YWAM South Sudan

YWAM South Sudan


We will see beauty rise out of ashes and the ancient ruins restored as the light of the Gospel goes throughout the South Sudan and the world.

Contact us at... [email protected]


Dear friends, let us not forget to pray for our brothers and sisters in Abyei. There has been a lot of unrest in that area. We seek for non-violence and a peaceful resolution between unnamed armed groups involved.

Abyei is in the middle, right between the borders of Sudan and South Sudan—a highly contested area between the two sovereign nations. Regardless of whose territory it is, humans are humans, and they are all the children of the Almighty God.

Let us pray for:
• an effective and fruitful peace in the area
• those who have lost their loved ones, their families, or friends, that they may find solace in the LORD and that they may be helped to get through this time of hardship in the chaos of armed conflicts
• aid for those affected by the fighting, that they may receive basic necessities such as food, water, clothing, and a place to rest their heads
• pray for governments of both countries to act with wisdom as they address this growing issue, that they may do what's best for the lives of those that call Abyei their home.

May the Lord be with those in Abyei, and may His presence and love be felt by everyone.


Don't miss out on life-changing fun, send in your applications before the 10th of April, 2024!

Hope to see you here in 🇸🇸 South Sudan 🇸🇸

Visit https://ywamjuba.org/aof/aof-dts for more info, or speak to our School Leader (information on the photo).

Photos from YWAM Juba, South Sudan's post 09/03/2023

Excited to have the Frontier Missions School running in Arua. You are welcome to apply!


So excited for YWAM Arua to commission Lokuta Eluzai, a long term YWAMer, who is going to reach the Lokoya people in South Sudan.


Jesus above all else! YWAM Juba celebrating the end of week 8 of DTS!

Photos from YWAM South Sudan's post 12/02/2021

In September 2016 the Yei YWAM team had to evacuate because the civil war became so serious. 4.5 years later, this week, Augustine Owot went back to visit the base. He had to fly from Juba to Yei because the road are not considered safe at this time.

He came and saw the looted houses. The ones by the road still have their iron sheets. The ones away from the road, including staff houses and the primary school have been stripped. Others have been set of fire.

We don't know the way forward but we are praying for God's wisdom. Pray with us.

Photos from YWAM Arua, Uganda's post 28/01/2021

We're excited to see YWAM started once again in Juba.

Photos from YWAM South Sudan's post 20/06/2020

Planting shadow and Mango trees in YWAM land in Juba with help of brother Rev / Joseph Nouel to day


Hi to all YWAM family as you know Juba was planning to run a DTS in scound week of June 2020 but the COVID19 lockdown every so pray with us as we don't now when we will started

Photos from YWAM South Sudan's post 12/03/2020

Wonderful time to day in Juba to welcome our two south Sudanese as a new DTS greaduat form Arua Uganda DTS this last Month pray for their journey with God


Come and do your DTS with us in Arua Uganda.

Death toll in Abyei attack 'rises to 31' 25/01/2020

Pray for Abyei. This is on the disputed border between South Sudan and Sudan. It has been on the forefront of much fighting in the past. Last year our team went and ran a trauma healing seminar there.

Now fighting has broken out again between the Arabs and the Dinka. Please pray for the people of this area.


Death toll in Abyei attack 'rises to 31' The death toll from Wednesday's attack on civilians in the disputed region of Abyei has risen to 31 from an earlier count of 29, the regional administrator said Thursday.


We are happy to announce.

The Sustainable Agriculture School

This will be held in YWAM Arua northern Uganda. The dates are July 7 - Dec 6 2019.

For more information or applications please message us. Join us for a soil and soul changing 5 months as we explore God's incredible design for food production and ways to work with nature to provide nutritious food for our families and communities.

Photos from Becks In Africa's post 27/02/2019

We need your help to make this happen!

Villagers Describe Horror in South Sudan's Yei River State 10/02/2019

The fighting continues around Yei where our largest base in South Sudan was. Two years ago all the buildings in YWAM Yei were ransacked. This year, we have heard that one of the buildings on Yei base has been burned.

Keep praying for peace.

Villagers Describe Horror in South Sudan's Yei River State Residents of areas controlled by rebel fighters say soldiers killed civilians, r***d women, and burned entire villages


Peace seminar with correct email address!
Sorry everyone


Please pray about attending or sponsoring a participant to attend this seminar. We would like as many people as possible especially refugees and those from South Sudan.

