Jeroen de Wit QHHT Past Life regression hypnotist, Los Angeles, CA Videos

Videos by Jeroen de Wit QHHT Past Life regression hypnotist in Los Angeles. Past Life Therapy - Energy healing - Meditation - Reiki - Spiritual Counseling

Other Jeroen de Wit QHHT Past Life regression hypnotist videos

We live in a benevolent universe ✨ If you’re on a journey of spiritual awakening, this account is for you. Like & subscribe for more enlightening content ✨🫶🏼 #qhht #dolorescannon #qhhtpractitioner #qhhtlosangeles #jeroendewit #pastliferegression #pastlife #pastlives #selflove #qhhtlevel3 #qhhtsession #higherself #dimensions #frequency #frequencies

What are the benefits of doing a Past Life Regression?
9/28 PAST LIFE REGRESSION MEDITATION with @jeroenislove is Saturday Sept 28th at 7pm PT both in person at in Sherman Oaks or from the comfort of your own home via livestream ✨📺✨ If you can’t make it in real time, don’t worry - you get access to the replay for 48 hours 😎✨✨ Using Dolores Cannon’s group regression method, we’ll journey into our multi-dimensional nature in this 45-minute past life regression meditation✨✨ Please set up a yoga mat, banket, pillow & whatever else you need to feel comfortable!✨🛸✨ Jeroen was trained by Dolores in 2006 and has regressed thousands of people since. Personal sessions are typically 5 - 6 hours long - this is wonderful way to get a taste!l✨📖✨Jeroen’s work has been featured in the Hayhouse book “The Boy Who Knew Too Much” (An Astounding True Story Of A Young Boy’s Past Life Memories) by Cathy Byrd.✨ Link to tickets in bio🛸💜ABOUT JEROEN DE WIT 🦋🛸🦋His strange-looking name is actually a very common name in his country of origin: the Netherlands. This is where he started his journey into exploring consciousness. As a child Jeroen was aware of the more subtle layers of existence, and later, in his mid-twenties, a profound experience pushed him into learning how to embody these subtle dimensions and use them for healing himself and others. In 1997 he was introduced to a healing meditation technique, developed by gifted psychic Rheva LaRue. It opened him up to different layers of his being, helped him manage his energy and be more grounded in his body and on this beautiful Earth.#pastliferegression #pastlives #parallellives #paralleluniverse #hypnosis #qhht #dolorescannon #starseed #newearth #👽

Getting ‘entangled’ in the Earth project out of caring for what happens with it. 💝
If you’re on a journey of spiritual awakening, this account is for you. Like & subscribe for more enlightening content ✨🫶🏼#qhht #dolorescannon #qhhtpractitioner #qhhtlosangeles #jeroendewit #pastliferegression #pastlife #pastlives #selflove #qhhtlevel3 #qhhtsession #higherself #dimensions #frequency #frequencies #projectearth

Our souls chose our life including experiences and romantic partners, prior to being born.
#qhht #dolorescannon #qhhtpractitioner #qhhtlosangeles #jeroendewit #pastliferegression #pastlife #pastlives #selflove #qhhtlevel3 #qhhtsession #soulmate #twinflame

#qhht #dolorescannon #qhhtpractitioner #qhhtlosangeles #jeroendewit #pastliferegression #pastlife #pastlives #selflove #judgement #qhhtlevel3 #qhhtsession #alienabduction #experiencer #et #alien

During a QHHT session Akashic Records reader Amber Baker/The Malibu Medium channeled Thoth.

Sat 1/13 6:30-8:30 pm at Intomesea in Santa Monica. This regression is in-person only. We will begin with tea at 6:30. At 7 pm using Dolores Cannon’s group regression method, we’ll journey into our multi-dimensional nature accessing one or more of our other lifetimes! Sign up: #dolorescannon #qhht #qhhtpractitioner #grouppastliferegression #groupregression #pastliferegression #pastlives #pastlife #jeroendewit #intomesea #santamonica

The Higher Self shared a profound message on how to be true to yourself in this amazing QHHT session. Watch the entire segment in an episode of Journey Into The Soul available on @journeysintothesoul #journeyintothesoul #qhht #qhhtlosangeles #qhhtpractitioner #qhhtlevel3 #dolorescannon #pastliferegression #pastlife #betruetoyourself #jeroendewit #authenticity #higherselfhealing

Xanax Kitty! The cat was on anxiety meds and insulin but only the anxiety could be cleared as the cat’s free will determined that she wanted to get the insulin shots as a way to be close to her owner twice a day 😽 This is an example of a surrogate QHHT session where the Subconscious Mind (Higher Self) can heal someone other than the client who’s in a QHHT session. #cathealing #catanxiety #catdiabetes #healing #dolorescannon #qhht #qhhtpractitioner #qhhtlosangeles #qhhtsession #jeroendewit #matilijacanyon #ojai

SAMBA! My new love! I’m still struggling to get it right but it is so much fun. I spend so much time with my head in the ethers and there’s nothing else that brings most of myself back into my body like dance does. #samba #dancemedicine #sambamedicine #dance #brasilbrasilculturalcenter

From the perspective of the Soul there is no time, and all lives of a Soul are happening at once. 🤯 This is why sometimes a past life regression can seem to take place in our modern day and age, overlapping with the current lifetime. Part of your Soul alive right now in another body on Earth, in the same universe or a parallel one. 😃🤯 #qhht #qhhtpractitioner #dolorescannon #pastliferegression #pastlife #timedoesnotexist #souljourney #paralleluniverse #jeroendewit