Ends Times Truth-Jesus coming isn't far from now Wake up
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Babylon False gospel is the mixture of Truth and Errors. A gospel that claims to forgives their sins but leaves them without a new heart, a gospel that claims to cleans them from sin but allows them to keep breaking God's Law, a gospel that claims to give them enternal security but robbed them of the fitness to live in unselfish heaven. And in contrast to babylon gospel , God's eternal gospel is; A gospel that honors our faith and covers our sin with God's grace and it does, a gospel that claims to make us into a new creation and it does, gospel that puts us in union with christ and it does, a gospel that empowers us to overcome sin and it does amd that's the true gospel that christ Jesus teaches.
Molded By The Holy Spirit
Never will the human heart know happiness until it is submitted to be molded by the Spirit of God. The Spirit conforms the renewed soul to the model, Jesus Christ.
Through its influence, enmity against God is changed into faith and love, and pride into humility. The soul perceives the beauty of truth, and Christ is honored in excellence and perfection of character.—Our High Calling, 152 (1896).
This mission story from India is for Sabbath, January 13.
Unexpected Education
By Andrew McChesney
Abhishek was 3 years old when his parents began looking for a school for him in central India.
Father asked friends for a recommendation for a good school that didn’t cost too much. Mother asked neighbors for ideas about a school for Abhishek. The parents were poor, but they were determined that their son would get a good education.
Someone suggested a Seventh-day Adventist school that was located near their home.
Father and Mother didn’t wait.
The next day, they came searching for the school.
It was a Saturday, and they expected to find the school open.
“Please take us to the school principal,” Father asked a guard standing at the school’s gate.
The guard guided Father and Mother to a church located on the same compound as the school.
Father and Mother were surprised to see people worshipping inside the church. They realized that the school was closed. But they didn’t want to leave.
Father and Mother went inside the church and sat down and waited.
The Sabbath worship service was in progress. There are many languages in India. But the church service was in their native tongue, and they understood everything that was said.
Soon came the time for the sermon, and the pastor stood up to speak. He preached about the Sabbath.
Father and Mother were surprised a second time. They were Christians, but they had never heard that the Bible teaches that the seventh day of the week is the Sabbath. Suddenly, they understood why the school was closed on Saturday. The school kept the biblical teaching not to work on the seventh day of the week. Father and Mother wanted to know more. After the worship service, they asked the pastor to teach them what the Bible says about the Sabbath. The pastor invited the couple to Bible studies.
As Father and Mother studied the Bible with the pastor, Abhishek entered kindergarten at the school. He also studied the Bible in kindergarten

My beloved, don't wait till when your mind, heard and soul are brains washed by world pleasures, and serving your creator becomes useless to your sense No! No!..... Brother. It is time to decide whether to serve God and be obedient to his commandments/slave to righteousness and faithful to Jesus or serve Satan and be obedient to him by being slave to sin/under law/fulfilling your lustful desires and having faith in world pleasures (Believing in your riches,your power, that without worldly qualifications, Job, participation in world affairs, you won't be successful) No! It is not like that, as children of God let's live and surrender our lives unto our creator.
When you look at UN Agenda of 2030, Church Unity agenda and Climate agenda led by Pope, and Market Crisis what comes your mind? Definitely "PEACE"!!!
DON'T be deceived
The Bible is very clear "For When they shall say peace and safety, then sudden destruction comes upon them, as travail upon a woman with child,and they shall not escape" 1 Thessalonians 5:1-6, My beloved brethren if want to know more details about the above Agendas please like and follow our page, we will soon share more details concerning those agendas and even the prophecy of Daniel and Revelation
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