Vendor 146 at Sell It Here
Vendor 146 at Sell It Here features an eclectic mix of one-of-a-kind furniture, home decor and Parisian finds.

Countdown for Paris Treasures begins!
Aug 3rd we will be receiving newly discovered treasures, fresh from Paris France.
Our son Joshua will be home (via a business trip) he, Christelle and two Granddaughters have been finding one-of-a-kind treasures for you!
Look for our Pink Paris Tags for specially selected and hand delivered treasures.

Newly Added to the booths.
Check out some of your favorite picks for this weekend.
(Sold - The Majestic Eagle has just soared to new Hights,)
However, there are other treasures awaiting to be discovered.
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

We have been truly blessed this month with new items for our 2 booths.
Huge Thank you, to the very generous Shoppers and Donners, we are so very grateful to you.
Because of your generosity we are able to support local and worldwide, Children and Women Ministries.
Extra shout out to Jacob and Jasmine for your overwhelming support and generosity,
Amy for a surprised, 3-hour pop-up yard sale, that surpassed my expectations,
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Jeff' corner is looking amazing!
When you see Jeff or Stan ask them the story about why we call this booth Jeff's corner. Lol
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Highlighting some of our of new to the booth items!
Check out the amaxing finds this week,
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Freshly stocked and ready for your shopping enjoyment,
We have just added newly found treasures.
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Thank you for your overwhelming support!
Through your shopping, donating, sharing, and praying, you are making a huge difference,
While Noemi and Eric were here, we went shopping to purchase items they were needing, for the orphans, they over see in Guatemala.
As you may know part of the proceed from our 2 Booths go to help support women and children ministries. (Please see link below)
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

We were thrilled to have Noemi, Eric, and family stop by the booth this week!
They are our dear friends who help run the orphanage in Guatemala.
Currently, back in the states for a quick trip visiting family (In Green Bay).
We were delighted that they took precious time and stopped by for an all too quick visit.
Please see link below to learn more about their amazing ministry and labor of love.
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Count Down to the 4th of July Continues!
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Let Freedom Ring, the 4th of July will quickly be here!
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Beat the heat and shop in the cool air-conditioned at Sell It Here!
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Just a reminder we are having a Longaberger sale in honor of all basket lovers.... like Elaine and Jenn
Longaberger Baskets,
If you are a collector or have an eagle eye like Elaine Hillier, we have them for you!
Elaine can spot a Longaberger basket all the way from Canada. Thanks Elaine and Jenn Kerkhoff for your generous support.
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.

Fun in the Summer Sun,
Baskets, Beach, and Blue, check out what is new!
We continue celebrating summer featuring our Ozark pickings.

Fresh off the road, and in the booths, for you.
Check out our Ozark back roads picking finds.
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Longaberger Baskets,
If you are a collector or have an eagle eye like Elaine Hillier, we have them for you!
Elaine can spot a Longaberger basket all the way from Canada. Thanks Elaine and Jenn Kerkhoff for your generous support.
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.

In honor of Cody the Photographer birthday go check out his hilarious new post and give him a!

Our picking trip- part 3
If you are near Casey Il, stop in and meet Deb the owner of Deborah's Attic.
Thank you, Deb, for the shop tour.
Deb worked for the university and upon retiring opened her antique store. Deb told us the story of Jim and his vision to bring the dying town back to life. Jim builds one of a kind world record big things each marked with a corresponding scripture.
What a cute town
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Our Ozark Hunting trip story continues- Part 2
Antique Stores come in all shapes and sizes. From the beautifully curated to the rusty crusty we enjoyed meeting, different store owners.
Meet Earl-
Earl is the owner of a Rusty Crusty (see photo). His items were covered in thick dust, the sign said open, but Earl loved his junk.
We watched as customers tried to buy things and Earl ran them off by grumbling at them then, quoting sky high prices for his rusty crusty.
Challenge accepted, finding a few items marked with a sharpie and some not marked,
I approached Earl and ask if he would allow me to purchase a few of his fine treasures. Holding my breath waiting for gruff, grumpy, and the sky-high prices, Earl said "I Like You, I'll sell to you! I even got a hug!"
Victory, I won the Picking Challenge!!!!, so look for the telegraph insulator and brass pots, you might see Earls sharpie pen signature.
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

We have been hunting the Back Roads of the Ozarks (Mo, Ok, Ark and Ill) to find one-of-a-kind treasures. Long the way we have met some amazing shop owners.
Mary (Whippoorwill Antiques-Marshall, IL ) who taught us, you are never too old to follow your dreams. At the age of 60 she and her husband open their shop. 28 years later she is still going strong.
Thanks, Mary, for your hospitality.
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

