Screen Actors Guild PP&HP

Screen Actors Guild PP&HP




To all my friends and family ,



The reunion has been changed on Sunday, June 4th to Barragans in Burbank on Victory Blvd. on the patio at 1:00pm tomorrow.


The reunion has been changed to Barragans Mexican Restaurant on Victory Blvd. In Burbank tomorrow at 1:00pm.


The reunion has been changed to Barragans on Victory Blvd. tomorrow, Saturday at 1:00pm.


So Everyone,

Please even if you’ve already RSVP’d for the SAG PP&H reunion please let me know if you can make it since we’ve changed the time and location to Barrigans in Burbank at 6:00 pm in the lower patio on Saturday, August 6th. Hope you can make it!!

Thank you!



SAG PP&H Plans employees past and present please give me your thoughts regarding my post “response”.

Lorraine Cabrera the last one we had was on June 18th. I was having them every quarter but then a lot of people weren’t showing up so I thought maybe it would be better if we only had it twice a year. I was thinking in January and June. Hoping more people would show up knowing it’s only every six months. There have been a couple of times where there are only two of us. I can go back to every quarter if people will actually make a commitment to show up. I just don’t like going there and not knowing if anyone is going to actually come or not. A lot of people cancel at the last minute and I don’t live in Burbank so don’t want to drive there for no reason. More people have been showing up though at times. Let’s have a vote. Twice a year or every quarter???? Let me know your thoughts.


I am forwarding a message from Ed White - Alda's son. There will be a "Special Mass" in honor of Alda White. Friday August 27, 2021 at Saint Finbar Church at 10:00 am. Address: 2010 W. Olive Ave. Burbank, Ca.91506.


Reunion scheduled for Friday, June 18th in Burbank. Please let me know if you’d like to attend. Details to follow.


We were supposed to have a reunion this Friday but obviously that will have to be canceled I hope you all stay well and your families and friends are also in good health. These are difficult times. It’s been a difficult year. First the fires and now this pandemic. I’m praying for you all. Will miss you all and look forward to happier times and healthier times in the not too distant future. Take care my friends! Love to you all! 😘


Next reunion is on Friday, January 10th.


Just a friendly reminder that the reunion is tomorrow from 4:30 on at Gordon Biersch Brewery in Burbank. We normally are in the patio but if it’s too windy we’ll be inside. Hope you can make it!


REMINDER::; The next reunion will be on Friday October 19th. Happy hour is from 4:30-7:00 so please show up between those times and we can stay as long as we’d like to. They may have karaoke I’m not sure. Please let me know if you’re planning on coming so I can get an idea of how many people to make reservations for. Hope to see you all there!!

How Crazy Are You? 08/28/2018

Not a surprise! Lol 😂

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