Makerere University College of Humanities and Social Sciences
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Makerere University
The college of Humanities and Social Sciences was established in 2011 after an integration between F

Mak Set to Celebrate Literary Legends: Gakwandi and Bukenya@80
The Department of Literature in collaboration with the School of Languages Literature and Communication and the College of Humanities and Social Sciences is organising a half day literary event codenamed: Celebrating Literary Legends : Gakwandi and Bukenya@80. The organising Committee is being chaired by Assoc. Prof. Susan Nalugwa Kiguli assisted by Dr. Isaac Tibasiima. This academic event is aimed at recognizing, celebrating and debating these two literary legends as part of Makerere’s literary luminaries that have contributed to her indisputable literary iconicity. The celebrations are scheduled to take place on 5th April 2024 at Makerere University's Yusuf Lule Auditorium from 2.00pm- 6.00pm

The 3rd Language Association Of Eastern Africa Conference
Conference Theme:
Empowering Communities through Language Research and African Linguistics for Sustainable Development
In their search for solutions to the development problems of Africa in general and the Eastern Africa region in particular, stakeholders such as politicians and researchers have often ignored or downplayed the question of languages, linguistics, and other sociocultural resources (see Prah 1993 & 2012). This problem is further compounded by the sheer multiplicity and complexity of languages and cultures in Africa which is often seen as a hindrance to the development of the continent. However, over the past few decades, it has become clear that empowering communities through culture, language, and linguistics research is crucial to sustainable development. Moreso in the current context where researchers in the region either seem disinterested or have inadequate capacity. In this regard, the following questions emerge: What are the relevant contextual language, cultural and linguistic realities of contemporary Africa? How do they affect the issues associated with Sustainable Development? How do the dominant assumptions in theoretical and applied linguistics relate to the challenges that face Africa in general and the Eastern Africa region in particular today? What should be done to build capacity among researchers to enhance research output? This conference, therefore, brings together language researchers, educationalists, linguists, experts in cultural studies, and communicators as key stakeholders to deliberate language and linguistic-related matters that affect the development of the African continent. This will be done through presentations of study findings, current language debates, collaborative research, linguistic projects, and graduate students’ work from all over the world. It is envisaged that this conference will promote knowledge creation and sharing, collaborative and interdisciplinary research in the Eastern Africa Region, and beyond.
DATE: 15- 16 AUGUST 2023
EMAIL: [email protected]

Prof. Patrick Mangeni Hands Over SLPA Deanship to Dr. Pamela Khanakwa
Associate Professor Patrick Mangeni on 13th June, 2023 handed over the instruments of power to Dr. Pamela Khanakwa as the new Dean, School of Liberal and Performing Arts (SPLA). Prof. Mangeni has served for eight years for two consecutive terms.
The handover ceremony was presided over by the Deputy Principal Associate. Prof. Eric Awich Ochen and witnessed by representatives from the university audit unit, the college Human Resource officer and Registrar, heads of departments, deans, academic and administrative staff among others.
Prof. Mangeni expressed appreciation to the appointing authority, college management and staff for the trust describing his tenures as great in terms of learning and cooperation.
Looking through the line of deans up to his tenure Prof. Mangeni noted that Dr. Khanakwa was now the second female Dean after Dr. Ruth Mukama who left deanship 30 years ago adding that the school stands out in supporting Affirmative Action.
“For me for Pamela - a lady coming into this office through the affirmation of the school itself, I take that as a significant stage. In the entire college, the school has the biggest number of female leaders both at the level of departments and representation in other areas”. Mangeni stated
In his handover report, Prof. Mangeni highlighted what is expected of the new dean, the schools’ achievements and some gaps that that require attention.
More Details:

CODESRIA Annual Gender Institute Public Lecture 7th June,2023
The Council for Development of Social Science Research in Africa (CODESRIA), a continental academic platform established in 1973 is holding its Annual Gender institute at Makerere University from 7th-9th June 2023. The year 2023 is significant to CODESRIA because it marks its 50th Anniversary as well as over 28 years of running the Gender Institute. This presents an opportunity to take stock and reflect on the contributions of the Gender Institute to the study of Gender in Africa as well as infuse new thinking of the Councils work into Gender. The theme of this year is, “CODESRIA’s Experience with Gender Research: Towards a Feminist Epistemic Breakthrough”.
Makerere University’s School of Women and Gender Studies will be hosting this year’s CODESRIA Gender Institute. As one of the events, a Public Lecture has been organised around the theme, “Gender Research and Teaching: CODESRIA Makerere Intersections”
This is to invite you to the public Lecture scheduled to take place on 7th June, 2023 at the Yusuf Lule (CTF2) Auditorium starting at 2.00pm.

