Yana Hama

Yana Hama


What is advertising in simple words - what are its goals and objectives, types and functions


Complaints are submitted in writing and contain the following data: name of the product; its quantity and location; the basis for the complaint, indicating in connection with which particular shortcomings it can be presented; specific requirements of the importer for its settlement.


But people in the advertising industry disagree. They believe that advertising is a certain kind of activity. There is some truth in each option, so it would be fair to say that advertising is information produced in the course of a certain type of activity.


Many people argue which definition is more reliable. According to the law, advertising is information that is disseminated in order to attract customers.


Advertising is a prepaid form of information dissemination.

Advertising is one of the most effective ways to convey information previously developed by marketers to potential customers.


Advertising is a certain type of marketing activity that is aimed at disseminating paid information to attract consumers and increase sales.

Advertising is information that is conveyed to the consumer in several ways, while containing information about a particular product, service, etc. This is done to popularize products in order to draw attention to the advertised object.


Now, probably, you will not find a person who would not have at least the slightest idea about advertising. All due to the fact that it is present almost everywhere.

All people understand what is meant by the term "advertising", but few can define this term. If literally translated from Latin, we get "shout, inform, shout out." In fact, there are many interpretations of the word "advertising". Let's take a look at some of them.

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