HAIR ,NAIL & LASH by CHENG, Norzagaray Videos

Videos by HAIR ,NAIL & LASH by CHENG in Norzagaray. HOME BASE 🀍

Rebond Color with Brazilian Botox 🀍

Other HAIR ,NAIL & LASH by CHENG videos

Rebond Color with Brazilian Botox 🀍

Rebond with Brazilian Botox 🀎

Hair color with Brazilian Botox 🀎 Previous hair ,hair color with highlights 🀍

Hair color with Brazilian Botox 🀍 Previous hair, hair color with highlights 🀎

Rebond Color with Brazilian Botox 🀎

Hair extension "Human Hair " (curl ) PROMO PROMO PROMO ! For 1head available 🀍 Pm for book and inquiries 🫢

Volume cat eye , eyelash extension Soft lash like human hair 🀍 Thank you πŸ€ŽπŸ€—

Volume eyelash extension Soft lash like human hair 🀍 Thank you πŸ€ŽπŸ€—

Hybrid cat eye, eyelash extension soft lash like human hair πŸ€πŸ€—

Hair extension Human hair 🀍 strictly book your appointment with half downpayment πŸ€πŸ€—

Eyelash extension human hair 🀍

Hair fashion color 🀍 Thank you πŸ€ŽπŸ€—

Thank you πŸ€πŸ€—

Rebond with Brazilian treatment 🀍 Thank you 🀎 DISCLAIMER: No copyright infringement intended. I do not own the audio in this video. They belong to their rightful owners

😍Eyelash extension Soft lash like human hair 🀍 DISCLAIMER: No copyright infringement intended. I do not own the audio in this video. They belong to their rightful owners

Eyelash extension Soft lash like human hair 🀍 Thank you Po 🀍 DISCLAIMER: No copyright infringement intended. I do not own the audio in this video. They belong to their rightful owners

Eyelash extension Soft lash like human hair 🀍 Thank u Po 🀍 DISCLAIMER: No copyright infringement intended. I do not own the audio in this video. They belong to their rightful owners

Volume mascara look eyelash extension ( soft lash like human hair ) 😍 For book and inquiries just message me directly πŸ€—πŸ€ DISCLAIMER: No copyright infringement intended. I do not own the audio in this video. They belong to their rightful owners

Eyelash extension Soft lash like human hair with Eyebrows lamination 🀍 Thank you Po 🀍

Eyelash extension soft lash like human hair 🀎 Thank you πŸ€πŸ€—

Strictly book your appointment 🀎☺️

After πŸ€πŸ€—

Eyelash extension Soft lash like human hair 🀎 Thank you 🀍

Smooth rebond 🀎 Thank you 🀍 Hairdresser : imrah Diego 🀎