This week we have generous donator's who both, have a passion for orphans, tea and pretty things. Thank You, Cindy and Priscilla, for your generous donations.
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Triva Questions:
Where and how old were you, when you took your first trip to the beach?
Where is your favorite place to go on vacation?
(Comment below)
Mine was when I was in my 30's, on a church trip to Fla. the Gulf of Mexico.
JB Farrel picked me up and threw me in. I saw the top, middle, and floor of the Gulf
My favorite beach is Zuma Beach, Malibu California.
Most of the shells in our booth are, from walks on the beaches of Malibu.
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Stockwell High School
Rare find this week a 1904 Stockwell High School, textbook.
Commit below if you can tell me where Stockwell High School was located.
Pam Wolf, Jeri Harris, Teresa Lappin, Jeff Maxwell, or anyone else?
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Our Beach Front - Fun in the Sun continues this week.
We have added these two cute platter home decor pieces.
Coming soon is a shipment of vintage Longenberger baskets and collector items.
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

This cute hand painted cabinet just arrived at the booth.
While you are here check out Cody the Photographer's amazing one-of-a-kind prints.
check out his website,
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Newly restocked and restyled.
We are honored to have amazing One-of-a-kind photos by,
Cody the Paragrapher.
Check his links out below, to see some familiar faces, and Codys incredible talent!
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

New items arriving in the booth.
We have recently acquired unique and One-of-a-Kind Treasures, waiting for you to discover! Look for the redesign as MaryAnn is currently powering up her screw gun. It's going to be fun!
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Adorable, New Arrivals at the booth.
It's been a great week for reconnecting with generous, friends who have blessed Shiloh Treasures ministries outreach.
Your liking, sharing, donating, and shopping makes a huge difference.
Thank you!
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes

Summertime Fun!!!
We are here to help you get ready for back yard BBQs, fun in the sun, and toes in the sand.
Stop by Sell It Here, cool airconditioned oasis, where the vast array of hidden treasures lay awaiting to be discovered. Not to mention hours of fun for all!
Our 2 booths can be found in rows 1 and 3, in the Antique section of Sell-It-Here, Lafayette In.
Portion of Proceeds from our booths go towards, women and children ministries, locally and worldwide.
Thank you again for your support.
Hands of Compassion Children's Homes
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3805 Fortune Drive
Lafayette, IN
Opening Hours
Monday | 10am - 6pm |
Tuesday | 10am - 6pm |
Wednesday | 10am - 6pm |
Thursday | 10am - 6pm |
Friday | 10am - 6pm |
Saturday | 10am - 6pm |
Sunday | 12pm - 5pm |
2145 S. 4th Street
Lafayette, 47905
Vendor 341 is now at Leaping Leopard - 2145 South 4th Street Lafayette, IN - in Valley Plaza Mark and I are having fun finding unique items to offer at Leaping Leopard in our booth...
3805 Fortune Drive
Lafayette, 47905
Booth at sell it here - Location - 3805 Fortune Dr, Lafayette, IN 47905
Lafayette, 47905
Welcome to our mom and daughter antique and collectable store. We are happy to have you visit!
Sell It Here Store 3805 Fortune Drive
Lafayette, 47905
2145 S. 4th Street
Lafayette, 47905
Located inside of Leaping Leopard Antiques in Lafayette, IN. Offering a variety of quality antiques.
2137 S 4th Street
Lafayette, 47905
Stop by Booth #10 at Klassy Klutter for a variety of collectibles including Purdue/Lafayette memorabilia, globes, coins/currency, books, license plates and unique vintage items. Ne...
2415 Sagamore Parkway South Suite A-7
Lafayette, 47905
Bird N Bee Antiques. Vintage.Antique.Handmade. New items arrive for sale weekly!
3805 Fortune Drive
Lafayette, 47905
Lafayette's largest and cleanest resale shop featuring over 55,000 sq. ft. and over 500 booths!
Lafayette, 47909
We are a new indoor flea market with booths available to the public message for pricing
2145 S 4 Street
Lafayette, 47905
Antique shop in Lafayette near Purdue University..Specializing in FIREKING glassware. Variety of fur
3805 Fortune Drive Suite 110
Lafayette, 40291
One stop shop for all your primitive, vintage, antique, handmade, upcycled, Junkin buddy, refinished furniture, cool fashions & new home decor needs.
2145 S. 4th Street
Lafayette, 47905
Oldest antique mall in Lafayette, IN. 13,500 sq ft mall with 35 dealers. Offering traditional antiques, mid-century modern, primitives, j***y to funky, farmhouse, & collectibles.