Camp Winnarainbow, Berkeley, CA Videos

Videos by Camp Winnarainbow in Berkeley. Camp Winnarainbow is a Circus and Performing Arts summer camp in beautiful Northern California

Join us in supporting camp as we head into our 50th year!

YES YES YES We are heading into our 50th year of Camp Winnarainbow, and we hope you will join us in supporting camp as we celebrate this incredible milestone and lay the foundation for the next half-century of joy and magic!

There are many ways to support camp, including making a donation to our Grace & Joy fund, our General Fund, or setting up a monthly gift! Every gift contributes to us being able to continue this work for generations to come!

Visit our website to learn about all the ways you can support us

#CampWinnarainbow #SummerCamp #kidscamp #performingarts #WavyGravy #donate #giving #Generosity

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Other Camp Winnarainbow videos

Join us in supporting camp as we head into our 50th year!
YES YES YES We are heading into our 50th year of Camp Winnarainbow, and we hope you will join us in supporting camp as we celebrate this incredible milestone and lay the foundation for the next half-century of joy and magic! There are many ways to support camp, including making a donation to our Grace & Joy fund, our General Fund, or setting up a monthly gift! Every gift contributes to us being able to continue this work for generations to come! Visit our website to learn about all the ways you can support us #CampWinnarainbow #SummerCamp #kidscamp #performingarts #WavyGravy #donate #giving #Generosity

What are you working on at camp?
Campers sharing some of the many amazing skills you can explore while at camp! #Campwinnarainbow #summercamp #summer #Circusarts #PerformingArts

From Camper to Staff
Many of our staff started out as campers! Hear members of our camp community share about thier experiences as campers, teen leaders, and adult staff at Camp Winnarainbow Visit our website below to learn more about the camp experience! #Campwinnarainbow #summercamp #teenprogram #campcounselor #summer

A Day in the Life at Camp Winnarainbow!
Classes, song circles, hot cocoa, performances and more! Learn more about what goes on throughout a day at Camp Winnarainbow. Visit our website below to learn more about life at Camp! Camp Winnarainbow is a circus performing arts summer camp for ages 7-14, located in the beautiful woods of Mendocino county #campwinnarainbow #summercamp #performingarts #kidscamp #circusarts #camplife

First time camper interview
First year camper Dalia sharing her experience from her first time at Winnarainbow! β€œYou should definitely go, you’d love it” Learn more about life at Camp Winnarainbow here -> Camp Winnarainbow is a circus performing arts summer camp for ages 7-14, located in the beautiful woods of Mendocino county #campwinnarainbow #summercamp #performingarts #camping #kidscamp

Sign up for Camp Winnarainbow today!
We’re getting ready for another amazing summer under the black oak trees, playing in the creek and soaking up the sun. Camp Winnarainbow is a circus performing arts summer camp for ages 7-14, located in the beautiful woods of Mendocino county. Our summers are full of fun, creativity, and learning new skills! Sign up for camp today 🌈🌳 Visit our website for more information And check out our youtube channel for more videos! #campwinnarainbow #PerformingArts #CircusArts #summercamp #outdoors

Session B 2023
A look back at some fun moments from session B this summer! Check out more of our videos on our youtube channel!: #CampWinnarainbow #WavyGravy #SummerCamp #performingarts #summer

Camper Testimonial!
New camper testimonial! Hear Zahara sharing what it was like to walk into camp for the first time, and what she loves about it 🌈 #CampWinnarainbow #KidsCamp #PerformingArts

CWR Costume Dance Party
The Camp Winnarainbow Comunity talking about all the fun we have at our iconic costume party! πŸ’ƒπŸΎπŸ•ΊπŸ»πŸ‘―πŸͺ© Check out more of our videos on youtube and subscribe to our channel #campwinnarainbow #summercamp #costumeparty

Jordan P Testimonial
New Staff Testimonial from Jordan P! Hear Jordan P talk about how Song Writing class has evolved throughout the years at Camp Winnarainbow! #campwinnarainbow #summercamp #songwriting

Describe Camp in 3 Words
"Fun, inspiring, brave..." Hear our Camp community try and describe camp in 3 words 🌈 Watch on Youtube: #summercamp #campwinnarainbow

New Staff Testimonial from David and Nino! Hear them talk about Stilts and all the incredible things kids learn on the Stilt Field at Camp Winnarainbow! #campwinnarainbow #summercamp #circus #circuscamp #performingarts #bayarea #mendocino #kids #kidscamp #parents #stilts