Bio-Recovery, Inc

Bio-Recovery, Inc


Bio-Recovery provides nutritional supplements to address Alcoholism and Mental Health Disorders.


Bio- Recovery Inc was among the first of many businesses that was put out of business by the FDA, NIH, CDC. As a supplement supplier dedicated to treating alcohol/ drug addiction following the formulas described in 7 Weeks To Sobriety and Depression Free, Naturally (Natl’ Best Sellers) the FDA threatened to close us down if we didn’t remove any references to the books on our website. Their corrupt reasoning was that alcoholism is a disease and only drugs, not nutritional supplements, can treat diseases. In time, the loss of our primary connection of reaching the public and new business brought a decline to sales and a slow death to a once prosperous company with high quality supplements. It should be noted the mental health diseases and addictions are very lucrative medical categories use by the pharmaceutical industry to move their products. Bio-Recovery Inc. and the Orthomolecular philosophy we promoted pose a great threat to the drug industry and the supporting government agencies previously mentioned.


The American people are not lab rats for Fauci, or the FDA, cdc, nih, or the nih infectious disease agency . Our God-given natural immune system is better than any fake foreign toxic, immune system altering (and weakening), DNA confusing, bs the pharmaceutical industry has to offer. … but that isn’t the point. A person’s body is their sacred temple, and there are many ways to treat viral catastrophes using Orthomolecular support that work better than mRNA shots, or the pseudo science solutions the government pushes.


What happened to Bio-Recovery?

Many years working at Health Recovery Center and Bio-Recovery Inc., combined with a Master’s degree in Holistic Health Studies gave me over 40 years of Orthomolecular training for treating patients with various medical conditions, primarily addictions and mental health issues, but guess what, Orthomolecular medicine influences all aspects of health and wellness. I tell you this so you understand why I never got the Covid shot, or even bothered with a test. Two reasons: I understand the power of Orthomolecular medicine (much greater than any drug or vaccine), and l know the corruption of the government agencies that promote drugs and vaccines. In fact, I was called before a board of high level FDA agents to explain why I was treating alcoholism and addictions (and getting the country’s highest recovery rates) without drugs and telling people how to do it. That’s against the law, according to the FDA. By their decree, only drugs (unnatural toxic substances) can treat a disease … and since alcoholism is a disease, I was ordered to take all references to Orthomolecular treatment off my website, and disassociate my company (Bio-Recovery) from the book that inspired its formation (7 Weeks To Sobriety, a bestseller written by mother in response to the su***de of my bother). Slowly my company went down and faded away, but my memory of the FDA stayed.
I also worked at Health Recovery Center (a state licensed clinic) as biochemical addiction counselor. One of my lessons was the vaccine group. I showed several choice films, filled with researchers from around the world, and I shared research from studies I used to write papers for my Master’s degree, as well as papers with citations from esteemed doctors such as Dr. Russell Blaylock. I can tell you, few, if any clients ever got a flu shot after that group. But of course years of media propaganda, now led by commander and chief cheerleader Joe Biden has led many people to the false profits of health. I am so sorry I could not save them, but I am happy that folks are waking up to what I learned long ago. Today the great deceiver is very close to extinguishing our country as he did to my companies years ago. I was small, I could not stand up to these corrupt agencies alone back in the 90s, but now, with the freedom of our country hanging in the balance, perhaps good can triumph.
First realized that someone, actually just one man, decided he had the power to force everyone to wear a mask, to close businesses, restrict travel, close schools, tell people to stay off beaches and out of the sun (in the name of health!). Do you know who? Did you ever wonder how Fauci achieved the power to destroy so many lives? We gave it to him. Of course he didn’t command us directly, he worked through people with political clout, like Governor Walz and President Biden. Weak minded brainwashed people who bluffed millions of people in to destroying themselves and the friends and loved ones (for the common good!). Yes, if you can see clearly, that is what has brought us to where we are today. The pandemic rhetoric is nothing more than a smokescreen. Knowledge of Orthomolecular Medicine provides the basis of that statement. Nevertheless we are all caught in these tumultuous times, and we are realizing that it is much easier to relinquish freedom than to get it back. As a country we holding our sacred freedom over the cliff’s edge. Our only way to save it is to say “NO.” We must not betray ourselves, our families, loved ones, our fellow men and women. No to all mandate commands. To capitulate with the evil that has led us astray is to become an ally of evil. We must not serve this legion of evil. If we are successful, if we destroy it, we will usher in a new age of love and enlightenment; to fail will destroy us. God bless you all.


