Nariku Travel Experiences

Nariku Travel Experiences


Cultural Expeditions: Travel with a purpose, understand other cultures, experience the world's natural beauty and support local communities.

Susan Deslaurier Olofson has traveled to many countries across Central and South America, North America, Europe, Southeast Asia, and East Africa. Although she loved each of the cultures and groups of people she met along the way, her heart was truly captured by Kenya and Tanzania during her first visit in January, 2007. This first trip was with Asante Africa Foundation, for which she subsequently

Support Education in Kenya and Show Some Love to my Maasai Friends! 11/13/2021

One of the best things about leading wonderful people on great adventures is seeing young people get inspired to pitch in on making the world a better place. A recent young traveler, Leo, stayed with us at Maji Moto Maasai Cultural Camp - Kenya, and after he met the Maasai children in our school, he decided to lead a campaign to support their opportunities for education.

We hope you'll join us to support his fundraiser, both to help the school and to let Leo know that doing good in the world is always worth the effort. Ashe oleng (many thanks)

Support Education in Kenya and Show Some Love to my Maasai Friends! By GoPhilanthropic Foundation

Jul 18 · BATCH Makers Market at Carnegie Park — Nextdoor 07/16/2021

Hey SF Bay Area friends....we'd love to see you in Livermore this Sunday, 7/18 at the Batch Makers Market, where we will have beautiful Maasai beadwork from the Maji Moto Maasai Women's Project. Salaton Ole Ntutu will unfortunately not be there, as he has already traveled home after his recent visit, but Susan Deslaurier will be there to represent him and the women's project so come by to say hello, pick up some great jewelry, and talk about coming on safari with us!

Jul 18 · BATCH Makers Market at Carnegie Park — Nextdoor Find local events on Nextdoor, the neighborhood hub.


Join us in celebrating Salaton Ole Ntutu as he receives the Wisdom Treasure Award from Sacred Fire Foundation in recognition of his leadership, wisdom, and service to his community. A visit to his Maji Moto Maasai Cultural Camp - Kenya provides a personal connection to the spirit of the Maasai people and the good works being done to preserve culture, environment, health, and education. Get in touch to plan a trip with us!

We are honored to share that the Sacred Fire Foundation is presenting their tenth annual Wisdom Treasure Award to Chief Salaton Ole Ntutu (Maasai-Kenya), recognized as the Cultural Chief and Elder in his village of Maji Moto.

A celebration to honor his leadership, wisdom, and service to his community is scheduled for Saturday, July 10, 2021 at the David Brower Center in Berkeley, California. The Wisdom Treasure Award is given annually to honor the work of an Elder and their lifelong commitment to bringing wisdom, leadership, service, and learning to their people, their community, and their culture. Elders are the keepers—of tradition, of a profound relationship with the living world, and of the Sacred.

Please send us a private message if you would be interested in attending the award ceremony in person, though there is limited availability, and we’ll come back shortly with information on the live stream and recording of the event if you are not able to join in person. And visit the Sacred Fire Foundation website for more details on their work and how they have supported our Maji Moto community.


We are excited to welcome Salaton Ole Ntutu back to the US in July! He will be featured at a limited number of events, sharing conversations on Maasai life and culture, updates on the many projects underway at home to support health, education, environment and culture, and telling you about how you can join us in Kenya soon for a safari that includes an authentic cultural immersion at his Maji Moto Maasai Cultural Camp - Kenya.

If you’ve traveled with us or you know Salaton, this is a great chance to say hello and reconnect. If you haven’t traveled with us yet, come and meet this extraordinary Maasai cultural leader and let us tell you about all the amazing ways to make a safari happen!

This Cultural Connection event is Salaton's primary public event during his short visit, so we hope to see you there!
(Link for purchasing tickets is in the comments below.)

Salaton Ole Ntutu is traveling to the US from Kenya in July and hopes to see you somewhere along the way.

He will be featured in a “Culture Connect” event, sponsored by the Cheza Nami Foundation, engaging you in conversations about Maasai life and culture and bringing a variety of beadwork, cloth, and cultural items for sale to support projects at home.

Salaton’s passion is to preserve Maasai culture and environment. His Maji Moto Maasai Cultural Camp provides authentic cultural experiences for guests, as well as local employment and support for education, health, food sustainability, and conservation projects. As a shaman and community chief, his work includes protection of holy lands, trees and plants; community farming and beekeeping; school sponsorships and donations; as well as medical care and sanitation support.

As a long time friend to Cheza Nami founder Catherine Ciiku Ndungu-Case, Salaton is honored to be part of this cultural celebration.

The link for purchasing tickets is in the comments below, we hope to see you there!

Photos from Nariku Travel Experiences's post 12/04/2020

Salaton Ole Ntutu shares his wisdom and inspirations during this panel discussion on December 9th, just as he does with all of our Nariku Travel Experiences guests who visit him at Maji Moto Maasai Cultural Camp - Kenya.

This 7th Annual Black Arts Retreat Features:
- 6 Days of Creative Workshops LIVE and Offline
- Artists and Facilitators from Africa, Europe, South America, the Caribbean, & the US
- Performance & Healing Tools
- Think Tanks on Dream Space and the Power of Imagination!
- And MORE!

Workshops for all time zones & registration options for all budgets, no one left out for lack of funds. Visit to find out more and register! Contact Black Arts Retreat to opt in for pay what you can.


