College Houses

College Houses


Empowerment - Cooperation - Stewardship

Photos from College Houses's post 06/13/2024

Hi. We received sad news yesterday.

Charley Hicks passed away yesterday morning.

We wanted to let you know that Charley passed away early yesterday morning. His siblings and Pace were able to be with him, and he went peacefully. We're sorry for the bad news, but we thought you would want to know. His family will do an intimate gathering in lieu of a memorial service, but if you or anyone would like to send memories or words about Charley, please share this email. [email protected]

Charley was a giant of College Houses, serving for years as the head of facilities and maintenance. He demonstrated his dedication to members every day, and words cannot capture the depth of his loss. Please share your memories of Charley as we remember and honor the incredible impact he had on generations of co-opers. Rest in power Charley.


Happy New Year! We hope everyone had a wonderful break. The office resumes normal business hours starting today. We're open Monday-Friday, 12:00 PM - 6:00 PM. And YES, Ryan is back from medical leave. Swing by the office if you need any help, or if you just want to say howdy :)

Photos from College Houses's post 12/19/2023

Pearlies knows how to make the most of the end of the semester. 🎉
Celebrating with good food, great company, and a disco ball in the dining room! Here are some photos from their Pearlmas dinner. 🍽


🌟 Celebrating a semester of unforgettable memories! 🌟
At their annual Winter Formal, a couple of our favorite Taosians were recognized for their incredible work all semester. Congratulations y'all, and thank you for all that you've done!

Photos from College Houses's post 11/17/2023

is just around the corner. Several of our most loved houses are in need of major repairs. Do you have fond memories of the Taos sundeck, the Pearl pool, or the back porch at 21st? Please share our message and talk to your friends & family about including College Houses in their Giving Tuesday donations this year. Every dollar donated supports affordable, cooperative, student housing in West Campus.

Photos from College Houses's post 10/12/2023

Congratulations to for 15 years with College Houses! Terrie celebrated her 15 year anniversary last month, and we feel so lucky to have such a dedicated, friendly, funny, and all around great person on our staff.


This Saturday, our Board of Directors met for their annual retreat. The BoD is made up of residents from each co-op, along with 3 Community Board reps. They enact policies, solve problems, and set strategies for College Houses. At the retreat, the Board reaffirmed their shared commitment to cooperative values and created their work plan for the year. When we say that co-ops are student-owned and student-run, this is what we're talking about!

Photos from College Houses's post 08/04/2023

The Heartbeat of College Houses! In our close-knit community, labor isn't just about the physical work, it's a celebration of collaboration, learning, and shared responsibility. We asked our officers what it means to them. Here’s what they told us:

Photos from College Houses's post 07/26/2023

Labor is important to each of our co-ops. We dropped in on Allie Lorino, Halstead Education Coordinator, while she made dinner for her house to ask what Labor means to her, and why it’s so important.


Moving at the end of the month? Visit the donation station at Pearl Street Co-op, 2000 Pearl St, to donate your gently used items. Station open July 28-31. It’d be a lot cooler if you did!

An ode to co-ops 07/17/2023

An ode to co-ops Columnist Catherina Chowdhury encourages students looking for a community at UT to consider living at co-ops.

Photos from College Houses's post 06/28/2023

In this article from 2006, “On Campus, Finding Face Time in a Virtual Age”, Ginia Bellafante from The New York Times covers co-ops in West Campus and spoke with Pearl Street Co-op members about the benefits of cooperative living.

Photos from College Houses's post 06/26/2023

In this article from last Fall, Sydney Boo from talks about co-ops, international students, and the benefits of built-in community.


Unlike other student housing options, co-ops give residents democratic control over their housing. As a resident, you have a say in decision-making processes, from setting rules and policies to electing a board of representatives. Your voice matters, ensuring that your living environment aligns with your needs and values. Find yourself in a co-op this Fall, and embrace the power of collective decision-making.




Current members and alumni are invited to play in a sandlot-style baseball game on Saturday, April 15th, at Parque Zaragoza, 742 Pedernales St, Austin, TX 78702, from 1:30 PM - 4:30 PM.

Attendees who make a donation of $25 or more will receive a special donor gift, including the latest College Houses t-shirt. All donors will receive a raffle ticket for prize drawings at the end of the game, featuring a College Houses' swag pack, Austin Beerworks swag, and a $200 Wheatsville gift card. There will be free food & drinks available, so come hungry. Full details at


GMM is a little over a week away! What's GMM? The General Membership Meeting is a gathering of all College Houses members from all seven houses. Members hear about the current challenges & priorities of the organization, and vote on important issues like changes to the College Houses bylaws. There's food, raffles, and games too! It's a great opportunity to build relationships with fellow co-opers from other houses. And as always, decisions are made by those that show up.

Are you a current member? Look for flyers around you house with the time, location, and a link to the agenda.

Photos from College Houses's post 03/21/2023

We're hiring! There are open roles for Member Wellness Coordinator, Facilities & Operations Coordinator, and Accounting Coordinator. To apply, visit

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1906 Pearl Street
Austin, TX

Opening Hours

Monday 12pm - 6pm
Tuesday 12pm - 6pm
Wednesday 12pm - 6pm
Thursday 12pm - 6pm
Friday 12pm - 6pm