Emily's Beauty and More.
Natural products for skin, Hair, baby care. Perfumes, makeup and more.. paraben free. not tested on

No te pierdas estas ofertas exclusivas! 🎉 Hoy te ofrecemos dos increíbles oportunidades para disfrutar de la salud y la belleza mientras recibes regalos increíbles: 🌟 Oferta 1 ¡Con una compra de $50, recibe un Delish Chicory Coffee (valorado en $22) absolutamente GRATIS! 🌟 Oferta 2 Con una compra de $75, obtendrás: Delicioso café de achicoria Un conjunto de True Azure (fragancia para hombres o mujeres) inspirado en Light Blue de DG ¡Envío gratis! Todos estos regalos son tuyos sólo por comprar con nosotros hoy. No espere, ¡esta oferta especial no durará mucho! 🛍️ ¡Compre ahora y reclame sus regalos! Contáctame💎

🎉 Don’t Miss Out on These Exclusive Offers! 🎉
Today, we’re giving you two amazing opportunities to indulge in health and beauty while getting incredible gifts:
🌟 Offer 1
With a purchase of $50, receive a Delish Chicory Coffee (valued at $22) absolutely FREE!
🌟 Offer 2
With a purchase of $75, you’ll get:
Delish Chicory Coffee
A set of True Azure (men’s or women’s fragrance) inspired by Light Blue by DG
FREE shipping!
All these gifts are yours just for shopping with us today. Don’t wait—this special offer won’t last long!
🛍️ Shop Now and Claim Your Gifts!
Contact me💎

En serio!!!!
Todo esto por solo $75 plus tax

Cuidado Facial; para Tú tipo de pile.
Es Hoy!!!!
Escríbeme, y te envio el enlace
8pm PR, RD

Con la temporada navideña acercándose rápidamente. Estoy segura de que te gustaría un cuidado de la piel, un maquillaje que te permita lucir lo mejor posible en todo momento. Aquí puede obtenerlo todo a un excelente precio y puede elegir si desea pagar el precio completo o la mitad del precio.
Nuestros productos son veganos y contribuyen al cuidado de tu piel.
¿Interesado? Comenta,

With the Holiday season quickly approaching. I'm sure you'd like some skincare, makeup that would allow you to look your best at all times. Here you can get it all at a great price you getvto choose if you want to pay full price or 1/2 price.
Our products are vegan and contributes to your skin care.
Interested? Comment,,

Queeee??? Paren todo!!!
Por solo $5 te puedes inscribir y hacerte miembro para poder consumir tooooodooooos los productos a mitad de precio!! SIEMPRE
Correeeeeee!! Escríbeme para ayudarte! Adicional con tu inscripción recibes de regalo un café de chicory entre otros productos de regalos si haces orden.
(Solo 5 días)

Saluditos por aquí..
Vamos acompáñame!!
Para toda las interesada, de todas las edades!!!!
Avísame si desea ser parte de este taller.

Gracias a mis clientes por confiar en mi.🥳
Thank you to my clients for believing in me🥳

Separa estará este espacio, y comparte
Con nosotras, ☕️

Love color by number. Calms my mind

My DR. C TUNA - FARMASI hair care tonight
Works on your split ends and flaky scalp.
leaves your hair highly Moisturizer, shiny & healthy.
♡ STYLING mouse - primer & protects your hair from heat, environment, wether you let dry or use a blower.
♡ABSOLUTE SUPER EXILIR- 10 sacred oils 1 drop is all you need. Also great on your skin

You are holding a cup of coffee when someone comes along and bumps into you or shakes your arm, making you spill your coffee everywhere. Why did you spill the coffee?
"Because someone bumped into me!!!"
Wrong answer.
You spilled the coffee because there was coffee in your cup. Had there been tea in the cup, you would have spilled tea. Whatever is inside the cup is what will spill out.
Therefore, when life comes along and shakes you (which WILL happen), whatever is inside you will come out. It's easy to fake it, until you get rattled.
So we have to ask ourselves... “what's in my cup?"
When life gets tough, what spills over? Joy, gratitude, peace and humility?
Anger, bitterness, victim mentality and quitting-tendencies?
Life provides the cup, YOU choose how to fill it.
Today let's work towards filling our cups with gratitude, forgiveness, joy, words of affirmation, resilience, positivity; and kindness, gentleness and love for others.
Source: Austin Tang

So tonight as I was cooking, I was thinking about life. And I said in my subconscious “I’ve reached my breaking point.”
I began to make cornbread and cracked these two eggs and I heard “Now I can use you!” You see an egg can’t be used until it’s broken.
I immediately found joy in the breaking!! 🙌🏾🙌🏾. Not everyone will understand this but to those who do be encouraged.
☑️Yes you’re at your breaking point!
☑️Yes you are broken!
But that’s ok! You are ready to be used! 💜

Now available $50. 🏃♀️Rush get yours today
(Regular price $60)

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Fifty percent off your purchase.
Fifty percent comisión when you make a sale.
Free web.👩💻
Incentives & much more.🎁
Sponsor 0369240
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Hey everyone! What did you think of my online party? My favorite part of hosting was (fill in the blank) Sadly it’s over now, but if you did want to place an order and missed the deadline, you can still place a last minute order throughout the weekend.
Click here to claim your Sponsored Listing.
Contact the business
Bristol, CT
Opening Hours
Tuesday | 5:30pm - 8pm |
Wednesday | 5:30pm - 8pm |
Thursday | 5:30pm - 8pm |
Friday | 5:30pm - 8pm |
Saturday | 10am - 7pm |