Bobbi Vogel - Etheric Medicine
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Redefining Faith + Healing + Life Purpose
Clairvoyant - Spiritual Healer
God's Work
Medicine for the Mind, Body + Soul
•Clairvoyant Healer
What is your unique resonance? Group + Private Sessions
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Wow. I posted this 9 months ago from England. Unbeknownst to me, my life, my being, would begin its own great unraveling on this very day. Everything in my world has been reorganized to make way for a higher purpose.
Within a few weeks of this video, I was back in California packing up and closing down what was my dream clinic. I left on an almost 6 month pilgrimage through Italy, Spain, Bali and England.
I will never be the same.
I did and still do lean in on everything I share in this video.
Faith and reverence being the greatest of all tools.
I will share more about this soon but thought to share the video again in the event you’re out there needing to hear it ♥️
Say YES to the REORGANIZATION 💫 Say YES to the REORGANIZATION 💫All is divinely guided by our soul and our team. 🕊️🙏🏼 Lean on FAITH - an unwavering knowing you are divinely guided as a l...

City of Lakewood, California Government is attempting to close down this 80 year old equestrian center where 100 HORSES will be displaced because they want to build a skatepark. They attempted to pass this vote behind closed doors.
The center serves many different communities with horse therapy and other services.
These poor horses will be devastated to be taken from their home where they are with their family. They feel as much as we do, if not more honestly. Most will end up in a kill pen and slaughtered.
PLEASE SIGN THE PETITION and share this link on your own page -
This is devastating.
I smell privatization 👃🏻 in the air … as horse therapy has become so lucrative…
Sign the Petition Save Lakewood Equestrian Center

Birthday golf and Cooks Champagne ⛳️ 🍾
When it’s all they have.. it tastes delicious 😆

Video is almost 4 years old. It’s on faith and purpose … here we are.
Enjoy my passionate plea ♥️✝️🙏🏼
It is what we must get back to.
FAITH IS OUR TOUCHSTONE FOR ETHERIC HEALING AND LIVING YOUR PUROSE Bobbi Vogel shares a channeled message from spirit that everything starts with faith.Experience healing with Bobbi directly: http://healingwithbobbi.comNo ma...

Prayer of St. Francis
A screen shot off the wall of Cathedral in Assisi January 7th on my pilgrimage ✝️
Lord, make me an instrument of your peace.
Where there is hatred, let me sow love;
Where there is injury, pardon;
Where there is doubt, faith;
Where there is despair, hope;
Where there is darkness, light;
Where there is sadness, joy.
Oh Divine Master,
grant that I may not so much seek To be consoled as to console;
To be understood as to understand;
To be loved as to love;
For it is in giving that we receive;
It is in pardoning that we are pardoned;
And it is in dying
that we are born to Eternal Life.
And so it is and so it is and sow it is

The final stage of my new nest 🦅 is now manifesting in what feels like my own church, my space of divinity where I continue to heal, remembering all the teachings of the Saints, God, Jesus, Mary….
It is hard to choose which pictures out of thousands to hang. These are a few profound snapshots in time
as my hand rested on the stone of this cathedral asking for strength 🖐️ God shared some beautiful, private messages with me, for me… for now, but the most beautiful truth is that we are already perfect .. perfect in our pain and all the experiences that brought us to it. Forgive yourself for you are already forgiven - in the eyes of God there is nothing to forgive. Shame is the greatest powerlessness and an illusion of the ego, not the soul.
So much reverence for my soul and for the courage of my humanity. Some days I am astounded by the ability to withstand deep deep pain. My roots are deep in my faith 🙏🏼 I know beyond know that I am divinely guided as we all are and I am so grateful for this knowing. I am so grateful for my courage and the depths I have allowed it to take me for I know it is all in service to a greater purpose, my souls mission, one I am devout to. There is nothing that matters more to me.
As I stare into these photos remembering the moment… this is what is on my heart ♥️
I look forward to sharing more 🙏🏼✝️💫♥️
Thank you God. ✝️
Thank you Bobbi you courageous badass $&% # #%*! 😆
I think I may shut down Facebook.

I traveled to Sedona a few weeks ago and worked with some lovely personalities embodied in horses!
The stories these beautiful, brilliant creatures share are so profound in their emotion. They have conscious wants and needs just as we do, the problem is that they have no voice to express them in their uniqueness.
If we could know .. would we listen?
It has been a heartwarming experience to be in the presence of someone who cares so deeply for each one of her horses and their individual needs. We spent the next morning running around buying all the things they asked for 🤣. Most of all their emotional needs are being met and they are healing individually and together. All is well ♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️♥️
I absolutely LOVE being in service to such magnificent beings. We have so much to learn from them for ultimately they are our greatest mirrors.
Thanks for listening and being inspired to bring me to your beautiful family. A true honor 🙏🏼
HORSES CAN TRANSFORM ♥️ Testimonial about two days spent with some horses and the transformation that took place for the horses and the human ♥️💫🐴The horses shared many details of...

I used to give these hats to the beautiful souls who divinely gathered for my in person spirit led groups.
I am being called to begin them again somewhere here in Long Beach or perhaps if you’d like to gather a group in your home or somewhere I’d be down for that too. Although I’m truly feeling the in person, I will likely put together a Zoom soon as well, since so many of you are not local.
Links out soon. 🔜 💫

Can you feel the rumble?

