Kia Downs License Massage Therapist & Reike Practitioner

Kia Downs License Massage Therapist & Reike Practitioner


Rieke Practitioner LVL 2. and License Massage Therapist- VIRGINIA

Photos from Kia Downs License Massage Therapist & Reike Practitioner's post 11/15/2024

Stardust and Starbright, I am delighted to announce my professional milestone. Upon graduating from Massage school in July 2024 and successfully passing the MBLEX exam, I obtained my Massage Therapist license in Virginia, effective August 2024. Thank you for all your support me and my growth. Now I offer Reike session, Prenatal and Swedish massage. I am looking to continue expand my knowledge and skills..


Bye bye, September! Hello there, October!!!

Happy new month, bright and shining stars!!

The trees are about to show us how wonderful it is to let go!

May this new month bring us everything we desire.

What changes do you need to make in your life to move forward in a better direction?

It's a process, and while others may not understand yours or what you're going through, that's fine. You will succeed if you persevere with trust and hard work.


I am excited! Getting ready for two reiki session today! I hope everyone has amazing Sunday!!


daily message
1.describe your day
-four (4) cups: Lack inspiration or excitement. this can come through as feeling stuck or feeling limited
2. something important to be mindful
-eight (8) of pentacle: great news. focus on steady progress and one step at a time rather than the final goal. Go forth developing the skill!! ๐Ÿ˜Šโœจ๏ธ
3. what to embrace to have best day possible
-two (2) of cups : the best way embrace the day would be the power and experience of love. There are many times of different โค๏ธ.

Have awesome Tuesday! create what you want!! ๐Ÿ’–โœจ๏ธ๐Ÿ

Photos from Kia Downs License Massage Therapist & Reike Practitioner's post 09/13/2022

For me, it is either tea or coffee โ˜•๏ธ today tea won! Daily message coming Soon โœจ๏ธ


As I work on my passion and enjoy my healing space, I notice my energetic fearless Sapphire napping on my workspace, taking care not to knock anything off. Moments like this make me feel grateful and at peace.

What keeps you center in moment?


Good Morning Starshines & Starbright!! ๐ŸŒŸ

I'd like to invite you to share this moment with me. Despite the fact that I awoke later. I was up earlier than usual. I did, however, get up early enough to eat breakfast, pack my lunch, and drink tea with daily messages.

Here are the daily spiritual animal/insect messages: The bee reminds us to rejoice in both small and large occasions. Furthermore, harmony is a capable. The question is, how does Harmony appear to you?

Queen of Spring and Six of Spring tarot cards These ladies have lovely messages. Queen encourages you to have belief in yourself!! There are people who want to assist us. We only need to open to support. Six of Spring wants us to be aware that wonderful news is on its way and that you continue to make wise decisions because you are talented and brilliant.

secret garden (top card) It is acceptable to move and simply be.

Affirmation comes from crystal wisdom (bottom card). " I allow the Creativity of my soul to shine through into my world "

Thank you for sitting with me and message. Have amazing Tuesday!!

Photos from Kia Downs License Massage Therapist & Reike Practitioner's post 08/29/2022

I am beyond excited to announce my space is set up!! ๐Ÿ˜ I am 100% happy with it. It has turn in my favorite place to just be!! And enjoy the moment ๐Ÿฅฐ


Good day starshine & star brights.
I want to hear what you have accomplished! No matter how small or large the accomplishment is, I want to hear it all! You ask why. Well, let me tell you why!

I am proud of you! I am proud because I know there is an unspoken or unheard story that has led you to your accomplishments. You are doing great! deserve to be recognized!! So, allow me to celebrate you and your efforts and accomplishments!!


Good Morning star brights & star shines!! everything coming along. In meantime, I invite everyone to sit and ponder on with today's quota ๐Ÿฅฐ

Photos from Kia Downs License Massage Therapist & Reike Practitioner's post 05/12/2022

Hello and welcome, everyone!

Because my day job keeps me very busy, I'd like to take few moments to share a major life event with you, which is why posting will be sporadic. As you can see from my little helper, I'm packing to move!

Such a big deal. In September 2021, my husband and I married, and we started 2022 as husband and wife. We are relocating from our apartment to a house. Which is huge! I didn't expect to be so soon, but here we are. ๐Ÿ˜ I am more grateful for all support from friends, family, and my followers.

With my new home, I've designated an area for all of my crafting and creating. I'm considering where to place the Rieki table. I have a few thoughts. My husband and I are very excited about this new chapter in our lives. I am delighted to share on my page with all starlight and starshines.