DGRT Calls for Institutionalisation of the CHUSS -CERTL Staff Induction and Retooling Initiative at Makerere
The Director Centre of Excellence in Research, Teaching and Learning (CERTL) and the Management of the College Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS ) have been asked to engage top Management to institutionalise the initiative of inducting and retooling staff in aspects of Research, Teaching , Learning and research.
The call was made during the opening session of the CHUSS CERTL Colloquium (18th-19th May 2023) held at Hilton Garden Hotel in Kamwokya – a Kampala suburb by the Deputy Director in charge of Administration and Graduate Training Associate Prof. Julius Kikooma.
Excellent performance does not translate into good workers/teachers
Makerere University come on the strength that they performed well in their studies with very good qualifications.
"But those qualifications do not translate into being good workers because the activities they are doing like teaching and research, are aspects that they need to be trained in. Their qualifications and preparations did not train them.” Prof. Kikooma explained adding:
“So it is always a problem because the university does not have a system where there is a period gazetted for induction where you are inducted into the different aspects of your work.
Until this innovation of the Centre CERTL came up, there was no systematic programme the university had in terms of attending to those needs of a new hired person. So we think that this is very important,” the professor added.
Prof. Kikooma appreciated the Director CERTL and CHUSS management for the innovative project saying, it has contributed to the improvement of research, teaching and learning at Makerere University.
“It was also good that CHUSS saw the bigger problem for the university and was not selfish not to focus on the new hires in the college but was generous enough to spread it to the rest of the university for any academic staff who is recruited,”, He appreciated.

CHUSS’s Center of Excellence in Research, Teaching and Learning at
Makerere University is holding a two-day colloquium to probe how centers like CERTL can contribute to robustly effective learning, teaching and research at resource-constrained Higher Education Institutions in the Global South. The colloquium is being held at Hilton Garden Inn, Kampala.

We have come this far. This is the day that the Lord has made, We will rejoice and be glad in it. Please join on the stream as the graduate 1991 graduands at this year's 73rd Makerere University Graduation Ceremony via or

Happening Tomorrow: CHUSS Graduation Day, catch us live on;
1) YouTube [] and
2) Zoom []
as we celebrate a bumper harvest at this year's

Celebration Alert: Friday, 17th February, 2023 is CHUSS Graduation Day. Congratulations to all the graduands

Invitation to a pre-application workshop for qualified PhD and MA students interested in research fellowships for the 2023 round of funding

Gender Specialists Court Government on Policy Reviews for Women Economic Empowerment
The School of Women and Gender Studies on 13th January 2023 held a symposium on Women’s Economic Empowerment and Women groups in Uganda to increase awareness on the need to build evidence and a community of practice on women economic empowerment and women groups in Uganda.
The one day symposium held at the Senate Conference was intended to popularize evidence-based research approaches that support knowledge translation for relevant policy making and best practices in the field of women’s economic empowerment.
The specific objectives of the symposium were to enhance the awareness of the importance of fostering Women Economic Empowerment and using innovative solutions to improve the evidence base and increase information storage and uptake.
The other was to facilitate opportunities for networking, collaboration and exchange of ideas with government and NGO leaders and experts in evidence-based practice and education on women empowerment, and to reinforce the focus on the implementation of information exchange with policy makers to increase the efficiency of evidence-based decision making.
Women Economic empowerment defined
Delivering her key note address as chief Guest, on the status of women economic empowerment the Commissioner, Ministry of Gender, Labour and Social Development Dr. Angela Nakafeero decried that the work was still huge in terms of women achievements economically.
Recognizing the school for supporting the ministry in terms of technical capacity for gender equality and policy, Dr. Nakafeero said the ministry has banked on the schools evidence to inform the legal process and policies including the design of programmes.
Nakafeero reiterated that an economically empowered woman is one with the ability to succeed and advance economically and at the same time, with the power to make decisions and act on these economic decisions not wishful thinking but with commitment, working hard and having a vision of where she wants to be.
“It is about making investments. Yes, we earn salaries on monthly basis, but how much are we able to save, reinvest to earn the extra income in the next years? Are we making investments and creating wealth for ourselves, families and for the country and advancing the quality of life?
We are not advancing if we are investing in aspects that are not going to enable us earn an extra income tomorrow. So, we need to question ourselves what investments we are making. If u are not earning an income from your investment, that is not economic empowerment”, Nakafeero explained.
Women economic empowerment according to Dr. Nakafeero entails having skills of making more money and investments, resources required and the ability to compete in the open labour market where goods and services are being exchanged as well as having fair access to economic institutions.
Nakafeero decried the pullback attitude of women fearing to get loans from commercial banks saying, that is where government puts their money. She observed that programmes that have succeeded in putting women into the economic arena are those curved out for women empowerment expressing the need for competition and mobilization of women to compete in order to benefit from government programmes and opportunities.
She also querried whether women can sustain the status of their needs and time after work. She called on women to start making bold investments to sustain economic benefits and gains and ensure the benefits cut across generations. Nakafeero implored participants to be wise and focus more in building asset base and not building liabilities that can be carried on across generations at an individual, group but also collectively as women of Uganda.
More Details

