Goat Restaurant
Korean Restaurant in Midcity since 2002
One chef from the day one. Goat Meat only. Traditional. Heal one chef
![Photos from Goat Restaurant's post](https://img3.findglocal.com/638/276/990797116382766.jpg)
Hi everyone,
Due to unexpected city road construction, we’ll be closed this morning. I’m sorry for the short notice and any inconvenience this may cause.
Thank you for understanding!
오늘은 얘기치않은 도로 공사로
한미정은 오전에 문을 닫습니다 ㅠ.ㅠ
건강한 염소로 저녁에 돌아오겠습니다.
Happy Fourth of July!!
We’re open until 7pm
Join us for a holiday bite.
¿Por qué Chivo?
Con más del 70% del mundo teniendo cabra como un principal elemento básico en su dieta, aprenda por qué cabra es una deliciosa y saludable adición a usted y a sus familias dieta.
el video que hice en Hmart
Hola, este es el primer anuncio español que hice. Somos un restaurante coreano especializado en chivo. Si desea disfrutar de la carne de cabra, visite este lugar.
Los coreanos comen sopa de chivo para mejorar su salud. Muchos adultos reciben tarjetas EBT para venir.
Coma bien y sea saludable.
The video that Hmart made for me
펜데믹때 만들었던 영어 광고입니다. GOAT(the Greatest Of All Time) 단어가 유행하는 단어가 되어서 많이 관심을 주셨던 광고라 기억에 남습니다.
농구 마이클조던 Basketball G.O.A.T
축구 리오넬 메시 Soccer G.O.A.T
하키 웨인 그레츠키 처럼 Hockey G.O.A.T
염소 식당중에 the Greatest Of All Time 으로 기억 되고 싶습니다.
#염소 #건강음식 #힘나는음식 #매일매일 #2002부터
TV 광고로 나갔던 2022년 한미정 광고
This is a TV commercial for Goat Restaurant that I made in 2022. It reminds me of my past memories.
#염소 #한미정 #엘에이 #추억 #옛광고
Did you know???
Goat meat is a healthier alternative to other red meats like beef, lamb, and pork. It is naturally lean, very nutritious and has a range of health benefits. The meat has less fat, less saturated fat, more iron, and about the same amount of protein compared to beef, pork, lamb, or chicken.
알고 계셨나요?
염소 고기는 자연적으로 기름기가 적고, 매우 영양가가 높으며, 다양한 건강상의 이점을 가지고 있습니다. 고기는 쇠고기, 돼지고기, 양고기, 또는 닭고기에 비해 지방이 적고, 포화 지방이 적으며, 철분이 많고, 거의 같은 양의 단백질을 가지고 있습니다.
#염소 #수육 #한미정 # 엘에이
![Photos from Goat Restaurant's post](https://img4.findglocal.com/966/297/891328389662973.jpg)
Introducing Our Halal Certified Goat Meat
For 22 years, our restaurant has proudly served goat meat, a cherished ingredient steeped in tradition. Recently, we discovered that our goat meat is halal certified, reflecting our commitment to inclusivity and respect for dietary practices. We invite you to experience the rich flavors of our halal-certified goat meat, a testament to our dedication to quality and cultural sensitivity.
Visit us
#건강음식 #염소 #엘에이 #식당 #한미정
저희 식당을 올해도 있게 해주신 분들께 너무나도 감사드립니다. 행복한 추수감사절 되세요 🙏
Dear our valued customers, as we approach the end of this year, we want to extend our heartfelt thanks for your continued support. Your patronage has meant the world to us, and we’re truly grateful for the opportunity to serve you. Wishing you all a wonderful holiday season ahead! #염소 #감사
![Photos from Goat Restaurant's post](https://img4.findglocal.com/184/034/802888051840341.jpg)
In 2002, Goat Restaurant opened, and at that time, I decided to pay $1200 for the first time and leave the advertisement to the radio station. I remember recording the advertisement and putting it on a cassette tape. And the second picture shows the price of food at that time, and it seems to be very different compared to the present. #2002 #2024 #한미정 #첫광고
![Photos from Goat Restaurant's post](https://img5.findglocal.com/657/914/981826066579142.jpg)
I had to put CHATGPT's knowledge to the test, so I asked about the benefits of eating goat meat, and guess what? CHATGPT came through with the answers! 🤩 It turns out, goat meat is actually a healthy choice for your diet. Thanks to CHATGPT for always providing me with interesting and helpful insights! 🙌 "
#쳇지피티 #새세상 #답 #염소 #건강음식 #한미정
![Photos from Goat Restaurant's post](https://img4.findglocal.com/991/295/981821279912954.jpg)
CHATGPT approves of the healthiness of goat meat! 🐐💪 쳇지피티에게 물었습니다. 염소 먹으면 어디에 좋니?
