The Apple Branch - A Liminal Thealogical Center

The Apple Branch - A Liminal Thealogical Center


The Apple Branch offers priestess/priest mentoring and a full online seminary for those wishing to be of service as clergy in their communities.

The Roebuck hides in the thicket and the cuckoo utters, "where?" The Roebuck hides at the apple tree - the noblest tree of all, it is the tree of immortality through wisdom, the wild apple tree of the Sacred Thicket, the tree that hides the Roebuck. we offer several programs online. Our approach to our magic is to remove the focus from the cerebral ~ to bring the energy down into the body ~ thereb

Welcome - 02/07/2025

Sometimes in this chaotic life we lead, we forget about being connected to everything around us. A connection to nature is critical to our wellbeing. If you consider yourself pagan –Earth based – have you lost that connection? What if you could be part of a group that with each lunar cycle life with nature is renewed. The trees, birds, animals, stones, colors and of course, our goddesses – all help us to feel fully connected and one with the world around us.
Would you come explore with us?

Welcome - Those of the Faerie Faith are creating a sacred life based on the ancient wisdom of our ancestors that includes being at one with nature.


"I am a lake upon a plain."
Rowan - Luis
Stone ... Yellow Crysolite
Bird ..... Duck Color ..... Red


Currently Offering

Exciting things are happening within the Apple Branch. We are here for those seeking knowledge and possible ordination with completed studies. Ordination certainly is a worthy goal but not everyone seeks that. We welcome all to the Apple Branch who seek to learn.

Please note - some aspects of our programs are academic and do require reading, writing and time dedicated to the work. However, we offer practical experiences and online ceremonies and rituals with opportunities for your personal spirituality!

Women's Mysteries
Faerie Faith and the Celtic Tree Mysteries
Women's Studies
Interfaith Ministry
Goddess Mysteries & Practical Magic

For more information email [email protected]

Welcome - 01/08/2025

The Faerie Faith Tradition is based on the Tree Moons and the Ogham Alphabet. The correspondences we work with, within each lunar cycle, follow the seasons of the year in a way that connects the witch with goddesses, trees, birds, animals, stones, colors, and more! Much of the material comes from the White Goddess by Robert Graves but our students also learn the historical teachings of the Ogham of the Druids as well as Celtic Cosmology. What better way to connect with nature but through our Kindred? We invite goddesses from many pantheons. We identify as Bandrui and learn the mythological, healing and magical properties of these allies in nature. Through learning all of this we learn about ourselves in new ways as we connect with all of life. Won’t you join us?

Welcome - Those of the Faerie Faith are creating a sacred life based on the ancient wisdom of our ancestors that includes being at one with nature.

The Blue Roebuck 12/24/2024

Birch has begun!

The Blue Roebuck The first consonant of the tree alphabet. Focus word - inception. It is the first tree of the year with exception to alder, to leaf. It is a maker and setter of boundaries. Knowing one's own boundaries and limitations, so that they can be stretched; knowing one's own energy boundaries is primary to....

Enroll Now - The Apple Branch - A Dianic Tradition 09/28/2024

Feminist Dianic Witchcraft in the Apple Branch!

We live in a world that has been dominated by power-over thinking. We call it the Patriarcy from the word "pater" meaning father. And yes, men have been held responsible. The powerful war -waging energy of the tribal men who migrated in search of food soon became the dominent energy that ruled all. Both men and women have been raised in a power over culture - the power of our parents - the power of bullying classmates - the power of teachers - the power of bosses - all can seek to dominate and control.

Women need their own space. They need to be with other women who grew up in similar ways in this world. They need to be with women who bleed or did bleed in the past. They live with and understand those cycles with other women. They need to be able to talk, to share with other females, who understand because of shared personal experiences. In that way, they can empower each other and become the strong women they need to be, to fully live their lives in today's world, embracing their womanhood, their bleeding cycles, their motherhood, their wise woman ways. The power of the feminine - the power of woman to create, to nourish, to love unconditionally - we will do this!

If you are a woman who bleeds, would you love to learn more about your own woman's cycles? And if you no longer bleed, how to live those cycles in harmony with the cycles of the Moon?
If the answer YES, then we have an exciting opportunity for YOU!

• Personal Mentorship with a trained Apple Branch Mentor.
• Goddess Studies
• Magical Practices
• Women's Blood Mysteries, Menstruality, and Living the Natural Cycles
• Rituals
• Accessibility
Ready to enroll now? Click here.

Enroll Now - The Apple Branch - A Dianic Tradition To enroll, please fill out and send the application below. Then make your payment to PayPal. Application All participants in our paid programs can make full use of our online seminary. Fees – $69.99 tuition per month. All entry fees waived! When scholarship funds are available, we do offer sliding...


