Find universities in Farmville, VA. Listings include Greenwood Library, Longwood University at Yellowstone National Park, Summer Garden Opera, Longwood University Center for Global Engagement, Sigma Alpha Iota - Gamma Kappa, Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Inc., Phi Omicron Chapter.
Greenwood Library at Longwood University #celebratecuriosity
LU@YNP is an interdisciplinary project that immerses Longwood University students in the complex iss
Bringing quality Opera performances to Farmville, Virginia and the surrounding central Virginia region.
The Center for Global Engagement is located in Lankford 201. Take a look at our video: Follow us on Twitter: LongwooduIntl Follow us o...
Sigma Alpha Iota is an International Music Fraternity which promotes interaction among those who share a commitment to music. The Gamma Kappa Chapter at Longwood University in Farm...
The Phi Omicron Chapter of Zeta Phi Beta Sorority, Incorporated at Longwood University. Scholarship. Service. Sisterly Love. Finer Womanhood.
Longwood University is home to eight IFC organizations who together strive to better themselves as men and do good on campus and in the local community.
Hello! We are the Epsilon Tau Chapter of Delta Zeta Sorority. Like our page for philanthropy updates and more!
The Office of Diversity & Inclusion (ODI) strives to provide services and programming to all Longwoo
The Public Page for Longwood University's Company of Belly Dancers. Feel free to like/share this pag
Longwood University students, staff and faculty rally together to bring awareness to the issue of unhealthy relationships, especially dating/intimate partner violence. The RFC Plan...
The Lambda Delta Chapter was chartered on Longwood's campus on February 19, 1977 and is dedicated to scholarship, service, and sisterhood.
The Office of Leadership and Service Learning strives to provide meaningful service and leadership o
This is a page for the Longwood University Public Relations Organization.
Phi Epsilon Kappa (PEK) is the Honors Fraternity for students in Athletic Training, Exercise Science, Physical & Health Education Teacher Education, and Therapeutic Recreation.
We strive for excellence in the classroom and within society for students of both Longwood University
LU's innovative Kinesiology programs are designed to deepen your understanding of physical, mental, social wellness and their impact on health and society
The Longwood Club Volleyball team is a group of girls that compete with other Virginia colleges. For more info, contact Sierra Paasch or Lindsay Shotwell.
An honors academic fraternity dedicated to the study of anthropology. Delta Chapter of Virginia is b