Thank you for your kind words, constructive words and support. May your days warm and welcome magic of new beginning โœจ๏ธ ๐Ÿ’– ๐ŸŒŸ


Ta**us Eclipse April 2022
solar eclipse on April 30
solar eclipse is in Ta**us
THEME: Abundance
SUB THEME: give up Control/rebellious attitude/ restiance to change

On April 30th, a mesmerizing Solar Eclipse in Ta**us reveals a roadmap for deep transformation. The Sun and Moon are in a progressive conversation with several celestial energies who are all rooting for your transformation. Vibration disturbances will make previously inaccessible areas accessible, and opportunities will abound to transport you into a new world of rich possibilities.Eclipses are always transformative, so if any change comes your way, look for the open doors that follow. Pay attention to your intuition and keep in mind that any changes will only bring you closer to where you need to be.

quick snapshot:
*Breakdown in new beginning (in area you want most control in) with breakthrough ( tower moment and growing again).
*embrace sense of humor and not engaging with others during and after solar eclipse.

journal prompt
How can you rework your life to be a more accurate reflection of your true self?

What do I truly value and want to see more of?

What work do I genuinely enjoy doing?

What do the terms "status" and "success" mean to me?

I look for opportunities in everything that comes my way.

I am worthy of receiving abundance, love, and everything that is in alignment with my highest destiny.

I am grateful for all of the lessons that have come as a result of difficult times and people.

Thank you for reading and supporting my page. This is how I interpreted and precieved solar eclipse in Ta**us. Have amazing weekend ๐Ÿ™‚



Pluto retrograde April 29th to October 8

Pluto is planet of transformation (Death and Rebirth)

Retrograde takes place in Capricorn

THEME: Time for deep soul healing
Sub theme: shifting into awareness of fear and attachment. (embrace acceptance, feel it, and let it go)
Healing focus -inner child to young adult

โญ๏ธOn Friday, April 29th, 2022 (today), old wounds and emotions will emerge from the subconscious. (unaware or conscious wounds, or wounds we thought we had healed from)
โญ๏ธEmotions will be up and down during this time.

๐ŸŒปReminder : Be gentle with yourself and those around you. Show yourself grace and love. Ask for support if you are having difficulty holding space for yourself.

โญ๏ธIf you are experiencing resistance or avoidance, it is time to look within and sit with yourself.

๐ŸŒป reminder: with Pluto interacting with the third eye, grounding will be extremely beneficial during the retrograde period in which Pluto taps into our subconscious.

journal prompt
*I choose to rebirth by.....
*I am at my most powerful when...
*What no longer works in my life...
*I relinquish control of...
* I hold myself back when...
*look back in your past. What do I wish I'd known back then that I now know? Make a list of points, and then consider how you can apply those points to what you are currently experiencing.
*Seeing as Pluto is the planet of death and rebirth, consider what you want to see reborn in your own life and for the planet. Make a note of it, draw a picture of it, or imagine it in your mind's eye.

Affirmation:I accept the changes that must occur in my life and let go of fear and worry.

I am the living embodiment of death and rebirth. I'm always constantly evolving.

conclusion: A greater love for our lives, for others, for who we were and who we will become.

This is how I perceived and interpreted Pluto retrograde. Thank you for reading and support. Have warm blessed day โญ๏ธ๐ŸŒป๐Ÿ’


Timeline photos 11/11/2021

Today, we pay tribute to more than 19 million of our citizens who at one time wore the uniform of the United States military to serve and protect our way of life and principles for which we stand. In peace and in war, every Veteran made a difference both on the home front and in distant corners around the globe defending our vital interests in partnership with our allies. Happy Veterans Day.

(Art courtesy Matt Tavares)

Timeline photos 09/22/2021

Today brings the Equinox and the start of Libra Season.

This is a point of transition and the halfway mark through the astrological year.

We can think back to the start of this journey which began on the March Equinox.

How much has changed in the world and your life since this time?

We are now on the next leg of the journey.

Use the creative and heightened spiritual energies of today for ritual work, to align, to create balance in your life, and to connect with your soul.

Ask for signs from the Universe and Mother Earth. Honor your own intuition.

Equinox forecast for you here-

Libra Season forecast for you here-

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I am excited! Getting ready for two reiki session today! I hope everyone has amazing Sunday!! Welcome Starshine and starbright ๐Ÿ˜๐Ÿ’—
Hope you had a relaxing Sunday ๐Ÿ’—๐ŸŒŸ




Leesburg, VA