TOP MODEL - Together Karaokee - Valentine Karaokee

TOP MODEL - Together Karaokee - Valentine Karaokee



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This establishment extorts money from tourists in violent ways!

From the ThailandTourism community on Reddit 29/01/2024

Reddit thread of this same place, now known as Top Model:

From the ThailandTourism community on Reddit Explore this post and more from the ThailandTourism community

Photos from TOP MODEL - Together Karaokee - Valentine Karaokee's post 14/01/2024


The name and signage of this place has changed to TOP MODEL.

Stay away! They will rob and beat you up!


List of people involved
with this establishment...
See comments


This news story was shared with me recently and although I do not understand or read Thai, I was told this story is related to these scams.

IF anyone is able to translate it and provide more information, please do so in the comments of this post.


in the comments.
or message me and I will post it.


I am the owner of this page and this page has been getting a lot more attention lately. Mostly direct private messages about other people's stories, so I figured I would finally write my story for you all to read. This is why I started this page back in 2019, in order to help others by spreading awareness.

FIRST OF ALL, NEVER-EVER take advice from a TUKTUK driver on where to go. ONLY take a TUKTUK If you have a predetermined place YOU want to go. If a driver takes you someplace you don't want to go, then be 100% sure you do not enter the place they take you.

If you have a story to share, SHARE YOUR STORY IN THE COMMENTS in this post.

Let's make this go viral and get these as****es what they deserve.

Here is my story:

In July of 2019, my sister and I planned our first trip to Thailand and ended up staying in Chiang Mai for 4 or 5 days for part of our 16 day trip.

One evening, my sister and I went out for some drinks and enjoyed a drag show. After the show my sister wanted to head back to our hotel but it was early so I decided to stay out alone and get some drinks and interact with the locals. I went to a few bars and before I knew it, the bars were closing. I left the bar to catch a Grab taxi back to my hotel but was first approached by a TukTuk driver and he stated that he could give me a lift for much cheaper and quicker than waiting for a Grab taxi. After some negotiation I decided to get a ride back with him. Once I got into the TukTuk, the driver drove very fast and crazy and it was actually pretty fun. During the ride he told me he knows of a bar that stays open later than the rest and that there would be music and locals and that I would have a great time. I thought sure, why not, and told him I would check it out. He said he would wait for me to enjoy myself and give me a ride to my hotel afterwards at no additional cost. I thought, hey, this guy seems pretty cool and is being a very welcoming local.

We got to the bar and when we arrived there were about 10 to 15 people outside grilling food and they welcomed me and said I could go inside and get a drink and they will have food ready soon.

I went inside and sat at at the bar table. There were a handful of small rooms with party lights within the bar. I wasn’t really in the mood for much more than just a drink or two at the bar. A few young ladies came over with a menu of their drinks and I ordered just a simple local beer. One of the ladies asked me if I would be willing to buy her an orange juice and I said yes. During this time sitting at the bar, some of the girls convinced me go into one of the karaoke rooms to be more comfortable on a couch and try karaoke. I’m not a fan of karaoke so I told her no thanks but she insisted and I told her I would go in and watch her do karaoke.

Once I got into the room this young lady started getting the TV and karaoke setup and a young bartended man rolled in a cart that contained a plethora of different drinks, an ice bucket and hot towels. By this time I was about ready to leave or have another drink and decided to have another beer.

They brought me another beer and at roughly the same time, about 6 or 8 young girls all dressed in the same colored blue skimpy outfits came inside the room and the original (Mamasan) girl told me to choose one to do karaoke with. Once again, I told her I am not interested and it was at this point in time that I felt extremely uncomfortable and told them that I want to go sit back out at the bar table.

So went back to the bar table to finish my drink and told them to bring me my check. When they brought the check, it was equal to roughly $230 USD and I was like, “Whoah! What is this?”. As soon as I disagreed with the amount, a handful of young men and other Mamasans approached me and told me to pay up. I asked them to explain what the charges were for and they came back with an itemized list which included a handful of really expensive orange juices, waters, my beers, karaoke room, ice bucket, hot towels and other items I don’t exactly recall.

I told them that I am not paying for all of that but I would pay for the original orange juice I offered to buy for the young lady and my two beers but that I had not agreed to anything else on the list.

