornament decorating, hot cocoa, popcorn, games, and more. Plus, Santa will have a special guest from The 501st Legion.
Don’t forget to bring a new toy to donate and capture a special photo with Santa!

Donations will benefit SLPD’s Santa on Motors Program and Davis Street Family Resource Center.


Volunteer your time this holiday season! Davis Street


Stop by our booth and say hi!
Children’s Fairyland


Considere unirse a este grupo de discusiĂłn para residentes del condado de Alameda.


Please consider joining this Focus Group Discussion for Alameda County Residents


Somos WIC. ¡Por supuesto, queremos que usted tenga más apoyo para la lactancia!
WIC tiene 50 años de experiencia ayudando a los padres con sus inquietudes de alimentación. Ofrecemos apoyo práctico y activo para cada desafío, desde los problemas de prendimiento del pecho hasta el bajo suministro de leche. Muchas oficinas de WIC de California tienen programas de asesoramiento entre pares que celebran 20 años de apoyo con la lactancia y con cómo dar pecho.
Ya sea para compartir experiencias o para escucharle, estamos aquĂ­ para usted en todo momento.

ComunĂ­quese con nosotros a (510)268-4247.

Imagen: Getty
Image description (Alt Text): Madres hablando mientras dan pecho a sus bebés en un grupo de apoyo. El texto del gráfico dice: "Hable con alguien que entienda su camino".

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3600 Telegraph Avenue
Oakland, CA

Opening Hours

Monday 8:30am - 5pm
Tuesday 8:30am - 5pm
Wednesday 9:30am - 4pm
Thursday 8:30am - 4pm
Friday 8:30am - 5pm