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It popped up again!!!

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Among many experiences I shared with my mother, Joan Mathews-Larson had the great privilege of spending an evening with Professor Harold Foster. Dr. Foster was a past president of the Orthomolecular Society (A highly prestigious body of medical professionals). Harold was curious about medical anomalies associated with geography. He explained an area of Africa (Senegal) had no problem with AIDS! They were just as promiscuous as any other area of Africa, and they were HIV positive, but their HIV never developed into AIDS. Eventually he showed it was the abundance of Selenium in their soil that provided the protection. As he explained: Selenium inhibits the replication of viruses. Bio-Recovery is about to start a selenium give-away with every bottle of vitamin C. Check out www.Bio-RecoveryInc.

Coronavirus AID SUPPORT Possible cure High doses of Vitamin C Covid 19 03/11/2020

Big new for possible Coronoa-virus cure!

Coronavirus AID SUPPORT Possible cure High doses of Vitamin C Covid 19 Please share this Video Altrient C - Liposomal Vitamin C 1000mg 30 sachets from LivOn Overcome Coronavirus Andrew Saul


by Andrew W. Saul, Editor
Intravenous vitamin C is already being employed in China against COVID-19 coronavirus. I am receiving regular updates because I am part of the Medical and Scientific Advisory Board to the International Intravenous Vitamin C China Epidemic Medical Support Team. Its director is Richard Z. Cheng, MD, PhD; associate director is Hong Zhang, PhD. Among other team members are Qi Chen, PhD (Associate Professor, Kansas University Medical School); Jeanne Drisko, MD (Professor, University of Kansas Medical School); Thomas E. Levy, MD, JD; and Atsuo Yanagisawa, MD, PhD. (Professor, Kyorin University, Tokyo). To read the treatment protocol information in English: (Protocol in Chinese at

The Difference in Drinkers 06/14/2019

The Difference in Drinkers

The Difference in Drinkers If you have the ability to drink large amounts of alcohol, you have good reason to suspect that you might be predisposed to alcoholism.

Food Allergies That Block Recovery 06/06/2019

Food Allergies That Block Recovery

Food Allergies That Block Recovery You may be suffering from food allergies or chemical sensitivities that must be identified and treated before your recovery can be complete.

Candida Albicans: Alcohol's Silent Partner 05/29/2019

Candida Albicans: Alcohol's Silent Partner

Candida Albicans: Alcohol's Silent Partner Bob is a typical AA member. It's Friday night, and he is attending the regular meeting at a local church.

Biochemical Sensitivities That Block Recovery 05/21/2019

Biochemical Sensitivities That Block Recovery

Biochemical Sensitivities That Block Recovery If you have been faithfully following the biochemical repair program outlined in Seven Weeks to Sobriety and still do not feel as well as you suspect you should, you may be wondering whether a biochemical restoration program is right for you.

The Hypoglycemic Cycle 05/17/2019

The Hypoglycemic Cycle

The Hypoglycemic Cycle Our bodies convert all foods to glucose, but the change from refined sugars and white flours (starches) is at a much faster rate.

How Likely Is It That You Are Hypoglycemic? 05/07/2019

How Likely Is It That You Are Hypoglycemic?

How Likely Is It That You Are Hypoglycemic? Hypoglycemia is a word many doctors hate. Some doctors call it a FAD disease and refuse to do the lab tests necessary to prove or disprove your suspicions.

Psychological Syndromes are often the result of Hypoglycemia 04/29/2019

Psychological Syndromes are often the result of Hypoglycemia

Psychological Syndromes are often the result of Hypoglycemia 
Mental health professionals often fail to recognize hypoglycemic symptoms. They attempt to explain them as psychological phenomenons. If you have puzzled over noticeable changes in your moods, thoughts and feelings don't be so quick to accept them as psychological disorders.

Glucose Patterns 04/22/2019

Glucose Patterns

Glucose Patterns The normal range of fasting blood sugar values (measuring only glucose and not saccharoids) is eighty to one hundred mg/dl. Most fasting blood sugars are within the normal range, so a simple fasting test is useless.

No More Hypoglycemic Symptoms 04/16/2019

No More Hypoglycemic Symptoms

No More Hypoglycemic Symptoms giving up what you like for something you want even more. Ridding yourself of roller coaster emotions is accomplished by trading in refined sugars.

