Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP

Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP


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Mayor Mark Salinas
Mayor Mark Salinas

Public Nonprofit Corporation

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 24/05/2022

In an effort to addressing the challenge of limited access to quality seeds and tools by most farmers, today 24/05/2022 together with our partner UNHCR, the UN Refugee Agency concluded distribution of tested and certified Maize and Groundnuts including some tools to most of our farmers in Yei. This is particularly to complement their available agro-inputs to enhance timely and increased production.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 12/05/2022

Crop pest and field scouting is an essential aspect of agriculture extension service. It helps identify potential crops' challenges and provide possibility for further diagnosis and eventually remedy. Today 12th May 2022, our Program Manager conducted a farm field visit to one of our farmers in Yei where he was able to establish some challenges including crop pest infestation ( Fall Army worm), crop destruction by termites, and others. It was such an interesting experience. Possible remedies were provided to the farmer. We are grateful, some of our farmers has absolutely huge passion for agriculture and they are doing incredibly good.
We remain thankful to our partner for the continued support. Realizing food security is possible if there's relative peace for free to and from farmlands.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 29/04/2022

As the rain season continue to intensify, we remain committed to taking advantage of this. Our team (Tractor operator and Extension Officer) on their way to our operations location to conduct land tillage for our farmers under the Farm Mechanization Component. There is absolutely huge potential in the Agriculture Sector BUT stable PEACE and PROPER RESOURCE UTILIZATION remain a pre-requisite . We are grateful to our partner , and the .

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 30/03/2022

Today, 30th. March 2022 -(YGHAP) is obliged and honored to receive a high level visit constituting of 's Deputy Country Representative, South Sudan , 's Head of Office Yei, and accompanying delegation. The visit was to assess how much the Community Farm Mechanization project has gone and impacted on the lives of selected farmers in Yei. The project is implemented by . The project has directly impacted more than 100 farmers, and continue to reach out to farmers for much more impact. We are also grateful to our partner and the Yei County Government for the support and enabling environment. sincerely thank for the continuous support.


The media particularly FM radio stations play a vital role in the agriculture sector. It help communicate much needed agriculture messages to farmers both in the urban and rural areas. Today, 18th March 2022, our Program Manager had a fruitful interview with one of Spirit' FM broadcast journalist. In the interview our Program Manager spoke about;
1. Need for farmers to continue preparing their farmlands particularly those their farmlands are cultivated through Yei Green Home Agriculture Program's Community Farm Mechanization component as the first rain season approaches,
2: secondly farmers should commit themselves to soliciting and preserving their own good quality seeds,
3: lastly the role of development partners and government in boosting the Agriculture Sector. The sector, is South Sudan's second largest revenue generator. Therefore there is urgent need to invest in it.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 02/02/2022

We are particularly obliged to our vibrant and resilient farmers in Yei. Today, 02th January 2022 our Program Manager paid a field monitoring visit to establish the progress made. We are grateful that, intensive land ploughing continued to be at the peak. It was an awesome experience interacting with dedicated, resilient and results driven farmers in Yei. The capacity and capability in them is one thing that has inspired me alot. They have shown pure commitment towards the program adding that, for long, Mechanization has been their dream though they have been trying using hired services, but the approach employed by Yei Green Home Agriculture Program has proven convenient, farmer centeredness and friendly. It is surely a huge boost to the Agriculture Sector in Yei.
Out of love, they couldn't wait to share with our Program Manager their organically produced watermelons.

Many thanks goes to our partner and Yei River County Government.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 27/01/2022

We are glad, on 26th Jan 2022 we established 5 coffee nursery beds that are expected to produce over 10,000 coffee seedlings for farmers in Yei. This is a sustainable move to enhancing farmers capacity and Livelihood. We are grateful to Mogga Moses Ezibon for all the support. We look forward to continuing with the partnership.


