Valhalla Bow Works
Home of Custom High and Extreme FOC arrow builds and tuning services
60x & Onestringer authorized dealer
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Just to be clear….Texans give zero f***s

Client needed a build for a Musk Ox hunt so we delivered. 250 Spartans fletched up with 3” vanes ripped with 190 grain insert/collar assembly. TAW of 655 with 20% EFOC.

610 Grains of pure arrow fury, EFOC @ 22.5%. appreciate you bro, put them to work.

Father/Son repeat builds for and . Appreciate you guys and good luck on your upcoming hunt!

Still building, I try to stay off social media as much as possible these days. Specs run 495 @ 18% on these Carnivores wrapped with and fletched with vanes.

Client with his Dagga Boy recently taken while on safari with .devilliers and .villiers with Marvel Africa safaris. The EFOC build was a TAW of 730 grains built on the Carnivore shaft tipped with the new 200 grains single bevel head. Congrats man, heck of a trophy!

His and Hers EFOC build for and for the upcoming season. Hers (flo yellow) have a TAW of 495 grains with 22.5% EFOC. His (Flo orange) have a TAW of 610 grains TAW with 22% EFOC. Good luck this year guys, it’s always a pleasure!

Another reload for a repeat customer. I get asked all the time….”I ordered a set a couple of years ago, do you still have my specs?”. The answer is yes, we keep all build info in case a customer wants to order more arrows at a later date. In addition bow make/model, draw weight and length along with tip weight are also saved to the client profile. So don’t worry, we’ve got you covered. Specs on this build came in at 515 Grains TAW with 15.5%FOC.

Another solid Spartan build. Specs are 510 grains @ 15.5% FOC. White out trim with the vanes and white reflective wraps.

Our latest build headed to the Dark continent for Hippo! Spartan 250’s using the 210 grain insert/collar system and vanes. The client will also be using the new 200 grain single bevels you saw on a recent Buffalo build we did. TAW of 735 grains with 25% EFOC! One heck of a set-up!

Another one in the books. Spartans with a TAW of 555 grains with 18% FOC.

Excited to share the latest build. Recently got a new customer going for Cape Buffalo hunt in a few months and he needed some sticks for the hunt. This massive build consists of the Spartan 200’s anchored with the 210 grain insert/outserts system tipped with the new 200 grain single bevel heads fletched with Blazer vanes. The TAW on the build comes in at 785 grains with 23% EFOC!

How about some good old Red, White and Blue for Memorial Day. These Spartans have a TAW of 500 grains with 17.5% FOC. Texas theme Blazers and FTW!

Great build in the books for a female bowhunter. Spartans with a TAW of 430 grains @ 19.5% EFOC. vanes and with wraps put on the finishing touches.

Shipped out another solid Carnivore build this weekend. 510 grain @ 15.5% FOC. and vanes finish off a clean looking build.

For those who like a little more weight in their life. Another solid Spartan build with a TAW of 540 grains @ 15%. I get asked a lot what’s an ideal weight and after shooting 550 for a few years myself the mid 500’s is a sweet spot for any NA game. In most cases it’s a great compromise between mass and trajectory.

Final specs on these Spartans 490 grains TAW @ 20% EFOC. Headed out to their new owner!

Rolling out for these Spartans have a TAW of 485 @ 17.5%. Merry Christmas to all and to all a good night!
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Deer Park, TX