Herteen & Stocker Jewelers, Iowa City, IA Videos

Videos by Herteen & Stocker Jewelers in Iowa City. Your family jewelry is our family business

Other Herteen & Stocker Jewelers videos

Due to the ice, we are going to try and open around 1pm! We will keep you posted! Please call us before coming downtown! ☎️ 319-338-4212

Happy Birthday to Willa! He’s 96 today!!

Here we go! Day #9! Willa’s birthday is on the 12th!!!!! A few more chances to win!!!!

Reminder: We are open this Sunday from 12-4!

Day 7!!!!

This snow is giving us all the holiday feels.

Is this jewelry heaven? No, it’s Iowa City!!!

Last day at the rjo show!!! We have sooo much fun new stuff coming soon!!!!! We are so excited to share it with you! We will begin receiving the new goodies very soon!!!! Stay tuned!!!!! @rjoinc

Day 2!!!!!!!!! #rjostrong