Our wonderful travelers and friends from around the world are providing great support to Maasai families in Maji Moto Maasai Cultural Camp - Kenya. Salaton Ole Ntutu and Camp staff have just done a second round of distribution for food and sanitation supplies as families continue having trouble securing adequate food, health, and education resources. We are planning at least one more monthly distribution as the COVID-19 challenges linger on, so if you would like to help with our next round of support, let me know and I’ll send you links to make a donation.
ASHE OLENG (many thanks) to all who have contributed!!!

Untitled album 05/03/2020

We are so fortunate to have the best travelers, who spend time with us at Maji Moto Maasai Cultural Camp and become dear friends and family for the people who live here. They came forward recently in our request for help during these difficult COVID-19 times. We are so grateful.

Today, 40 women gathered women to collect beans, maize, porridge, tea, sugar, oil along with face masks and hand washing jugs and soap…enough to benefit more than 250 family members during this challenging time. We hope to repeat the effort in a few weeks, as this COVID-19 situation continues, so if you’d like to help us out with the next distribution, message me and I'll give you the details.
Ashe oleng (many thanks!)

Maji Moto Maasai Cultural Camp Food and Sanitation Supply Distribution

Giving Children Vacations Instead of Toys Can Lead to Advanced Brain Development, Experts Suggest 02/02/2020

I completely agree... traveling the US and sometimes internationally with our children over the years was a precious gift to each of us.
And now, I love bringing the gift of travel to other families.

Giving Children Vacations Instead of Toys Can Lead to Advanced Brain Development, Experts Suggest For the next holiday or birthday, instead of shopping for toys, consider spending that money on a family vacation.

Kenya: Excitement As Rare 'Blacker' Zebra Spotted in Maasai Mara 09/18/2019

Wow, so many of our travelers have stayed at Matira Bush Camp, time to come back and let Anthony Tira show you something new!

Kenya: Excitement As Rare 'Blacker' Zebra Spotted in Maasai Mara A photographer at a camp in the Maasai Mara Game Reserve was in for a surprise when he came across an incredibly rare, "blacker" newly born Zebra.

Journey to Africa Through the Eyes of a Maasai Chief 09/04/2018

If you're dreaming of an African safari adventure, come and listen to Salaton Ole Ntutu speak of the cultural experiences you can be a part of in his Maasai community.

Journey to Africa Through the Eyes of a Maasai Chief Born and raised in the African savanna, Maasai Chief Salaton Ole Ntutu will share his stories of a child becoming a warrior living among the animals he now passionately works to protect. Learn how Salaton survived with his vast knowledge of animal behavior while developing a desire to preserve Maasa...


A trip to Kenya isn't in your plans this year? No problem, we'll bring Maasai land to you! Come visit this weekend, support the Maasai women of Maji Moto, Kenya, and take home some amazing, unique beadwork.

Nariku Imports is waiting for all if you at Rakkasah this weekend, come visit, add some authentic Maasai jewelry to your collection and enjoy some great bellydancing shows here in Concord. 5298 Clayton Rd

Kenya 8 Day Safari and Culture Tour 2018 FACEBOOK.pptx 02/03/2018

Our friend Rajani Padiyar is putting together an amazing group safari for the coming should come along! It's a great opportunity for solo travelers to join a group trip to share the adventure and share the expense. Contact us with a pm here, or see the contact info in the trip plan linked here.

Kenya 8 Day Safari and Culture Tour 2018 FACEBOOK.pptx

Click here to support Kenya Conservation Trip organized by Thomas Tsunemoto 12/07/2017

One way to explore the world is to help make it better! That’s what Thomas is doing with his next visit to Kenya. He first traveled there with us on a family safari last year, and has been a friend to Salaton Ole Ntutu for a number of years. Now as a college student, he’s positioned to help Salaton and the community preserve the local environment. Check out his plans for trash management and tree planting projects, and if you can give a little boost to the effort you’ll be carried along with him on his journey.

Click here to support Kenya Conservation Trip organized by Thomas Tsunemoto Jambo! Hello friends, family and anyone who has made it here! My name is Thomas Tsunemoto and this February I will travel to Kenya to spend two months leading conservation projects in and around small village called Maji Moto. These projects will focus on establishing a recycling program to redu...

Timeline photos 10/16/2017

Welcoming children and their families to Maji Moto Maasai Cultural Camp - Kenya is always extra special. Sharing in their wonder and amazement as they soak up the brilliant colors, wildlife, new friends and experiences is at the heart of what our cultural tours are all about. The Vine family, with little 3 year old Carmen, was a joy to have with us. Read their blog post for a peek into what you can expect as a family traveling to Kenya with us.

So here it is, full review given below on our stay with this incredible real life Maasai tribe at Maji Moto Maasai Cultural Camp - Kenya
Hope you enjoy the read and it encourages you to book your very own stay with them 😄 Please share and help spread the news of this awesome place!!❤️ -1688

11 Angry Tourist Hotspots That Are Best Avoided This Summer 08/14/2017

Yikes..come with us for a cultural tour in Kenya instead, including time at Maji Moto Maasai Cultural Camp - Kenya for amazing connections to Maasai people, community, and nature.

11 Angry Tourist Hotspots That Are Best Avoided This Summer As anti-tourist protests erupt across Europe, here are some places you may want to consider avoiding this summer.


If you've visited Maji Moto Maasai Cultural Camp - Kenya with us, you know Meeri Tuya well, and will be touched by her words here on cultural extinction. She will be in the San Francisco area in July to share her stories of growing up Maasai. Check here for event posting or send a private message if you’d like more info. To visit Meeri and her community in Kenya, go to for more information.

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