Emotional Fitness and Therapy for People of Color. Services include therapy, escape rooms, fitness,
BEmotionally Fit is dedicated to making Mental Health and Wellness accessible to the Black and Latino community of Long Island. Services are also available to all people, ensuring that everyone receives affordable rates, free community resources, and/or referrals to other mental health providers; regardless of their income level, race, ethnicity, language, or immigration status. About:
BEmotionally Fit was created by your friendly neighborhood therapist, Beverly, to support the emotional well-being of people of color and work towards empowering Long Island Black and Latinx communities. Beverly specializes in using a holistic approach to help individuals overcome the effects of the inequalities faced by our communities. BEVERLY IS…
A Licensed Clinical Social Worker
An Alumni from Columbia University, New York University, and Freeport High School
A Therapist, School Social Worker, and Athletic Coach
Dedicated to working in Mental Health and Wellness for over 10 years
Fluent in Spanish and English
Your Number 1 fan! 🙂
LI Black and Latinx Therapists Listserve:
BEmotionally Fit launched the Long Island Black & Latinx Therapists Listserv in October of 2020 in response to the high rate of requests for therapists of color from community members. Black and Latino people in particular face many obstacles in accessing mental health services often due to affordability, insurance, distance, language, or simply wanting someone they relate to. In creating this network of professionals we hope to make it easy for our community to get support from another person of color. HOOD Therapy Collection:
BEmotionally fit launched the HOOD Therapy Collection in December of 2020 dedicated to people of color serving or investing in any way to their own community. The collection serves to highlight the healing power of everyday folks Helping Ourselves to Overcome Discrimination. Sales of any item will also increase access to therapy for Black and Latinx people in Long Island. All profits will go towards a fund to pay for therapy for those with no insurance, high co-pays, or need a therapist out of network.