A journey of making "Farming Attractive". Access to tractor services by farmers in addition to security remain key ingredients for agriculture stabilization and sustainable Livelihood. Farmers in Yei have expressed their joy for the initiation of Community Farm Mechanization Program aimed at boosting agriculture production and productivity in Yei. We are obliged to for the support.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 09/12/2021

So far so good. It can be possible only when we act and make it possible.
We have embarked on a transformative journey of making the most neglected sector (Agriculture) look attractive. It is possible. It is achievable. Immense thanks goes to our dedicated team. They are surely passionate.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 03/12/2021

We have embarked on a purposeful journey of making the lagging sector (Agriculture Sector) both in Yei and South Sudan to look attractive and rewarding. The reason why the Agriculture sector lagged behind particularly in most parts of South Sudan, is because very little emphasis and focus is put in it. The sector suffered from structural and societal neglect, it is being viewed as something for the weak, elderly, less educated and above all, viewed as one for the poor. Time has come for us to break down these myths and deliberate negligence.

Yei Green Home Agriculture Program with support from is previlleged to be in this noble pursuit. We are also grateful to the government of for the support and the enabling environment.

We are exceedingly grateful for the commitment and dedication of our able staff, their expertise is most commended in this regard.

Together we can make it.

Remember, Food Security is Human Security.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 02/12/2021

We are greatly excited , our farm mechanization program aimed at intensifying farmers' acreage that will help increase food production in Yei. The program is planned to impact o an estimated number of 500 direct beneficiaries and with projection of 500 acres for first season 2022.

We thank our farmers for their cooperation in ensuring that the preliminary land clearing processes are done in time, many thanks for the great support and the government of Yei River County for providing us the enabling environment.

Food Security is Human Security.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 01/12/2021

Economic stability has to be built on sustainable paradigms.
Coffee as a cash crop provide suitable option for sustainable livelihood for farmers particularly in producing areas. Immense thanks goes to Mr. for inviting our program Manager Anur to participate in the launch of the coffee seed processing exercise on 29th November 2021 for seedlings production for coffee farmers in Yei

It is truly a productive partnership. With the coming of new partners such as the ECSS Church in Yei, this is going to create a valuable chain of actors that will sustainably move the coffee industry to another level.

We look forward to committing our time and resources enhancing the Coffee Reviving process.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 29/10/2021

The hope of coffee farmers in Yei is still alive, the sector just need new designed strategies and dedicating of resources to reviving it. Yei Green Home Agriculture Program is committed to continue contributing to mobilizing and empowering coffee farmers for diversified agricultural production. South Sudan coffee is among world's best coffee but constrained with low technology and production.

We sincerely recognize the support of our partners and the government.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 22/10/2021

According to FAO, 2021, 95% of South Sudan's population depends on agriculture, yet large population of farmers continue to dwell in poverty, food production is low in most parts of the country. The risk of looming acute hunger is inevitable.
Today, Friday 22/10/2012, the management of Yei Green Agriculture Program together with partners, MASS and UNHCR paid a field visit to two farmer groups to assess their production capacity in terms of acreage, crops planted and find out their next plans for 2022.
We are grateful with the joy and willingness expressed by the farmers in the field, interacting with them and discussing challenges confronting them was a real fulfilling endeavor.
As an agriculture organization, we remain committed to building capacity of farmers through agriculture mechanization and creation of market linkeages.

We remain indebted to for the great support towards realising our vision.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 25/09/2021

Seed testing remain significant component of good seedlings and crop production. Many crop farmers shoulders all of burden relating to poor quality seeds that lowers their produce. This is particularly when seeds not sourced from geninue seed dealers. The situation has been very common in Yei River County. Given the limited resources, our program Manager could not wait to improvise his office space to pilot the testing for Lowland Rice. This is a preparatory work for our seeds multiplication program. Having well established seed testing laboratory will help boost the agriculture sector in Yei and South Sudan as a whole. We remain grateful to our partners and Yei River County government.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 10/09/2021