At this point all the young men and Mamasans starting yelling at me and attempting to scare me. I am 5ft 11” and 250lbs of good weight and not easily threatened. I would not budge on the amount.

In my pocket I carried a handful of cash but had about $350 USD hidden in a secret pocket in my day pack. Now I had even more young men circling me and it was at this time I finally felt in danger, however, I played stupid and would not budge and let them know I was carrying more cash. Now they were all holding their fists up at me and I felt like they were going to beat the s**t out of me. They ended up holding me to the wall and took off my day pack to search thru, eventually finding my extra cash.

During this time, I took my iphone out and started to record and they immediately snatched my phone, forced me to unlock it and proceeded to delete my video footage. They went as far to do a deep delete to permanently remove the footage. They then gave me my phone back.

It was at this time that I realized they had actually closed the door to the establishment and I was stuck inside with a bunch of hostile terrorists, stealing my money.

Interestingly enough, they only took the $230 they had originally billed me for and did not take all of my cash or any of my cards or phone or anything else.

Now they were getting a ton of bad words from my mouth and plenty of fingers. They had opened up the door and escorted me out and told me the TukTuk driver would give me a ride home at no cost. This is the same driver who dropped me off there.

I was so angry and throwing my weight around and confronted the TukTuk driver, telling him he can f**k off and that this will not be the end of this.

By this time it was likely 3am and dark. I walked across the street and down a little ways to a 7-11 where I stayed until I felt comfortable enough to keep walking. I continued walking until I found some locals ordering some late night BBQ somewhere and one of them spoke enough English to hear my story. They were shocked and insisted on helping and paying for me to get a Grab taxi. I was so shaken up that I hadn’t even thought about what to do. I just needed to talk to someone to calm myself down and feel safe.

Ten minutes later a Grab taxi picked me up to take me back to my hotel. Still shaken up, I attempt to explain to the driver what happened and he understood enough English to feel bad for me and he insister 100% that we go to the police station. A real police station, not the tourist police station. I told him that I’m not sure feel comfortable with doing so but he promised me that if he was with me there, that they would not do anything to me and that I would likely get my money back.

So we headed to the police station together we went inside to tell my story. The driver stayed with me the entire time. The whole event at the station lasted about two hours. At first they tried to tell me there is nothing they can do but the Grab driver was not having it and insisted that the police go the bar to investigate and get my money back. One of the officers spoke English well enough so that I was able to display my frustration with him and I also insisted that I am not leaving until I get money back.

Telling my story and insisting on certain things went back and forth for a while and eventually two of the officers took me and the Grab driver back to the bar so that I could identify the men who stole from me, or rather, the main men that seemed to be behind it all. We arrive back at the bar and the officers make me get out and point to the men who did this. The parking area of the bar was much quieter and empty than when I was there but the officer went inside and brought out the man known as Tudpong Kumpilow and asked me if that was him and I said yes.

Now they brought me back to the police station and just moments later, Tudpong Kumpilow arrived to argue his case. He brought the written list of items that they had charged me for and argued that is what I had ordered and what I owed him.

I argued with the officers that those prices are ludicrous and that I am a tourist in their country and am spending my money in their country and that those are scam prices and they know it.
After arguing back and forth between with officers and Tudpong Kumpilow, the officers tried to make a deal with me and offer me something like half of what I was owed. I would not back down until I knew Tudpong Kumpilow got what he deserved.

Long story short, eventually, I got $200 back and poor little Tudpong Kumpilow started to sob like a little baby and play victim.

The police ended up letting Tudpong Kumpilow leave and then me and my Grab driver were on our way but not before the head English speaking officer attempted to get $100 out of me for helping me get my money back.

Although I was thankful for their near useless help, I did not want to lose $100 after everything I had just done to get my money back. Luckily, my Grab driver told me to just keep walking and to get into his car, so that’s what I did and the driver took me back to my hotel. The driver did not ask for a single cent from me and we shared a drink back at my hotel together and enhanced social media information.

That’s my story!


This page was created after one persons rights were violated at this establishment. That’s me!

Since then, this page has evolved into a relevant search result for many victims but it’s always after the fact. I wish there were a way to change that.