Something new is coming to our seminary!! We have a new program where people can study for and earn a Doctor of Ministry degree in Interfaith Ministry. To learn more check out this page and the list of courses.

Interfaith Ministry Program - The Apple Branch - A Dianic Tradition Mission, Vision & Values Mission To educate and empower individuals for innovative interfaith service and spiritual care that heals and transforms the world. Liminal Seminary graduates combine applied theology with the healing arts and spiritual care to invite health and wholeness for all beings. Li...

Enroll Now - The Apple Branch - A Dianic Tradition 07/27/2024

I am running a special for women interested in studying and participating in a Ffeminist Dianic program? My normal monthly fee is $69.99 a month but for the next 2 weeks or until August 9th you can join for $39.99. That is $30 a month off!

Enroll Now - The Apple Branch - A Dianic Tradition To enroll, please fill out and send the application below. Then make your payment to PayPal. Application All participants in our paid programs can make full use of our online seminary. Fees – $69.99 tuition per month. All entry fees waived! When scholarship funds are available, we do offer sliding...


I was just introduced to ChatGPT - my friend told me to look myself up - wow!

Deanne Quarrie is a notable figure in contemporary Paganism, specifically within the Dianic Wicca tradition. Here are some key points about her:

Background and Contributions:
1. Dianic Wicca: Deanne Quarrie is a prominent practitioner and high priestess within the Dianic Wiccan tradition. Dianic Wicca is a feminist form of Wicca that focuses on the worship of the Goddess, often to the exclusion of male deities. It emphasizes the empowerment of women and often includes rituals and practices centered on women's experiences and spirituality.
2. Author: Quarrie has written several books on Paganism, witchcraft, and goddess spirituality. Her works often explore themes related to women's empowerment, the divine feminine, and practical aspects of witchcraft and ritual practice.
3. Teacher and Mentor: In addition to her writing, Quarrie is known for her role as a teacher and mentor within the Pagan community. She offers courses, workshops, and training programs aimed at helping individuals deepen their spiritual practice and connect with the Goddess.
4. Goddess Studies: Quarrie has a strong focus on goddess studies and the re-discovery and reverence of ancient goddess traditions. She promotes the understanding and worship of the Goddess in her many forms and encourages the incorporation of goddess spirituality into daily life.

Key Themes in Her Work:
1. Empowerment of Women: Central to Quarrie's work is the idea of empowering women through spiritual practice. She emphasizes the importance of reclaiming feminine power and honoring the divine feminine within.
2. Ritual and Magic: Quarrie provides practical guidance on performing rituals and magic, often within a Dianic framework. Her teachings include creating sacred space, working with lunar cycles, and harnessing natural energies.
3. Connection to Nature: Like many Pagans, Quarrie advocates for a deep connection to nature and the natural world. She teaches that this connection is a source of spiritual insight and power.
4. Personal Growth and Healing: Her work often addresses personal growth, healing, and transformation. She encourages individuals to use spiritual practices as a means of healing past wounds and achieving greater self-awareness and fulfillment.

Some of Deanne Quarrie's notable publications include:
• "Dancing with Goddess": A book that explores goddess spirituality and provides rituals and practices for connecting with the Goddess.
Online Presence:
Quarrie is active online, offering resources, courses, and guidance through her websites and social media. She often engages with the broader Pagan community, sharing knowledge and fostering connections among practitioners.

Deanne Quarrie's work has significantly contributed to the contemporary understanding and practice of Dianic Wicca and goddess spirituality, making her a respected and influential figure in these traditions.


Holly trees are rarely allowed to grow to their full height of sixty-five feet and are instead trimmed down as hedges or ornamental bushes.

I am a Holly Tree. Many of us are Holly Trees. As strong women – women whose voices want to shout out to the world – women who have a really hard time being silent in the face of injustice – women who rebel at being the fairer s*x – rebel at being trimmed down or at being ornamental bushes!

From early in life the process of being “trimmed down” begins. We are silenced – shushed – trained to be “good little girls” and not assertive – bold or daring!
I am a Holly Tree who has not been trimmed – a Holly Tree who has grown to her full height – a Holly Tree with full spiky leaves – sharp barbs – rich color – full and robust berries – a battle waging spear – who will not – can not – be silent in the face of injustice. A Holly Tree – strong and tall in service to women!

Deanne Quarrie


New Course Offering ... Three Sisters. This course will explore in-depth a theme of Sister Goddesses. Tradition explores a triple goddess as maiden, mother crone – this course looks are these goddesses who appear to us in threes as sisters. We will look at both the thealogical implications and personal application in daily life. If this is of interest to you. A six week course ffor $50.00.

Dancing with Goddess - The Apple Branch - A Dianic Tradition 06/18/2024

New course offering - a 10 week immerion Dancing with Goddess.