I had to put CHATGPT's knowledge to the test, so I asked about the benefits of eating goat meat, and guess what? CHATGPT came through with the answers! 🤩 It turns out, goat meat is actually a healthy choice for your diet. Thanks to CHATGPT for always providing me with interesting and helpful insights! 🙌 "
#염소 #쳇지피티 #건강음식 #엘에이 #식당한미정
내눈엔 염소만 보여!!! When I first laid eyes on this menu, my goat instincts kicked in, and I immediately went on a mission to locate the word "goat." And guess what? 뱀!!! There it was, right in front of me! I must say, I have some serious goat-finding skills. #직업병 #염소음식전문
Ojingeobokkem= Stir-fried squid with udon served at your restaurant is a mix of traditional Korean food stir-fried squid with Japanese udon noodles. The squid is chewy, and the udon noodles add a soft, chewy texture.
The combination of squid and udon noodles adds a strong flavor and aroma, and young people in the United States also love to enjoy this concoction. Also, udon is a traditional Japanese food, and adding udon noodles to stir-fried squid is a food that harmoniously connects the cultures of Korea and Japan. 한국 전통 음식인 오징어볶음에 우동사리를 혼합한 음식입니다. 오징어는 쫄깃하게 조리되어있으며 우동사리는 부드럽고 쫄깃한 식감을 더해줍니다. 우동사리 더하는것은 한국과 일본의 문화를 조화롭게 이어주는 음식이라고 할수 있습니다. 🌶 #내피셜 #오징어볶음 #오징어우동사리 #한국음식 #한국음식점 #엘에이 #피코 #크랜샤 #염소식당 #한미정
Our restaurant serves stir-fried garlic tripa using beef intestines and beef honeycomb. The Beef intestines and beef honeycomb are different in meat quality, so they have a richer flavor, and minced garlic and chopped garlic add a rich aroma to make them more delicious. Jalapeño and sesame seeds add a savory and cool taste. 마늘곱창볶음= 곱창과 소양을 자른마늘과 다진 마늘을 참기름에 볶아서 제공합니다. 강한 양념이어서 콩나물국과 같이 제공하고 술을 드시분들이 많이 찾으시는 메뉴입니다. 담백하면서도 깊은맛을 느낄수 있게 조리합니다. 🇰🇷 #마늘곱창볶음 #곱창 #양 #간마늘 #자른마늘 #할라페뇨 #깨 #참기름 #볶음
Yukgyejang is one of Korea's representative broth dishes, and is a soup made by boiling brisket, various vegetables, and red pepper powder together. The broth is beef and various vegetables are boiled together to give it a clear and clean taste. Red pepper powder is added to add a spicy taste, and seasoning ingredients such as garlic, ginger, and green onion are added to create a savory and deep taste. 육계장은 한국의 대표적인 국밥 요리 중 하나로, 양념된 소고기와 대파, 고추 등을 함께 끓여 만든 스프입니다. 육수의 맛과 함께 소고기의 맛과 풍미가 어우러져 매우 맛있는 음식 중 하나입니다. .
TV Commercial in Korean
한국어 전원일기 음악 광고
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Contact the restaurant
4100 West Pico Boulevard #12
Los Angeles, CA
Opening Hours
Monday | 10am - 8pm |
Tuesday | 10am - 8pm |
Wednesday | 10am - 8pm |
Thursday | 10am - 8pm |
Friday | 10am - 8pm |
Saturday | 10am - 3pm |