
Westside K-8 school in the City of Detroit.

Photos from BurnsDPSCD's post 05/11/2024

What a way to end a fabulous Teachers Appreciation Week. The PBIS team showed their appreciation to the fabulous teachers of Burns Elementary Middle School with two charcuterie tables. Day in & day out, 180 days a year, you showed up, and your passion is always there. Thank you, Burns Elementary Middle School teachers and staff. You are the Burns difference.

Photos from BurnsDPSCD's post 05/04/2024

Our shirts speak volume. 25 days/5 weeks, we're determined to see it through end M-Step testing to Iready Diagnostics and then finals. Make sure you meet us at the finish line June 7th. Thank you Tamika Faulk for seeing our vision when creating our school shirts, excellent job!


We're always going to find a way to bond and build relationships with our students.

*Culture Facilitator Mr. James
*Teacher & Coach Ms. Clanagan
*Lead by Design Mentor Coach Mike

We do not own the rights to this music


We're always going to find a way to bond and build relationships with our students.

*Culture facilitator Mr James
*Teacher & Coach Ms. Clanagan
*Lead by Design Mentor Coach Mike


PBIS Lunchroom Games

The intense pressure was on in these 2 games of Jenga between two 4th graders, one from each side of the lunchroom. Onlookers were on the edge of their seats rooting for their competitor!

Photos from BurnsDPSCD's post 12/12/2023

The second day for the 12 Days of Christmas was a Winter Wonderland theme where students were able to wear Christmas theme hats and scars.


On this Marvelous Monday, the 12 Days of Christmas was Candy Cane Day, where students and staff wore Red and White.


What a Spook-tacular day we had from a Halloween parades, to the wacky quacky Halloween dance, to the last event of the day,an indoor Trunk or Treat students had a spectacular candy filled day.

Photos from BurnsDPSCD's post 10/23/2023

TAP IN CAUSE IT'S WHAT?? GAME TIME!! Our Lady Panthers played one heck of a game Saturday morning against Brewer Academy! BURNS 14 BREWER 15

Shout out to Coach Clanagan

Great game girls!!


Staff and students of Burns Elementary Middle School will wear Pink this Friday Oct 13th,2023, in honor of Breast Cancer Awareness 🎀


No school for students, tomorrow Friday, September 29th, 2023.

Photos from BurnsDPSCD's post 09/29/2023

Students danced the afternoon away at the Burns Attendance Dance. There were a total of 99 students with perfect attendance since the first day of school. Keep up the good work parents and students, your hard work does not go unnoticed!💛💙


Hello Burns families,
Tomorrow Thursday, September 7th, 2023 will be a full day of school. Students will be dismissed at 4:10 p.m.


Hello parents, there will be an 3 hour early dismissal due to the heat index on Wednesday September 6th 2023. Classes will be dismissed at Burns at 1:10 p.m.

TikTok · Burnsdpscd 09/04/2023

DPSCD Staff, Families, and Students,

Please be advised that due to expected high temperatures tomorrow,
Tuesday, September 5th, all schools will be dismissed three hours earlier based on the school’s individual dismissal time. All regular and daily transportation will be provided for arrival and dismissal; however, dismissal will be three hours earlier. Burns will dismiss at 1:10 p.m.

TikTok · Burnsdpscd Check out Burnsdpscd's post.

Photos from BurnsDPSCD's post 09/01/2023

Hello Burns parents, we want to encourage students to attend school daily. One of Burns top priorities will be to raise student attendance.

On count day, 10/4/23, all present will receive the following items. Permission slips will go home next week for them to participate in “Operation School Bell”

Coat, hat, and gloves
Large duffle bag
2 uniform shirt
Hygiene kit
Socks & underwear

, It'sGameTime

Photos from BurnsDPSCD's post 08/30/2023

Raising The Bar To Proficiency starts by building a Positive School Climate and Culture. Today we held our first town hall meetings with the Middle School students. Students will lead the way with change, look forward to hearing more about student-led projects.


Photos from BurnsDPSCD's post 08/29/2023

Kudos to all the Burns parents who came to the Title One Parent meeting. We appreciate you supporting Burns and being a part of The Burns Difference!



Mark your calendar for the start of the school year. Circle Monday, August 28th as the first day of
school, then download a copy of the Academic Calendar from our website to stay connected this school year.

Visit us at detroitk12.org for more information!


Hello Burns families, the first day of school is Monday, August 28th, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. We can't wait to see you all!


Hello Burns parents,
Please join us at the Burns Title One Parent meeting, on Monday, August 28, 2023, at 9:30 a.m. in the Burns Library.


📣He's Back!!!👮🏿‍♂️
💛💙Welcome back Officer Rob!💛💙


It's almost that time of the year! We are excited to return to school on Monday, August 28th at 9:00 a.m. Burns will be returning to a uniform school starting August 28th. Please see the attached flyer or call the school at your earliest convenience to get more information on the uniform requirements


Please join us at the Burns back to school Expo on Wednesday August 16th from 3:00 p.m. to 6:00 p.m. at Burns Elementary Middle School (14350 Terry Det Mi 48227)

Families can RSVP at

We will have food, games, giveaway, Community Resources and much more.

You can also RSVP by clicking the link on the Burns School website at Detroitk12.org/Burns

Photos from BurnsDPSCD's post 07/27/2023

In preparation for the upcoming school year Teacher Ms.Gray and one of the 6th grade scholars' worked on the Iready board. Be sure to check your Iready score before August 28th.


Hello everyone, will hope you're having an amazing summer. Burns Elementary Middle School is looking for 30 amazing volunteers to join our team. Volunteers will assist students to become proficient in reading. If you're ready to be a part of the burns difference, please contact Burns's main office at 313-852-0534.


Happy Juneteenth!!! Today is the day of recognition and celebration

Photos from BurnsDPSCD's post 06/10/2023

Yes, indeed we are bombarding you with all the Fantastic things that have happened at Burns over the past week. On Monday we had 1st grade through the 7th grade honor ceremony. Thank you to everyone who attended. On Tuesday we had Kindergarten graduation...first grade here we come!

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Videos (show all)

We're always going to find a way to bond and build relationships with our students.*Culture Facilitator Mr. James *Teach...
We're always going to find a way to bond and build relationships with our students.*Culture facilitator Mr James *Teache...
PBIS Lunchroom GamesThe intense pressure was on in these 2 games of Jenga between two 4th graders, one from each side of...
On this Marvelous Monday, the 12  Days of Christmas was Candy Cane Day, where students and staff wore Red and White.
What a Spook-tacular day we had from a Halloween parades, to the wacky quacky Halloween dance, to the last event of the ...
Staff and students of Burns Elementary Middle School will wear Pink this Friday Oct 13th,2023, in honor of Breast Cancer...
Hello Burns families, Tomorrow Thursday, September 7th, 2023 will be a full day of school. Students will be dismissed at...
Students enjoy the night as they mixed and mingle at their eighth-grade dinner dance, and staff also joined in on the fu...
Congratulations to our 8th graders!!! They were promoted to high school. We see you rising to the top, keep going, don't...
Through trials and tribulations, as well as dedication, we've made it to the end of the 2022-2023 school year. Thank you...
It was a fun field day of learning and exploring as kindergarteners attended the Ford house and first grade attended an ...
In honor of National Literacy Month, the Burns family got a visit from a few guest readers to read a book to every schol...



14350 Terry Street
Detroit, MI

Opening Hours

Monday 9am - 4pm
Tuesday 9am - 4pm
Wednesday 9am - 4pm
Thursday 9am - 4pm
Friday 9am - 4pm
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