Find colleges & universities in Kampala. Listings include Kiteyimbwa Geofrey Mando official, Razor K, Deorichiejr, CAE, Brain Pep, MukesaMuk_Makerere Kenyan Students.
Helping men and women to have a happy life with friends and family
A platform uniting Kenyan students at Makerere and Mubs, as well as Kenyan students in other universities, it's Unity
Hope is best and faith for a business to go far
Kanyikwa hostel mukono is only for students of Uganda Christian University
My page definetly is aiming at inspiring both the youths and Elders how be strong and over come all the challenges in life my aim is change the attitude
We fix tile and tarrazzol mantaining painting and material supply.
Hy people this page is 4 u who likes me my music
Let people advice you but not to decide for you big up to you my friends.
its for the youth within and outside kiryandongo district to share developmentak advise among them selves
'Moral re-armament and Job Creation': SAIU students emerge resilient to today's volatile world armed with innovative needed skills on products and services
Nkaw when to play sex with your lover and why