Mississippi State University Interfraternity Council, Mississippi State, MS Videos

Videos by Mississippi State University Interfraternity Council in Mississippi State. The Interfraternity Council (IFC) is a self-governing body representing the fifteen member fraternities at Mississippi State University.

Explore more during your college experience with @msstateifc 📹by: @hugoinup_

Other Mississippi State University Interfraternity Council videos

Explore more during your college experience with @msstateifc 📹by: @hugoinup_

#Repost @missstatepikes with @repostapp ・・・ The Gamma Theta Chapter would like to send thanks to everyone who made this renovation possible. We would also like to invite all alumni and family to check out the house before and after the game on Saturday. #missstatepikes

#Repost @maroonvolunteercenter with @repostapp ・・・ We had a fantastic time at the Sam D. Hamilton Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge for IFC Service Day! Over 600 students volunteered to help build a piece of the new 7-mile Connecting People with Nature Trail. Special thanks to the Noxubee National Wildlife Refuge for welcoming our IFC volunteers and for being so accommodating! And a big thanks to @miss_state_ifc for coordinating the volunteers, buses, supplies, and more. We had a great time! #ServiceatState #bemaroon Mississippi State University

#Repost @msu_mmp with @repostapp. ・・・ ANNOUNCEMENT!!!! "Music Maker Productions is proud to announce our Old Main Music Festival 2016 lineup! Givers, The Humble (formally know as Mo Lowda and The Humble), & Jamie Davis and Soul Gravy will all be at the MSU Amphitheater on Friday, April 22, along with food trucks, an art market (if you're an artist, there's still time to apply & share your talents!!), and fun activities for all! Bring your coolers, bring your couches, bring your crazy cousin from Connecticut--there's something for everyone at Old Main Music Festival!"

Your 2016 Greek Week Teams @msstategreekweek

#TBT to a great weekend in Starkville but we're looking forward to an even better one. #HailState

Congratulations @MSULambdaChiEX on a great 30th Annual Watermelon Fest. #ExpandingOpportunities #HailState