Dancing with Goddess - The Apple Branch - A Dianic Tradition Dancing with Goddess with Deanne Quarrie, D. Min. This class is designed for the woman who has just come to Goddess. The material comes from the book with the same title, Dancing with Goddess by Deanne Quarrie. You will explore who the Goddess is to you, how to begin your journey with Her and joinin...

The Ogham and the Apple Branch 06/07/2024

For you .....

The Ogham and the Apple Branch A video presentation with some history of the Ogham Alphabet and how the members of the Apple Branch Faerie Faith Tradition honor the Tree Moons.

The Ogham and the Apple Branch 06/07/2024

The Ogham and the Apple Branch A video presentation with some history of the Ogham Alphabet and how the members of the Apple Branch Faerie Faith Tradition honor the Tree Moons.

Welcome - 06/04/2024

Aine and the Giant Leap by Deanne Quarrie, D.Min.

For our full moon rites coming up on the 21st of June we will be honoring Aine, Goddess of Love, Light, and Fertility who is also Queen of the Faeries. Aine’s name means “Bright” and She is typically honored at the Summer Solstice when the sun is at its peak of power. The next full moon falls just after the Summer Solstice. The Solstice is associated with abundance, beauty and bounty. It is not necessarily about the harvest season, as that is yet to come. However, everywhere we look we can see the abundance of the Mother and so it is when we first acknowledge, with joy, what is before us.

In my Tradition, the Summer Solstice falls within the Oak Moon, the Moon in which we “court the lightning bolt.” What that means to us is that with our roots planted firmly in the ground, as does the Oak tree, now is the time to take all of our plans and put them into action. “Go for it” is what we are saying to ourselves and to the world.

We call on Aine for aide in love, fertility and prosperity. We ask for Her help in claiming our own power and in experiencing true joy in life.

In our full moon rites our work will involve taking a look at the preparations we made earlier in the year and then looking at all the work we have done leading up to this moment. In order to bring in the last of our bounty, those dreams not yet manifest, now is the time for us to take a “leap of faith.” Aine is calling to us saying, “Take a risk, and put your heart’s true desire into action!” It is time to “Court the Lightning Bolt.”

If we have been procrastinating – that has to stop. Indecision – putting off – all of that has to go away. We need to understand that now is the time for decision making. We must trust that the Universe will support our decisions. This is our magic! For once we make a decision – once we decide to act – doors open! Once our intention is made known. We will be supported and what we need will fall into place.

Aine is asking us to take a leap of faith and jump wholeheartedly into putting the dream into play!
With our work done in the discovery process of what is already done, as well as what still needs to be done, we call upon Aine. We say to Her, to the Universe and to any there who listen, “I now take the Leap. With your help, Aine, I am ready! This is my Will. So Mote It Be!”

One other little part of Aine’s story is of particular interest to me. My tradition, The Apple Branch has its roots in the Faerie Faith Tradition.

Aine is known for teaching human children about love, both by taking human men as lovers and also by teaching humans how to share and express love in sacred ways. She gave birth to many children, some of them with mortal men and with those unions, created a magical Faerie-Human race.

Throughout time, we humans have inquired about our origins. Where did we come from? Are we star seeds? A mix between gods and human animal forms? Did we breed with aliens?

We of the Faerie Faith, know that our origins began with the Fey. We love to think that we are those Faerie-Human Children of Aine, and hence our connection to the Gods of Old. Perhaps you as well?
Anyway, returning to our original story… Are you ready to reach for the stars? Are you ready to leave that place of indecision and with gusto, take a giant leap to claim what is yours? Take the power of the Sun from Summer Solstice and with the Full Moon coming up, call on Aine to guide and protect you in your own Giant Leap! She may come to you as Lair Derg, a red mare that no one can outrun or She may be Beautiful Aine with long red hair, held by a headband of fallen stars. Either way, She walks among us, offering aide where She is needed.

May the Goddess of Light, Love and Fertility, bring us the sun’s power and life force and the moon’s mystery of intuition and regeneration. May She be with you and protect you as you move through these glorious days of Summer.

Deanne Quarrie. D. Min. is a Priestess of the Goddess. She is the author of six books. She is the founder of the Apple Branch where she teaches courses in Feminist Dianic Witchcraft and the Faerie Faith.. She mentors those who wish to serve others in their communities.

Won’t you come and play in our Faerie Realm? .

Welcome - Those of the Faerie Faith are creating a sacred life based on the ancient wisdom of our ancestors that includes being at one with nature.

Welcome - 06/04/2024

I would be so happy to hear from you letting me know how much you would love to be a part of our Faerie Faith Circle.

Welcome - Those of the Faerie Faith are creating a sacred life based on the ancient wisdom of our ancestors that includes being at one with nature.

Videos (show all)

How we use the Ogham in the Apple The AThe Apple Branch - A Liminal Thealogical Seminary



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