Also, I am not sure of the current name or address of this criminal establishment. If you can post the most recent known name / address in the comments or send a message, I will add them to the listing to help with search.

I often receive messages from tourists who share their stories but I am not at liberty to share them without permission.

If you would like to share your story, post a comment below. If you don’t feel comfortable doing that, you can send a screenshot of your story to this inbox and I will post it for you.

If you have any suggestions on how to better create awareness with this page, I’d love to hear more.

So sorry anyone had to go through this.




It’s called Snow White still and they will steal your money and belongings!


Same building, different sign and lights!
Looks like they changed their name again.
STAY AWAY FROM THIS PLACE or any place that has bright neon lights with young ladies in bright dresses that call their place a karaoke bar or YOU WILL BE ROBBED and CHEATED out of your money AND possibly BEATEN UP!!!


To all the likes coming in, remember, this establishment or likely any similar establishment like this will rob you and beat you!

This is not a place to like.



They are slimy bastards. They con you in, pretending to take care of you with drinks, towels and entertainment… then give you a huge hundred or even thousand dollar bill, then threaten you if you dispute it.

If you dispute it, they will lock you inside and become very violent until you pay their extortion fees.

Don’t attempt to film them or they will get more angry and steal your phone too.

Be warned! Cowards!

ต้องการให้ธุรกิจของคุณ ธุรกิจ ขึ้นเป็นอันดับหนึ่ง ศิลปะและความบันเทิง ใน Chiang Mai?





217 Changklan Road
Chiang Mai
คาราโอเกะ อื่นๆใน Chiang Mai (แสดงผลทั้งหมด)
CM Bar 90s Zone CM Bar 90s Zone
Chiang Mai

บริการ อาหารเครื่องดื่ม ้องคาราโอเกะ VIP

ไม้เอก Garden Chiangmai ไม้เอก Garden Chiangmai
18. 7559584, 99. 0525235
Chiang Mai, 50130


Premium karaoke Premium karaoke
Premium Karaoke
Chiang Mai, 50200


ร้านอาหารขวัญข้าว ร้านอาหารขวัญข้าว
ถนนสมโภช700ปี เลขที่ 136/11 แยกบวกครกศิวิไล หนองป่าครั่ง เมือง Chiang Mai
Chiang Mai, 50000

อาหารอร่อย​ ร้องเพลงบนเวที ​เปิดบริการ 17.00-00.00​น. ทุกวัน

Oat Audio Oat Audio
43 ม. 3 ต. ห้วยทราย อ. สันกำแพง
Chiang Mai, 50130

รับงานคาราโอเกะ เครื่องเสียงงานพิธีการ

ฝ้ายคาราโอเกะ ฝ้ายคาราโอเกะ
ถนน วงแหวนรอบกลาง
Chiang Mai, 50100

บรรยากาศเป็นกันเอง ดนตรีเพราะ สาวส?

Black House Cnx Black House Cnx
Black House Cnx 373 ถนนสมโภช 700 ปี แยกแม่เหียะ
Chiang Mai, 50100

Karaoke Restaurant ร้านอาหารและคาราโอเกะสดอาหารอร่อย เครื่องดื่มราคาย่อมเยาว์

Okoke คาราโอเกะ Okoke คาราโอเกะ
Chiang Mai, 50290

ห้องคาราโอเกะส่วนตัว เพลงใหม่อัปเ?

Best Karaoke in Chiangmai Best Karaoke in Chiangmai
480/15 Chang Klan Road, Chang Klan Subdistrict, Mueang District, Chiang Mai Province, 480/15 ถ. ช้างคลาน ต. ช้างคลาน อ. เมือง จ. เชียงใหม่
Chiang Mai, 50100

Karaoke & Woman

We Sing Along Karaoke We Sing Along Karaoke
86 Chang Klan Road
Chiang Mai, 50100

🎤 Sing your heart out at We Sing Along Karaoke! 🎶 ✨ Where every night is a star performance! 🌟 📍 Join us for fun, friends, and unforgettable memories. @WeSingAlongKaraoke

Yuckcute Chiangmai Yuckcute Chiangmai
ตรงข้ามโลตัสคำเที่ยง , เชียงใหม่
Chiang Mai, 50300

ร้านสบาย ฟังเพลงผ่อนคลาย ชิวกับเพื?