The International Humanities Conference 2022 is here from 23 - 26 August 2022 at the Yusuf Lule Central Teaching Facility Auditorium.
The Theme of the conference is Knowledge Revolutions and Practices: Area, Cultural and Global Studies.
Come listen to Prof. Ngũgĩ wa Thiong'o renown for the best novels like Weep Not, Child, The River Between and more, Historian Prof. Nakanyike Musisi of the University of Toronto and Prof. Derek R. Peterson, University of Michigan.
If you haven't registered yet, visit
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Join us this Thursday, 25th November 2021 as
Makerere University hosts a stakeholders mobilisation event in commemoration of the 100 years (1922-2022) of its existence via Zoom

We are 1 Day left to launch a new project titled "Archiving, Memory and Method from The Global South"
Catch the event Live on Zoom or YouTube this Thursday, November 18, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Central Teaching Facility II (CTF2 Auditorium)

Invitation to The Launch of The Project On: “Archiving, Memory and Method from The Global South”
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for the project entitled: “Archiving, Memory and Method from the Global South.” The project seeks to centre debates in archiving, memory and method in Humanities and Humanistic Social Sciences research at Makerere University. It is a capacity building initiative that will fund research by Makerere University scholars (both faculty and students) to study formal and non-formal archival repository institutions as well as community archiving. The research outputs are expected to enhance the teaching and learning in the humanities through revision of curricula, pedagogy and methodology in archival studies and research.
The blended event, will take place at Makerere University and on Zoom on Thursday, November 18, 2021, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. in the Central Teaching Facility II (CTF2 Auditorium).
To attend via zoom please register at the link below;

Admission List and Cut-off Points (Govt) for 2021-2022 Academic Year
See List on the link below;

Call for Interdisciplinary Research Proposals: Archiving, Memory & Method from the Global South.
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences has received funding from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation for the project entitled: “Archiving, Memory and Method from the Global South.” The project seeks to centre global debates in archiving, memory and method in Humanities and Humanistic Social Sciences research at Makerere University. It is a capacity building project that will fund research by Makerere University scholars (both faculty and students) to study formal and non-formal archival repository institutions as well as community archiving. Drawing on archives located in specific communities or institutions, the funded researchers will examine the role of these repositories in public life. Community engagement will be key in the project. The research outputs are expected to promote dialogue over the decolonization of knowledge in the Global South through revision of curricula, pedagogy and methodology in archival studies and research.
The funding will cover costs related to baseline study, data collection and analysis, report writing, computing costs and consumables.
Each researcher will receive a Research fund totaling US$ 28,750. This will be disbursed on the basis of individual progress as follows: US$ 10,250 in the first year, US$ 10,250 in the second year and US$ 8,250 in the third year.
Each PhD student will receive Research funds as follows: US$5,200 the first year, US$ 5,200 in the second year and US$ 5,200 in the third year.
Each MA student will receive Research funds as follows: USD$2,700 the first year and US$ 2,700 in the second year
Deadline for applications: November 23, 2021.
More Details:

The United States, through the Feed the Future Advancing Local Leadership, Innovation and Networks (ALL-IN) program, has launched a new research project that will build evidence on what works to strengthen the empowerment and resilience of smallholder women farmers in Uganda.
The three-year, $450,000 project, led by Makerere University, will test ways to transform and improve smallholder women farmer’s resilience to agricultural shocks and enhance their economic empowerment. The project will focus on stress-tolerant seeds and fertilizer, training on climate-smart agriculture, business skills, and low-cost crop insurance. The project will be implemented in the Isingiro and Alebtong districts in Uganda, where rural families can benefit from opportunities to improve their crop yields, incomes, nutrition and resilience to agricultural shocks.
Dr Florence Kyoheirwe Muhanguzi, Associate Professor of Women and Gender Studies at the College of Humanities and Social Sciences is the Principal Investigator on the project.
The project supports United States efforts in Uganda to achieve a well-nourished population, understand key drivers of vulnerability, increase households’ capacity to manage risk, and diversify community and household assets. Feed the Future ALL-IN was established by USAID as a partnership between ICED, with offices in Nairobi, Kenya and Accra, Ghana, and the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Markets, Risk & Resilience (MRR) based at the University of California, Davis.

Mak sets up Multimedia Production Hub to improve research dissemination.
Makerere University Vice Chancellor, Prof. Barnabas Nawangwe (2nd L) launches the Multimedia Production Hub on 7th August 2021. The launch was witnessed by among others, the Deputy Vice Chancellor in charge of Finance and Administration, Dr Josephine Nabukenya (L); the Principal, College of Humanities and Social Sciences (CHUSS), Dr Josephine Ahikire (3rd R); the Head, Department of Journalism and Communication, Dr Aisha Nakiwala Sembatya (2nd R); and the Principal Investigator on the project - “Harnessing Multimedia Production for increased uptake and visibility of Research and Innovations at Makerere University”, Dr William Tayeebwa. The Hub hosted by the Department of Journalism and Communication was established with support from the Government of Uganda, through the Makerere Research and Innovations Fund (Mak-RIF). It is one of the outputs of a wider research project “Harnessing Multimedia Production for increased uptake and visibility of Research and Innovations at Makerere University” intended to equip Makerere University researchers and innovators with practical skills to transform their research and innovations into publicly-oriented multimedia content. The Project is headed by Dr William Tayeebwa. Other members of the project include Dr Aisha Nakiwala Sembatya, Head, Department of Journalism and Communication at Makerere University; Dr Charlotte Ntulume; Dr Sarah Namusoga - Kaale, Dr Olga Marion Alina, Dr Fred Kakooza.

Students' Alert: Completion Of Semester One 2020/2021 Examinations. More details:-

Call for Applications: Master of Arts in French Language Studies
The Academic Registrar, Makerere University invites applications from suitable candidates for admission to the MASTER OF ARTS IN FRENCH LANGUAGE STUDIES Programme.
In addition to the general admission requirements of Makerere University, eligible candidates must have the following qualifications:
EITHER – an Honours Degree or equivalent in French Studies or related field from a chartered and recognized University.
OR – an Honours Degree or equivalent from a recognized French speaking University or an equivalent French speaking Institution of Higher Learning
-Ugandans & East Africans – UGX 5,000,000
-International Applicants – UGX 10, 500,000
All Graduate Programmes are PRIVATELY SPONSORED. Therefore, applicants seeking sponsorship should have their applications endorsed by their respective sponsors where applicable. Applicants should note that fees payable to the University indicated above EXCLUDES functional fees, accommodation, books, research and other expenses.
Two Years
Submit applications to Office No. 307, Level 3, Senate Building or email scanned copies of the required documents to [email protected].
Friday, 24th September 2021

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Session 4B (CHUSS Tracer Study): Live on YouTube
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The College at a Glance, Since 1922
The College of Humanities and Social Sciences constitutes the School of Social Sciences; School of Psychology; School of Women and Gender Studies; School of Languages, Literature and Communication and the School of Liberal and Performing Arts. In addition to the schools, the College operates one institute and two centres - the Makerere Institute of Social Research and the Centre for Language and Communication Services as well as the Centre for Psychological Services.
The origin of the College dates back to 1922 when the Faculty of Arts was established to train clerks, administrators and teachers at the then Makerere College. Subjects offered at the Faculty included history, geography and all branches of English. English language was made compulsory for all students at the College who were not offering English as a major subject.
In 1944, higher courses in Arts were introduced at Makerere intended not only for teachers but also men entering administration or commerce. The introduction of the higher courses became the basis of later degree courses which was an important step in the evolution of Makerere College from a place of vocational training towards a university.
Social Studies occupied a central place to give focus for both historical and geographical studies. All students on entry had to pursue a year’s course in social studies, designed to keep them informed about their own countries.
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