Texas Bariatric Specialists, Austin, TX Videos

Videos by Texas Bariatric Specialists in Austin. Texas Bariatric Specialists specializes in surgical weight loss procedures including Lap Band, Gastr

Bariatric friendly orange Dreamsicle shake 🍊🍨 What should we make next?
1 serving of vanilla protein
1 1/4c light orange juice
1/2c fairlife milk
Ice to your preference

#fypage #bariatricsurgery #bariatric #bariatriccommunity #bariatricdiet #diet #proteinshake #recipes #recipe #orangedreamsicle #bariatricsleeve #rnygastricbypass #gastricsleeve #mealprep #mealinspo

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Bariatric friendly orange Dreamsicle shake 🍊🍨 What should we make next? Recipe: 1 serving of vanilla protein 1 1/4c light orange juice 1/2c fairlife milk Ice to your preference #fypage #bariatricsurgery #bariatric #bariatriccommunity #bariatricdiet #diet #proteinshake #recipes #recipe #orangedreamsicle #bariatricsleeve #rnygastricbypass #gastricsleeve #mealprep #mealinspo

Bariatric friendly Pumpkin Spice Protein Shake!🎃😋 This recipe does count as a meal replacement, but, you’ll want to try this shake when you’ve met your weight goal due to the carb count. #Bariatric #Bariatrics #Bariatricas #Bariatricos #BariatricDiet #BariatricSurgery #ProteinShake #ProteinRecipe #Recipe #GastricSleeve #Gastric #Sleeve #GastricBypass #Bypass #SIPS #DuodenalSwitch #LapBand #BariatricRecipe #TexasBariatricSpecialists #WeightLoss #WeightLossSurgery #Health #Obese #Obesity #BariatricMeals #BariatricSupport #BariatricLifestyle

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