Photos from YWAM Yei, South Sudan's post 26/11/2017
Timeline photos 12/10/2017

Ywam Arua/Yei refugee ministry is very proud to have graduated 17 students in our first Discipleship training (mini DTS) in Rhino Refugee Camp!

We had an intense two weeks of lecture focusing on "Knowing God and Making Him Known". Lecture was followed by a one week outreach where the students did practical work, evangelized and loved their neighbors.

It was a very meaningful time where students received personal healing, were able to encourage the local refugee churches and had a fire ignited within them to love and serve their neighbors.

We begin our next three week Discipleship Training in the camp on November 6th. If you would like to help support the training you can click the link.


The total amount we need to run the three week training is about $500. The last training was so successful that we are expecting 40 students from 13 different Christian denominations!

If you click the link for donating you can type "mini dts" in the designation box.

Timeline photos 12/10/2017

We are thankful for the vehicle God has given us for ministry! But after a decade of driving in South Sudan and to the refugee camps in Northern Uganda it needs some help.

As the Ywam Arua/Yei refugee ministry team gets more opportunity to minister in the camps we need to keep our Landcruiser on the road.

Please consider partnering with us to repair the vehicle that has helped us get to and from our ministry locations. $1,000 would be a great help for fixing the vehicle and would allow us to continue uninterrupted in the ministry God has called us to!


If you would like to donate click on the link here and type "Arua refugee vehicle" in the designation box.


Great to see that we can be an encouragement.

Again YWAM Arua refugee ministry has been invited to teach in Belameling and Imvepi refugee camps on 12 -14 and 26 - 28 October respectively. We keep being invited to new camps as news about our involvement in training spreads across many camps. 100 church leaders and 100 youth workers from different church denominations will be trained in the two camps respectively.

This month, we have Discipleship Training in Eden Refugee Camp, Youth conference in Pajulu and another youth conference in Ofua refugee settlement. Also the children ministry is ongoing in Ocea, Ofua and Arua. Keep praying for God's wisdom, good health and strong unity of the team.

Your financial support is also needed to make these ministry a blessing to the South Sudanese refugees in Uganda who need our collective support at this times of need.

You can donate on line here:

Designate to: Imvepi-Belameling-seminars by Julius and team

Julius on Conflict Resolution and Reconciliation in Siripi Refugee Camp.


Here is a great opportunity to help train and equip church leaders of South Sudan!

South Sudan army chief sacked - South Sudan News Agency 09/05/2017

Please pray for South Sudan at this time of political upheaval. May it lead to peace rather than more fighting.

South Sudan army chief sacked - South Sudan News Agency Juba, May 9, 2017 (SSNA) — South Sudanese national army (SPLA) Chief of General Staff Paul Malong Awan has been fired and replaced by James Ajongo Awut, according to a decree broadcasted live on the state-controlled South Sudan Broadcasting Corporation Television (SSBCTV). Tension is very high here…

Government and opposition clash in Imatong State | Radio Tamazuj 05/04/2017

More fighting near the border with Uganda. More refugees fleeing. Please keep praying for peace.

Government and opposition clash in Imatong State | Radio Tamazuj Fresh clashes between government and opposition forces on Monday in Parajok of Imatong State have led to deaths, injuries and massive displacement of civilians, according to local residents, while both parties trade accusations over who started the attack as the number of casualties remains unknown.

Timeline photos 20/03/2017

Last year the team from YWAM Yei was displaced by the war in South Sudan. Most of the team is now in northern Uganda, where they are attempting to settle and reach out to the many refugees who have fled to South Sudan. Please pray for them and consider giving towards the construction of their homes in Uganda.

Onyala Santos and Agnes' house being built on Arua base! Augustine Owot and Mariam's will be started soon. We still need $4,000USD for two more Yei staff houses (one house costs $2,000 USD). Please pray and consider partnering with us to meet this need.

ANNOUNCEMENT: Newborn in Kitgum base: NEBEBER ;) 19/03/2017

Ywam Lobone- now in Kitgum Uganda is having a great new project!!

ANNOUNCEMENT: Newborn in Kitgum base: NEBEBER ;) NEBEBER short for ‘Neno ber bedo pa Refugees’ is our new ministry. We started it ‘to see the welfare of refugees’ as the Acholi name says. We want to respond to the urgent need and crisis of refuge…

Photos from YWAM South Sudan's post 12/03/2017

Scenes from our team South Sudan 2017 staff conference.


Staff conference worship


Ywam South Sudan worship.

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Videos (show all)

YWAM South Sudan Update- Nov 2015




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