Fabricando Vida Eterna
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Ecorse 48229
Crearemos mentes renovadas en un mundo antiguo.
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Detroit, MI
3151 Farnsworth Street
Detroit, 48211
A beautiful, Romanesque, Catholic Church in the middle of Old Poletown, Detroit. Just minutes away from downtown, we welcome visitors!
13341 Gratiot Avenue
Detroit, 48205
We are the trauma center church! Bringing Deliverance to the world through the word of God! For there is Deliverance in the Temple!
600 E Warren Avenue
Detroit, 48201
"Perfect love casts out all fear." I John 4:18
12 State St
Detroit, 48226
Powered by prayer and led by the Holy Spirit, we will go forth together with apostolic boldness to unleash the Gospel-Roman Catholic Archdiocese of Detroit.
3729 W Chicago
Detroit, 48206
Detroit Temple Corps Community Center
7707 W Outer Drive
Detroit, 48235
The church of the people, where the people are the church. As we like to say, "We aren't a perfect people, just some of God's best. We welcome you to join with us on this spiritual...
12260 Camden Street
Detroit, 48213
Faith Clinic C.H.O.S.E.N. Youth are a Detroit-Metropolitan Christian organization that is Choosing Ho
12530 Mack Avenue
Detroit, 48215
A ministry that will love you to life.