The Ninth Petal: Healing & Transformation
We are a Holistic Wellness Shop bridging the gap between Soil, Gut and Self Consciousness
Replanting hacks!
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore the connections of Soil, Gut and Mental health and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

Self-care, Planetary-care, Healing Ayurvedic Herbs, Books, Soil health Awareness, Teas, Fermented Botanical blends, Superfoods, Microbiome probiotic care, free resources and information,
We have all you need to
Heal & Transform.
Yourself and the Planet
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore the connections of Soil, Gut and Mental health and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

T h e N i n t h P e t a l
H e a l i n g & T r a n s f o r m a t i o n
Has planted 🌳10,388🌳Trees
161.78 Tonnes of harmful Co2 avoided
6,670 of them have been in Madagascar.
We want to help protect the massive biodiversity of Madagascar! We want to help reforest Africa and other parts of the world that have suffered forest destruction and devastation. This will lead to healthier soils so agriculture can be regained in these parts!
Madagascar is more than just an island from an animated movie.
It’s a nation with over 200,000 species of plants and animals that don’t exist anywhere else in the world.
But more than 90% of Madagascar’s original forests have been destroyed, displacing entire animal species and taking away the Malagasy’s ability to farm and live on the land.
Entire mangrove estuaries are gone, leaving the bare earth to wash away into the sea.
The Ninth Petal- with your self-care funds- support the non-profit Eden Reforestation Projects as they continue to reforest the island.
Eden are world leaders in responsible reforestation, having already planted 265 million trees and created 2.6 million work days for local communities.l
They have their own designated land, to the north west of the island, near Marataola.
Here they are planting in an area of 1,354 hectares (about 180km2). They'll be planting their first two million mangroves here, then they should be able to move along the coast as our contributions continue grow!
In theory, 751 million acres of degraded land in the tropics could be restored to continuous, intact forest.
Using current and estimated commitments from the Bonn Challenge and New York Declaration on Forests, our model assumes that restoration could occur on 435 million acres.
Through natural regrowth, committed land could sequester 1.4 tons of carbon dioxide per acre annually, for a total of 61.2 gigatons of carbon dioxide by 2050.

is growing and now officially in in Minneapolis, MN !!
If you find yourself nearby, make sure to stop in! House Plant Invigorator is 100% natural and organic, you'll see improved health and vigor for your houseplants with no mixing or measuring!
Happy Growing 🪴

Our vegan, liquid blend is a highly bioavailable, plant-based zinc that’s water-extracted from certified organic guava leaves. The plant-based formula is all-natural and gentle on your stomach. Unlike most zinc supplements, including zinc gluconate, zinc picolinate, zinc sulfate, and zinc citrate, which are made with synthetic forms of the mineral, the zinc in this formula is naturally bound to plant proteins and amino acids so your body can use it efficiently. We added Ormus Supercharged Minerals to maximize the absorption so you get the most therapeutic value. This powerful liquid formula is perfect for helping you meet your nutritional needs and supporting your health and well-being.
No subscriptions.
No hidden agenda.
Just pure plant medicines to help on your healing journey of transformation
"When you Heal, We Heal"🙏🏽
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore the connections of Soil, Gut and Mental health and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

As women age, they often experience a slowdown in vitality, energy, and sexual drive that corresponds with changing hormones. Women’s Hormone Balance is an easy-to-use, liquid formula that’s specially formulated with a unique combination of ingredients that support normal hormone balance, female vitality, and libido. Keep your energy levels up, raise your stamina, and boost your sexual drive naturally! The great-tasting formula is carefully produced in the USA and free of GMOs and gluten. It’s made with our Raw Herbal Extract technology — an advanced, multi-step extraction which captures all the beneficial elements of a plant to unlock its powerful healing essence. Each two-ounce bottle lasts 30 days when used as directed.
No subscriptions.
No hidden agenda.
Just pure plant medicines to help on your healing journey of transformation
"When you Heal, We Heal"🙏🏽
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore the connections of Soil, Gut and Mental health and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