Choosing the right Hypoglycemic Diet 04/12/2019

Choosing the right Hypoglycemic Diet

Choosing the right Hypoglycemic Diet It takes a little reprogramming to select what goes in your mouth for its ultimate value rather than the sixty-second taste it has.

How to Treat Hypoglycemia 04/10/2019

How to Treat Hypoglycemia

How to Treat Hypoglycemia here is no magic pill that cures hypoglycemia. The quickest and most effective treatment is by dietary changes. In the seventies when I began working with this population, there were two distinct camps of thinking about diet.

The Best-Kept Secret 04/08/2019

The Best-Kept Secret

The Best-Kept Secret Ironically, the blame for treatment failure is often placed on the patients. They're "not ready to stay sober" or '"haven't reached bottom yet" say the counselors who staff these treatment programs.

The Hypoglycemia Lab Test 03/22/2019

The Hypoglycemia Lab Test

The Hypoglycemia Lab Test At Health Recovery Center, clients are given the Glucose Tolerance Test because actual lab evidence seems to propel clients into action better than if we force a hypoglycemia correcting diet on them with no scientific confirmation.


Check out the March Sale: 2 for 1 on the Bio-Buffered C power!

Psychological Syndromes are often the result of Hypoglycemia 03/17/2019

Psychological Syndromes are often the result of Hypoglycemia

Psychological Syndromes are often the result of Hypoglycemia Mental health professionals often fail to recognize hypoglycemic symptoms. They attempt to explain them as psychological phenomenons. If you have puzzled over noticeable changes in your moods, thoughts and feelings don't be so quick to accept them as psychological disorders.

No More Hypoglycemic Symptoms 03/13/2019

No More Hypoglycemic Symptoms

No More Hypoglycemic Symptoms Life is always a tradeoff: giving up what you like for something you want even more. Ridding yourself of roller coaster emotions is accomplished by trading in the refined sugars and caffeine in your diet. This sacrifice will pay enormous dividends in mental stability and increased energy.

How to Treat Hypoglycemia 03/11/2019

How to Treat Hypoglycemia

How to Treat Hypoglycemia Am I Really Carbohydrate Addicted? Disbelievers are the same crowd who pack one hundred and fifty to two hundred pounds of refined sugars into their diet yearly. The fattening of America with this formula has now reached epic proportion.

How Likely Is It That You Are Hypoglycemic? 03/08/2019

How Likely Is It That You Are Hypoglycemic?

How Likely Is It That You Are Hypoglycemic? Hypoglycemia is a word many doctors hate. Some doctors call it a FAD disease and refuse to do the lab tests necessary to prove or disprove your suspicions.

Glucose Patterns 03/06/2019

Glucose Patterns

Glucose Patterns The normal range of fasting blood sugar values (measuring only glucose and not saccharoids) is eighty to one hundred mg/dl. Most fasting blood sugars are within the normal range, so a simple fasting test is useless.

Choosing the right Hypoglycemic Diet 03/04/2019

Choosing the right Hypoglycemic Diet

Choosing the right Hypoglycemic Diet Three factors will influence how to select your ideal diet: Your fast or slow oxidation of foods Your blood type (O, A, B, AB) Your sensitivity to carbohydrates


Who Ya Gonna Call? 09/27/2018

Who Ya Gonna Call?

Who Ya Gonna Call? Personally I don’t think swapping out your primary addiction chemical(s) for new doctor prescribed toximolecular concoctions is a good trade.

What Really Drives My Thirst For Alcohol … And How I Quench It 06/09/2017

A Health Recovery Center graduate’s testimonial

What Really Drives My Thirst For Alcohol … And How I Quench It Hypoglycemia. My thirst for alcohol was really my body’s thirst for glucose (blood sugar). Alcohol worked. It’s like mainlining sugar. Immediate gratification.


Formulas for treating addictions and mental health disorders


Bio-Recovery, Inc's cover photo


Bio-Recovery, Inc


Bio-Recovery products have been developed, tested & proven at Health Recovery Center. Their scientific basis is founded on contributions from brilliant doctors, scientists, and orthomolecular researchers. Bio Recovery is the exclusive distributor of these formulas.
To learn more about a formula and how it applies to your own unique biochemical needs, we suggest reading Seven Weeks to Sobriety and/or Depression Free, Naturally.
­—Joan Mathews-Larson, Ph.D.

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