Find religious centers in Herndon, VA. Listings include Grace & Truth Bible Church - Iglesia Bíblica Gracia & Verdad, Iglesia ACyM Herndon, Virginia, Southview Community Church, Dranesville Church of the Brethren, Community of Faith UMC, 열린문 장로교회 Open Door Presbyterian Church ODPC.
Glorificamos el nombre de nuestro Dios haciendo discipulos de todas las naciones, seguidores y adoradores de Jesucristo, mostrando el amor a la comunidad y al mundo por el honor a ...
Existimos para restaurar el concepto biblico de Dios en el hombre y en la sociedad, mediante una relacion personal con Cristo, su Palabra y su Iglesia.
Seeking a place to belong? Join us this Sunday at 10am.
A Christian congregation rooted in the Anabaptist and Pietist traditions, with an emphasis on caring for one another and reaching out to the world to share the good news of God's l...
We seek to build a faith community where everyone is welcomed and grows in faith.
열린문 장로교회, ODPC 미국 워싱톤 DC 근교 북 버지니아 헌던에 위치. Herndon,
Somos pueblo de Dios, adoramos a Dios con alegría, difundimos la palabra del amor de Dios, apreciamos
Transformed Lives Through the Word of God! Join us - we meet Wednesdays from 9:30AM - 11:30AM.
MBC Herndon is a campus of McLean Bible Church. Iglesia MBC Herndon es una congreagacion en donde se
Bringing God's word to Christian Community