Eleanore's Project, Inc., Minneapolis, MN Videos

Videos by Eleanore's Project, Inc. in Minneapolis. Improving the quality of life for children with disabilities and their families.

Lenna got wheels today! Why is that a good thing? Well, she is three years old and working on walking but isn't there yet. She only gets around by crawling and that doesn't work at school. Plus, the world looks different sitting upright. If she graduates from the wheelchair - great! But until then, independent mobility is a gift that supports her overall development. Wheels can be fun - and important developmental tools!

Other Eleanore's Project, Inc. videos

Lenna got wheels today! Why is that a good thing? Well, she is three years old and working on walking but isn't there yet. She only gets around by crawling and that doesn't work at school. Plus, the world looks different sitting upright. If she graduates from the wheelchair - great! But until then, independent mobility is a gift that supports her overall development. Wheels can be fun - and important developmental tools!

Let's talk about trays - also known as upper body or arm support surfaces. They are good for that, but also for play. This morning Santiago discovered he can do stuff with toys! He is sitting up without being held by his mother for the first time, and has a tray to hold toys and interesting things to reach for. Instead of being passively entertained, he can interact with materials on his own. It was thrilling to see!

Many people don't fully understand how their shoulders work. This young lady is learning why her back cushion needs to be low enough to free up her arms for pushing - from Hammie! #wheelchairs #ridedesigns #Hammie #simplifiedanatomicalmodel

Do it yourself saber saw - Eleanore's Project is not recommending this!

Today was half and half - first half spent organizing and unpacking, second half fitting wheelchairs for some beautiful kids.

Great excitement today, as 30 parents and several Stone Hill College students unloaded a shipping container filled with wheelchairs. Families have eagerly awaited their children's new wheelchairs since evaluations were completed last fall. The next two weeks will be busy, as the Eleanore's Project and Yancana Huasy teams work together to provide the right wheelchair for each unique individual.

Noemi flies and spins!
Noemi has fun and new freedom with her new wheelchair

Noemi's old wheelchair
Here is Noemi propelling her old wheelchair that her family was not sure they wanted to stop using.

The container arrived! A great crowd of Yancana Huasy staff and parent volunteers awaited for unloading.

Lots happening at Yancana Huasy this week! Workshops galore, as parents learn about night postural care, wheelchairs and seating, posture for feeding and communication and more. The OTs, PTs, speech therapists, psychologists and social workers have all been busy. And soon we will be there in person. Seeing and supporting best practice in action is thrilling!

Two long days of work in the warehouse of Hope Haven International yielded a shipment of wheelchairs and other equipment assigned to individuals and ready to be boxed up for Peru in 2019. Time for a good night's rest!

Happy birthday Eleanore, and Eleanore's Project! August 2 is Eleanore's birthday and is also the day that her project became official and legal. It is good to be able to celebrate her life and her legacy. This little cutie is experiencing independent mobility for the first time at Yancana Huasy -