Todd Smith
“How Good It Gets” is OUT! Married to Angie. Father of 5 girls. Lead singer in Selah

“Higher Name” releases November 1st! So many friends were a part of making this project happen! We co-wrote 9 of the 11 songs. These songs address spiritual warfare, loss, and heartache.
Special thanks to & for giving us 6 of the 11 songs

What a great day writing for today with & !

SINGING THE NATIONAL ANTHEM TONIGHT! have been an season ticket holder for the past 3 years! They are such fun games to bring family and friends too! is singing tonight. Thank you for helping set this up!

My friend is doing a music tour in the US! He is from Mumbai India! recorded his song “One Name” a couple years ago. It was so great to get dinner and hear how Jesus saved him and the work God has called him to. It was also great to connect with ! He was a soccer stud at back in the day. He and Sheldon have been writing songs together for years.

Last year I was asked to mentor 7 young men who were juniors at my daughter’s high school. I had never mentored a group that age before, and I wasn’t sure how it was going to go. These young men are seniors this year and incredible leaders. I’m so glad I get to walk with them again this year. I can’t wait to see how they (and the senior class) lead the school this year.

“Goodness and Mercy” is finally out! I co-wrote this song for ’s first album with my friends & Matthew Lawson. I loved it so much. I asked Shane if Selah could record it. He was gracious enough to say yes.
It’s a song about God’s goodness and mercy everyday in my life.

It’s SMITH writing day today at ! (Sue Smith), me, and (Jonathan smith) writing today! Thanks for the pic .nashville.


“How Good It Gets” is OUT TODAY!


We want you to pick what day we should share our BIG announcement in comments!⬇️😁

Proverbs 12:18 (NIV): “The words of the reckless pierce like swords, but the tongue of the wise brings healing.”
Words are powerful. We can use them to crush someone or speak life into them. This experiment was conducted by a 6th grader named Katie at my daughter’s school for a scientific expo. She cooked 3 cups of rice and distributed them evenly into 3 jars. She set the jars in the same room for 6 weeks.
RIGHT JAR: She ignored the jar on the right, never picking it up or speaking to it. It’s not much different, but up close it is more yellow than the jar on the far left.
LEFT JAR: Every day for 6 weeks, she would take the jar on the left to a different room and speak words of affirmation to it, like “You’re amazing rice” and “I’m so proud of you.” By the end of the 6 weeks, this jar had only one grain of rice at the bottom that had gone bad.
MIDDLE JAR: Every day for 6 weeks, she would take the jar in the middle to a different room and speak negatively toward it. Words like “You’re the worst rice ever” or “I’m disappointed in you.”
Look at the difference. If our words can have this effect on rice imagine how are words work for good or bad in the minds of our loved ones and ourselves. There is no problem with speaking truth in love, or dealing with things in your life you need to take responsibility for, but how many times do we live and speak in the gutter.
I have heard of people speaking positively to their plants at home or in their garden, and the ones they speak to are more beautiful. It reminds me of Philippians 4:8: “Finally, brothers and sisters, whatever is true, whatever is noble, whatever is right, whatever is pure, whatever is lovely, whatever is admirable—if anything is excellent or praiseworthy—think about such things.”
Choose to speak life into others today.❤️

It was amazing to see how many lives touched. So many of my friends worked with her on a day to day basis.
We were on tour together for Women of Faith and all of us were being asked question together on stage in front of 10,000 women. The question was asked, “What’s one of your favor breakfast dishes,” and without hesitation Mandisa said “Chicken and Waffles.” I had never heard of it and I almost vomited 🤮 in my mouth at the thought of it. She looked at me and said “Todd, it’s amazing and you have to try it.” Out of respect for her I did and I almost got saved all over again! It was the greatest breakfast dish I had ever experienced.
She was always for you. She always had a kind word and her knowledge of scripture was amazing.
You brought so much joy to so many and you showed Jesus to everyone you met friend.🙏❤️

I love writing for other artists! Today this group wrote for the ! Katie, Matt, Julianne, and Emmett of the Petersens joined me, , & singer/songwriter .clark_! Thanks to for making space for us at !

I have known since we were students ! He is one of the most talented people I know.
He is one of the best people I know. He loves Jesus, his wife, and his 3 girls. Every time we get together I am so encouraged in my faith.🙏
Bernie is a producer, arranger, orchestrator and pianist. He has produced and my solo music including a song we I sang in Russian called “God Give Me Strength” that he orchestrated.
Today we wrote an Easter song with (not pictured) for a project Selah is working on for 2026.
Bernie, Tony, let’s do this again and next time Tony needs to hang for the picture:)😂

Keep On Fighting is all about not quitting! About being able to see what others see in you. Fear holds us back so much from attempting things. Keep taking one more step. Keep pressing into problems and face them head on!
Keep On Fighting!
Special thanks to for singing on this!
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