Why is 🦠Gut Health🦠 so important?
I personally, know it is very difficult to remove our habits, but our common diets are killing us from the inside out.
High processed foods
Not enough food diversity
Fried foods
Glyphosate(round up) contaminated foods
No prebiotics
No probiotics
Refined sugars
These all lead to a unbalanced gut microbiome, which leads to many of the daily issues we face.
Your gut and brain are connected through chemicals called neurotransmitters.
Neurotransmitters produced in the brain control feelings and emotions.
The neurotransmitter serotonin contributes to feelings of happiness, mood stabilization and also helps control your body clock.
Interestingly, many of these neurotransmitters are also produced by your gut cells and the trillions of microbes living there!
Did you know over 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut!?!?
That's right, your emotions and happiness neuro chemical is produced is the gut lining.
Your gut microbes also produce a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which helps control feelings of fear and anxiety.
Studies in laboratory mice have shown that certain probiotics can increase the production of GABA and reduce anxiety and depression-like behavior.
This can happen when the gut barrier becomes leaky, which allows bacteria and LPS to cross over into the blood.
By altering the types of bacteria in your gut, it may be possible to improve your brain health!
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore the connections of Soil, Gut and Mental health and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌳

6,509 trees planted
127.02 TONNES of Co2 reduction
Only open for 7 months, The Ninth Petal Healing & Transformation is much more than a supplement shop, we are a lifestyle shop with a focus on biodegradable products, zero waste products, the purest plant based medicines available from over 60 vendors and over 350 products available, what's stopping you?
For every 5$ spent we donate a portion to plant trees and climate fighting projects
No subscriptions.
No hidden agenda.
Just pure plant medicines to help on your healing journey of transformation
"When you Heal, We Heal"🙏🏽
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore the connections of Soil, Gut and Mental health and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

⭐🧘🏾♂️⭐NOW AVAILABLE ⭐🧘🏾♂️⭐
Natural Heavy metal Detox!
No subscriptions.
No hidden agenda.
Just pure plant medicines to help on your healing journey of transformation
Global Healing’s Heavy Metal & Chemical Cleanse is a blend of nine well-known, detoxifying ingredients like organic cilantro and parsley. This formula helps your body detox harmful chemicals and heavy metals. Eliminating toxins from your body with an all-natural formula like Heavy Metal & Chemical Cleanse can rejuvenate your energy levels, enhance your mental clarity, and boost your overall health.
Find this and much more
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore the connections of Soil, Gut and Mental health and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣
No subscriptions.
No hidden agenda.
Just pure plant medicines to help on your healing journey of transformation

SOMA Elixir : 7 Mushrooms + Vitamin C In ancient India, Soma was a legendary drink of the Gods. This drink was known for its power to grant immortality and absolute wisdom. To drink the Soma in sacred communion meant to receive the power of ecstasy, divine vision and healing of all illness. At Anima Mundi, we believe SOMA to be a function to denote that divine intelligence that is infused in the entire plant kingdom, bringing us the ultimate potential of healing and transformation. The medicinal properties of this formula are known to protect the immune system and vitality, soothe the lungs, increase endurance, help manage stress through its adaptogenic chemistry, enhance the digestive system, acts as a natural anti-biotic. Mushrooms are also known for their anti-bacterial, and anti-microbial properties. INGREDIENTS: Reishi* , Chaga^ , Maitake*, Shiitake*, Lions Mane* , Agaricus* , Cordyceps*, Schizandra Berries, Rose petals^, Rose Geranium*, Vegetable Glycerin,Cane Spirits
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore the connections of Soil, Gut and Mental health and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

Shilajit is commonly used in ayurvedic medicine. It's an effective and safe supplement that can have a positive effect on your overall health and well-being, from a cellular level. Simha shilajit is a complete trace mineral source, containing more than 84 carbon-bonded organic minerals that are preferred by the body. It is also a rich source of fulvic acid, a compound which increases delivery of the minerals into the cell, enhances the absorption of other compounds taken with it, Supplying mineral balance to the body in a natural way
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore the connections of Soil, Gut and Mental health and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

Soil, Gut and Mental health,
see how they are all connected at!
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore the connections of Soil, Gut and Mental health and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

