Management Grid

Management Grid

Management Grid


With Hygger, you may prioritize tasks in your projects. Agile teams in any industry can benefit from this approach. Develop a clear vision for the project and a strategy for achieving it. Use a Value/Effort matrix or another approach to prioritize jobs and distribute them on Kanban boards. Real-time communication and collaboration with the rest of the team ensure that everyone is on the same page at all times. For software development, product management, marketing, creative agency, and many more industries, Hygger is a must-have.

Hyggger Project Management Features

WIP Limits – Your team’s emphasis should be on the most urgent activities at hand, therefore limiting the amount of work in the process.
Prioritizing – Prioritize what has to be done next.
Swimlanes – Use horizontal lanes to divide jobs on a task board.
Labeling – Sort your jobs into categories, and then use a fast labels filter to refine your results.
Set Due Dates – Not just time estimates, but deadlines should be established.


Agilo for Trac (previously known as Agilo for Scrum) is a basic, web-based, and uncomplicated application to support the Scrum process. It’s free and open-source, but you may upgrade to Agilo Pro to get more features and expert assistance.

Agilo for Scrum Open-Source Scrum Management Tool Features

Intuitive Workflows – workflows for Agile projects that are easy to follow in real-time.
Organized for Ease of Use – Features like user stories, higher-level themes, priority setting, and a summary of the product’s current process help organize the product backlog efficiently.
Excellent Communication Tools – Chat, task cards, and report generation all ensure that everyone knows what they’re supposed to do and when it’s due.


Your IT staff will become one of the most productive in your business thanks to Jira’s features. If you want evidence, here it is! Cisco, Square, Spotify, eBay, and Airbnb are just some of the 65,000+ enterprises throughout the world that have entrusted it with their services.

Jira’s bug-tracking feature is also widely used for project management. Because of this, it’s a popular choice among software development teams.

Atlassian Jira Agile Software Development Team Tool Features

Custom Scrum Boards – Each sprint’s work may be seen on these scrum boards. There is no need to worry about a backlog in the paper.
Flexible Kanban Boards – Continuously maximize output while minimizing effort.
Unique Agile Reporting – Burnout charts, sprint reports, a cumulative flow diagram, velocity charts, epic reports, release burndowns, etc. are used to depict the current state of the sprint.


Freshservice – Best for IT Service Management

Freshservice is a comprehensive project management platform. It will allow you to better match your IT strategy with your business objectives. From planning to ex*****on, it includes all of the features you need to run a successful project.

Freshservice IT Service Management Features

Nested Organization – In addition to its project management tools, it has task management capabilities that allow you to break down a project into tasks and subtasks.
Robust Features – Alerts, filter tasks, and Watcher are all included.
Watcher – Keep tabs on project times, expenses, and status.