I’ve written my first of many EBooks and hope you’ll be uplifted by The Power of Spirit and allow the knowing of this truth into your own life 🙏🏼✝️💫♥️
*this is a collaboration between myself and spirit (Maeve) Past and present tenses are mixed, as there is no time in that realm, lines are definitely blurred as past, present and future are all happening simultaneously. Enjoy the story of this badass mom.
Book overview:
This is the story of Maeve Kennedy McKean and her 8-year old son Gideon who both tragically drowned on the Chesapeake Bay April 2nd of 2020 in a canoe accident. Maeve was recovered on April 6th, but authorities had yet to recover her son after an intensive search in challenging weather. They were getting ready to call off the search when Maeve came through to me, a medium, on the morning of the 7th, pleading for help so her son could be found. She was frantic and said that she would not cross over, she would not leave her son until he was also recovered. Maeve’s sheer will, intense love for her son, the power of Spirit and faith are demonstrated over a 24 hour period. She insisted the search team would not know where to look unless they knew what had happened, nothing would make sense otherwise.
I was transported to various places, to see through my own eyes as well as Maeve's to understand the details of what had happened and how to articulate this to the search team, as she insisted I do. Ultimately, armed with sketches, screenshots and direct instructions as to where they would recover Gideon I made the call to the Maryland Natural Resources Police. Gideon was recovered on April 8th a short time later.
We were collaborators for those 24 hours as we are now in the writing of this story.
Maeve's strength astounds as she has powerful messages intended to support humanity in this time of need.
The Power of Spirit: A Mother's Love The Power of Spirit: A Mother's Love

There are unique places waiting for your undivided attention, it is a private journey with the soul. What is charged for one may not be for another. The well worn places are receding in order to protect what is there and also lead you back to the self. The placebo effect of adrenaline for following a group or a guru will fade and back to square one you will be. Turn to self, soul, spirit, God and the ancestors for the places that are meant for you.

The calm breath of humility ..
not faithless desperation
The difference in resonance is the barrier to truth, the knowing of our soul

Laura had a leak 🌧️ and I had peanut 🥜 butter toast. 🥖 🍷
♥️ ✝️ 🕯️

Brilliant question 🌈
It is an illusion afterall

Subscribe and watch ♥️
This video is intended to inform what I have learned from male bodies and Spirit about prostate cancer and the need for men to heal deeply. The fascia speaks and teaches from a place of brilliance that astounds.
We need to hold the space for men to break down and heal their deep traumas without fear of what us women will think, or fight their way through the expectations of men to be stronger than women emotionally.
The world will drastically when men heal their core wounds without spiritualizing them, as is the way in the current health and wellness system.
RISE IN PROSTATE CANCER This video is intended to inform what I have learned from male bodies and Spirit about prostate cancer and the need for men to heal deeply. The fascia speaks...

I ran into a burning building to get her
blanketed only by faith 🔥 ✝️♥️ Because I said I would. So I did.
I am reverent to my agreements and my mission.
I may look away momentarily because I am human but I will never lose sight of her again. We made it out 🙏🏼💫
Only YOU can go back in ♥️
Be courageous. Be reverent. Be Love.
.Until then they will be implementing survival techniques while trying to resemble an adult. Eventually the truth reveals by the grace of God.
And so it is

My Italian Love ❤️ 🐈⬛ Our last morning together before I left.
This is Grace, she wandered in off the patio on my first morning in Italy 3 months ago. She came into the kitchen where I was making an espresso and looked up at me through boogery eyes. We started a conversation about whether she has a home etc and I shared with her that her timing to come find me was divinely impeccable because I was having a really hard time. An incredible unraveling, dark night of the soul was unfolding and I was already clinging to faith like a life raft.. little did I know I hadn’t yet hit the rapids! 🤪✝️ 😅 It was moment by moment for me, as it should be for all of us approaching the rapids with the pre game swirling waters s**t show. So I named her Grace. She ended up laying on my lap for hours, so needless to say, I didn’t budge. I assumed she was a stray, She clung to me and slept with me that night on my chest with her paw on my mouth. Just what my heart needed ♥️ I asked the neighbors if she belonged to anyone because I’d like to take her to the vet to get her some antibiotics at this point. The neighbor assured me she was a stray So I went to the pet store and got a carrier, food, a blanket etc for her. The next day I took her to the vet and explained how she came to be in my care and that i wanted whatever she needed for her eyes. Then I asked if it’s possible or she is pregnant because she had kind of a goat belly for such a small cat. An ultrasound revealed she had a huge pocket of infection in her uterus and that it could burst and kill her. There I sat 2 days in with Grace waiting for them to operate (see picture). Ultimately she had sought me out for help and knew I’d give it, as we all should. I nursed her back to health, had to take her every day for after care then back home. Turns out she does have a house but stayed through recovery then there she was every morning at the door like clockwork where we would sit together on the patio while I wrote and she basked in the sun. ☕️ I miss her ♥️ All is well 🦅 and I am grateful 🙏🏼 Closer to and a deep for my and my purpose have revealed

Gods creatures - emotional brilliance - be kind 🐴

Doesn’t need proof - it just is..
The I Am - The We Are
What does this mean for you?

Insights over lunch 😁

The Italian sun rises 💝 💓 for another day of adventuring to divinely guided places and spaces.
Inward in the truest sense..

Cathedrals make my heart sing ♥️⛪️

The journey back in to retrieve yourself is not easy, but necessary.
🌍 💫🦅
Faith 🛟
🔦 🙏🏼 ♥️
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