Leaders providing solutions to the environmental, health & safety and societal issues caused by post consumer tire waste. U.S. generates 320 million per yr

I am aligning fully with the plans that MostHighGod has for my life. As a result Izzieglobal's 1st product is loading Fam! IzzWizdom W**d Destroyer.
WoooWee!!! Amen and Ase'. Astounding, Mind Obliterating things may occur in the midst of storms Fam! Trust! More about this later.
Meanwhile Porter Bottle Company has provided a Dan-tastic experience on my journey. I placed my order with the Detroit mainstay Porter Bottle, when I picked up my order Dan welcomed me back as a customer, asking jokingly where have you been for so long? Dan reminded me that I was a customer back in 2008. Wow! I am sure my order was quite small, yet he remembered and it felt DLightful to be seen. Check out Porter Bottle Company for your bottle needs.
Hey Fam! Anyone connected to folks at the Light Guard Armory on 8 Mile in Detroit?

Fam! You know our work (for close to a decade) has been to uplift corridor cleanliness, beauty, safety & walkability. A component of that has been to eliminate trip hazards caused by w**ds in sidewalk cracks... IzzWizdom™ w**d deterrent is a product in development . Made for your convenience & eco-conciousness, less harmful to pets, our watershed & ultimately Mother Earth...Stay tuned!!!!

Fam! Most of you know I have been in the Environmental space since 2009. Excited to develop the "Urban Environmental Stewardship Program"... ...btw, thank you for rolling with me after all these years. It would be groovy if you would follow the Izzieglobal page and update me on what is new with you and yours.
Stay tuned Fam! Our team is developing a robust, holistic, immersive & impactful training to produce the next Environmental Leaders.

Izzieglobal is still basking in High Vibration from Fav Client success E. Warren Development Corp EWarrenfest2024. 8,000 folks attended, We provided Cleanliness Corridor Stewardship. Before-During-After. 9/14 & 9/15.
*Forensics: 23 bags of trash debris, 3 Styrofoam coolers full of trash debris were removed from the E Warren corridor and taken to proper waste stream which is our dumpster, via 2 trips.
*Observations: Folks used the trash receptacles...hence overflowing.
Folks stopped us to place their trash in our bags as we moved about throughout the festival.
*Feedback for our work was energeticly powerful & affirming. Attendees, Motorists, Vendors, Neighboring residents & Festival collaborators verbally praised our outcomes & mission.
When you shine, E. Warren Development Corp... we shine. It is our absolute pleasure to be of service and part of the team. Congratulations on an Amazing EWarrenfest2024. Here's to next yr.

Audra has been up to some MAJOR things...An Award Winner. Thank you for continuing to roll with me!

So GrateFull. The work as an Environmentalist continues

DLightful Reunion with The Green Garage

.Check us Out! I am reminsicing on my CommuniD Podcast with Audra Carson with one of my fav men on the planet my Alum, award winning Educator, Administrator and Coach (Tremendous Leagcy at Detroit's MLKing High School) my Big Bro Barry Cannon. Please scroll to the May 1, 2019 Ep. "Be Thee Exhalted" Thank you in advance for listening
Warning! Y'all are gonna learn about Low to No Mow approaches for green spaces. Get your mind right! My sermons are loading.

.Check out a glimpse of Fav Client in North End. The campus is an international cultural & euctaional hub for Black Excellence. After/Before photos Izzieglobal transforms & heals urban space. Under the direction & expertise of Willie L. Faison last summer over 21 days of intense excavation, tree cutting, logistics & debris removal and so much more occurred Today, a mosaic creation by internationally acclaimed Olayami Dabls is the focal point within a beautiful place of respite & contemplation. Please stay tapped in to
Fam: What is the process to get a Fire Hydrant permit in Detroit? Thank you in advance

It has been a Long road...a Lot of hard LESSONS. I remain GRATEFUL

Stay tuned Fam. Thank you for rolling with me.
Stay tuned for some exciting updates. Love you for rolling with me since 2010,

I Love YOU with my whole GREEN Heart!
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Contact the business
607 Shelby, STE 709
Detroit, MI
Opening Hours
Monday | 9am - 5pm |
Tuesday | 9am - 5pm |
Wednesday | 9am - 5pm |
Thursday | 9am - 5pm |
Friday | 9am - 5pm |