South Sudan has a huge potential for coffee production. This is evident by the global recognition of the quality of coffee supplied by South Sudan to the coffee world market though in a very small quantity. The coffee industry has for so long lagged behind as a result of the long civil war between Southern Sudan and the North. Soon after Independence, several development partners delved in to revive the industry but again washed down by the political turmoils that erupted in 2013 and 2016. Many coffee farmer's lost their investments to the conflicts, fire, poor management that re****ed their growth and eventually output. Yei Green Home Agriculture Program recognize hese gaps and constraints. As an organization, we have designed a pilot coffee seedlings production project aimed at restoring hope, and provide farmer's with extension services and seedlings for enhanced production.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 10/09/2021

South Sudan has a cutting advantage over other countries given its high quality coffee products that gained global recognition in the coffee world market in it's first ever exposure. Several partners tried to revive the industry soon after Independence but all efforts brought down by the violent conflict that erupted in 2013 and 2016. Today, the sector greatly lags behind.
Yei Green Home Agriculture Program has taken it a positive challenge to continue with the fight in reviving the industry. We are glad to have started mobilizing farmers and giving them encouragement to put more efforts in the coffee industry. As an organization, we have began piloting and so far raised over 2,000 coffee seedlings in Yei. The interest shown by non coffee producers or first time growers is overwhelmingly encouraging. We plan to intensify the scope of the project through rigorous farmers mobilization, training and provision of seedlings. The sector is Rich and can be a viable alternative to improving on the National Gross Domestic Product.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 23/08/2021

YGHAP continue to work closely with farmers in Yei by mobilizing and grouping them to productive working groups and provide relevant, timely and consistent information for increased production and productivity. The one day profiling and mentoring meeting brought together over ten organized farmer's groups and cooperatives in Yei. Learning about the different activities, successes and challenges of the different groups provided for us a clear working framework.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 12/07/2021

Plant more trees and increase the amount of oxygen around you for yourself, family, Community, country. We are glad our Managing Director Mr. Daniel Friday, took a lead during our 10th South Sudan' Independence Anniversary Commomeration. The exercise was done in partnership with Forestry Conservers Association (FCA-SS), government of Yei River County particularly the office of Yei River County Commissioner and Department of Forestry.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 09/07/2021

Today 09th July 2021, we in partnership with Forestry Conservers Association (FCA-SS) and Yei River County Government commomerated South Sudan's 10th Independence Anniversary by planting assorted trees (fruits and non fruits) on selected streets of Yei Town. This was a gesture to demonstrate national belonging, unity and according tribute to our fallen heroes. Planting trees would help move our country forward positively interms of food security, fighting climate change. We are grateful for the support of the different stakeholders particularly Yei County Government, UNMISS, youths, women and the general public in Yei. It was a truth sign of national belonging and spirit of development. We wish all South Sudanese a happy 10th Independence Anniversary.

Photos from Yei Green Home Agriculture Program YGHAP's post 07/06/2021

Safe and free access to land for agriculture is very essential for poverty reduction and good health. Today 08/06/2021 YHFAP Program Manager and Forestry and Environmental Conservation Manager went for a field visit to assess the accessibility and suitability of the earmarked plot of land for piloting our demonstration. The land is located some one and half kilometers from Yei Town and after approval, it's expected to serve large farming population through it's on-site activities such as farmers training, vegetables production and major cereal production. Overarchingly, it's aimed at enhancing local seed varieties purity for better yield. We continue to call for more support from partners to help us serve the community in much better ways


Yesterday 27th May was our official beginning of Media Campaign in an effort to reviving Agriculture in Yei. It's with profound recognition that, farmer's in Yei have huge potential in harnessing efforts to increasing food production. The program that anchors it's legitimacy in a local order issued by Yei River County on 29th May 2021 is meant to add huge ingredient to the agricultural sector through enhancing farmer's capacity through farmers' grouping and regrouping, agricultural mechanization, seeds and tools provision, agriculture extension services, among many. We are immensely honored to partner with Destiny Farm International, UNHCR, MASS, Yei Crop Training Center (CTC), County Agriculture Department, Media Houses (Access Radio Yei) and others. We countinue to call for concerted effort in making this Noble cause a reality.

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Monday 09:00 - 17:00
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Friday 09:00 - 17:00
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