T h e N i n t h P e t a l
H e a l i n g & T r a n s f o r m a t i o n
Has planted 🌳2,755🌳Trees
77.76 Tonnes of harmful Co2 avoided!!👣♻️
That's equivalent to 232 meters of sea ice saved!💧 🧊
🌳2,755🌳 trees planted with your funds for selfcare from our site!
1,477 of them have been in Madagascar.
We want to help reforest Africa and other parts of the world that have had forest destruction and devastation. This will lead to healthier soils so agriculture can be regained in these parts!
Madagascar is more than just an island from an animated movie.
It’s a nation with over 200,000 species of plants and animals that don’t exist anywhere else in the world.
But more than 90% of Madagascar’s original forests have been destroyed, displacing entire animal species and taking away the Malagasy’s ability to farm and live on the land.
Entire mangrove estuaries are gone, leaving the bare earth to wash away into the sea.
The Ninth Petal- with your self-care funds- support the non-profit Eden Reforestation Projects as they continue to reforest the island.
Eden are world leaders in responsible reforestation, having already planted 265 million trees and created 2.6 million work days for local communities.l
They have their own designated land, to the north west of the island, near Marataola.
Here they are planting in an area of 1,354 hectares (about 180km2). They'll be planting their first two million mangroves here, then they should be able to move along the coast as our contributions continue grow!
In theory, 751 million acres of degraded land in the tropics could be restored to continuous, intact forest.
Using current and estimated commitments from the Bonn Challenge and New York Declaration on Forests, our model assumes that restoration could occur on 435 million acres.
Through natural regrowth, committed land could sequester 1.4 tons of carbon dioxide per acre annually, for a total of 61.2 gigatons of carbon dioxide by 2050.

Find the Yoga Sutras of Patanjali @
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive
Metaphysical Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore self care, mindfulness, wellness and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

How does your health, relate to the planets health? Explore the Ninth Petal and learn more!
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive
Metaphysical Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore self care, mindfulness, wellness and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

Self care is the opposite of compare.
Worry about yourself.
Take time for your yourself
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive
Metaphysical Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore self care, mindfulness, wellness and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

Every 5$ you spend with , we plant 1 tree!🌳🌏♻️
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive
Metaphysical Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore self care, mindfulness, wellness and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

Happy Father's day to all the dads!
From The Ninth Petal!
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive
Metaphysical Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore self care, mindfulness, wellness and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

Why is 🦠Gut Health🦠 so important?
I believe firmly to help our planet and its people, we first have to help ourselves.
And I believe it starts with gut health.
Your mental problems.
Emotional issues.
Body inflammation
And overall well being, all start in the gut.
I personally, know it is very difficult to remove our habits, but our common diets are killing us from the inside out.
High processed foods
Not enough food diversity
Fried foods
Glyphosate(round up) contaminated foods
No prebiotics
No probiotics
Refined sugars
These all lead to a unbalanced gut microbiome, which leads to many of the daily issues we face.
Mood changes
Weight gain
How and why does this affect the brain?🧠
Your gut and brain are connected through chemicals called neurotransmitters.
Neurotransmitters produced in the brain control feelings and emotions.
The neurotransmitter serotonin contributes to feelings of happiness, mood stabilization and also helps control your body clock.
Interestingly, many of these neurotransmitters are also produced by your gut cells and the trillions of microbes living there!
Did you know over 90% of serotonin is produced in the gut!?!?
That's right, your emotions and happiness neuro chemical is produced is the gut lining.
Your gut microbes also produce a neurotransmitter called gamma-aminobutyric acid (GABA), which helps control feelings of fear and anxiety.
Studies in laboratory mice have shown that certain probiotics can increase the production of GABA and reduce anxiety and depression-like behavior.
This can happen when the gut barrier becomes leaky, which allows bacteria and LPS to cross over into the blood.
Inflammation and high LPS in the blood have been associated with a number of brain disorders including severe depression, dementia and schizophrenia- PubMd (source)
Millions of nerves and neurons run between your gut and brain.
Neurotransmitters and other chemicals produced in your gut also affect your brain.
By altering the types of bacteria in your gut, it may be possible to improve your brain health!

Today Juneteenth commemorates African American freedom and emphasizes education and achievement. It is a day, a week, and in some areas a month marked with celebrations, guest speakers, picnics and family gatherings. It is a time for reflection and rejoicing. It is a time for assessment, self-improvement and for planning the future. Its growing popularity signifies a level of maturity and dignity in America long over due. In cities across the country, people of all races, nationalities and religions are joining hands to truthfully acknowledge a period in our history that shaped and continues to influence our society today. Sensitized to the conditions and experiences of others, only then can we make significant and lasting improvements in our society.
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive
Metaphysical Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore self care, mindfulness, wellness and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

Meditate with a tool that you'll cherish and build your meditation practice with!
The Ninth Petal creates meditation malas as tools for a budding meditator or someone who is just beginning.
Blue Sky Moon Mala- Blue Kyanite and Moonstone -Plants 25🌳
Rare African Pietersite Guru Bead.
Blue Kyanite
Is one of the most popular forms of Kyanite. It comes in singing at high vibrations and like most blue colored crystals it connects to the throat chakra. Our throat chakra is where our truth comes from and when we are able to communicate this truth with the world and feel heard, we are on the path to achieving our fullest potential.
As ancient as the moon itself, the meaning of Moonstone lies within its energy.
This power can nourish, give passion, and awaken your feminine energies. It can heal and guide you to your inner path. Together with the waxing and waning of the moon, it evokes tranquility that has a sensual, esoteric feel to it. It exudes a glowing vitality that can re-energize the mind and body and wash negativity away. Since it is enveloped by strong rays of gold, blue, and purple, Moonstone is perpetually embraced with gleaming white energy that makes it a protective gem.
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive
Metaphysical Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore self care, mindfulness, wellness and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

Trust Your Gut with Ora Organics gut enzyme complex.
Available at
Our USDA Certified Organic Probiotic Blend contains 7 clinically documented and acid-resistant strains to give a comprehensive mix of probiotic species for optimal digestive health, immune function, mood balance, hair & skin health, and pathogen fighting support (candida, yeast, bacterial and viral). Each serving contains 20 billion probiotics along with crucial prebiotics which serves as fuel for probiotics and helps the good bacteria thrive in your gut so your probiotics work smarter, not harder. Unlike most probiotics, this does not require refrigeration because it's freeze-dried
🌿🌱🌳The Ninth Petal is a Carbon Positive
Metaphysical Holistic Wellness Shop.
We share the unique opportunity to explore self care, mindfulness, wellness and aid the planet as every item purchased lowers your carbon footprint👣 plants trees🌳 and funds projects to help remove and avoid Co2 emissions.
🌱👣🌳When You Heal, We Heal🌿👣🌳

T h e N i n t h P e t a l
H e a l i n g & T r a n s f o r m a t i o n
Has planted 🌳2,066🌳Trees
58 Tonnes of harmful Co2 avoided
1,322 of them have been in Madagascar.
We want to help reforest Africa and other parts of the world that have had forest destruction and devastation. This will lead to healthier soils so agriculture can be regained in these parts!
Madagascar is more than just an island from an animated movie.
It’s a nation with over 200,000 species of plants and animals that don’t exist anywhere else in the world.
But more than 90% of Madagascar’s original forests have been destroyed, displacing entire animal species and taking away the Malagasy’s ability to farm and live on the land.
Entire mangrove estuaries are gone, leaving the bare earth to wash away into the sea.
The Ninth Petal- with your self-care funds- support the non-profit Eden Reforestation Projects as they continue to reforest the island.
Eden are world leaders in responsible reforestation, having already planted 265 million trees and created 2.6 million work days for local communities.l
They have their own designated land, to the north west of the island, near Marataola.
Here they are planting in an area of 1,354 hectares (about 180km2). They'll be planting their first two million mangroves here, then they should be able to move along the coast as our contributions continue grow!
In theory, 751 million acres of degraded land in the tropics could be restored to continuous, intact forest.
Using current and estimated commitments from the Bonn Challenge and New York Declaration on Forests, our model assumes that restoration could occur on 435 million acres.
Through natural regrowth, committed land could sequester 1.4 tons of carbon dioxide per acre annually, for a total of 61.2 gigatons of carbon dioxide by 2050.
Only carbon stored in soil organic matter and aboveground biomass is accounted for; below-ground biomass is not included.
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3217 Hennepin Avenue Ste 4
Minneapolis, 55408
'Putting Your Health In Your Hands'. Molly Glasgow CA RMT integrates Acupressure, Reiki, and Reflexology to address pain, trauma, and immune function.
Hormone imbalance does not have to define you. There is hope, and there are solutions! Let's work tog
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Minneapolis, 55409
Changing Patterns Enhancing Health Creating Vibrant Life
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Minneapolis, 55405
Homeopathic consultations for adults, children and pets
314 Clifton Avenue
Minneapolis, 55403
Offering Rolfing Structural Integration and Somatic Experiencing trauma therapy. Helping people find healing and meaning through caring hands-on bodywork.
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Minneapolis, 55416
Heeling Reflexions - promoting better health with reflexology providing better relaxation and balance.
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I am a certified holistic nutritionist and here I share all my favorite whole food recipes!
Master Functional Pain Coach & Yoga Therapist Helping Free Women from Pain
Upon Client Request
SISU serves people who experience stress, crisis, trauma, and seek alternative methods of healing.
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Discover Your Purpose Each of us has a unique purpose in life. Often all it requires is a little laughter, unpacking, self exploration and healing to discover it. The Crystal Heal...