Lorna dayon 2

Lorna dayon 2


lorna dayon from general santos city. Please follow me on Facebook and you tube you thanks


lord,please clean my mind from overthinking..amen...


forget who hurt you....

tinago falls iligan city... 01/10/2022

tinago falls iligan city... Good day guys, Thanks you for watching my video. Don't forget to like ans share, leave a comment and subscribe to my you tube channel , turn on the notificat...

Trekking adventures with my kids,friend & tour guide @underground river & falls pagangon Iligan city 01/10/2022

tara na pasyal tayo sa Sikyop ,Rogongon Iligan City..

Trekking adventures with my kids,friend & tour guide @underground river & falls pagangon Iligan city Hello guys ,thanks for watching my video. Pls like, comment, share, and subscribe and hit the notification bell so that updated kayo sa newly uploaded kung m...

visiting with my classmates hacienda tour @Rogongon, Iligan City. 20/09/2022


visiting with my classmates hacienda tour @Rogongon, Iligan City. Hello guys, thanks for watching my video. Please like, comment, share and subscribe and hit the notification bell so that updated po kayo sa newly uploaded k...

Timoga spring resort short video.. 19/09/2022


Timoga Spring Resort, Iligan City

Timoga spring resort short video.. Hello guys, thanks for watching my video..Pls like, comment, share and subscribe hit the notification bell so that updated kayo sa mga bago kung videos ..

Plaza General Santos City...Tara pasyal Tayo.. 19/09/2022


Plaza General Santos City...Tara pasyal Tayo.. Hello guys, thanks for watching my video. Please like, comment, share, subscribe and hit the notification bell para po updated po kayo sa newly uploaded kung...

How to make a Flower Bouquet made of porcelain petals. 19/09/2022


How to make a Flower Bouquet made of porcelain petals. Hello guys, thanks for watching my video. Please like, comment, share, subscribe and hit the notification bell so that updated po kayo sa newly uploaded kung...

tinago falls iligan city... 16/09/2022


tinago falls iligan city... Good day guys, Thanks you for watching my video. Don't forget to like ans share, leave a comment and subscribe to my you tube channel , turn on the notificat...

How to make a simple elegant pearl earrings.. 15/09/2022


How to make a simple elegant pearl earrings.. Hello guys, thanks for watching my video. Please like, comment, share, subscribe and hit the notification bell so that updated po kayo sa newly uploaded kung...

Trekking adventures with my kids,friend & tour guide @underground river & falls pagangon Iligan city 14/09/2022

https://youtu.be/Pc3j-YFDzx4 ....di ko makalimutan itong adventure na ito ...may halong kaba at excitement...tara silipin natin ....

Trekking adventures with my kids,friend & tour guide @underground river & falls pagangon Iligan city Hello guys ,thanks for watching my video. Pls like, comment, share, and subscribe and hit the notification bell so that updated kayo sa newly uploaded kung m...

How to make a beaded bangle bracelet. 14/09/2022


How to make a beaded bangle bracelet. Hello guys, thanks for watching my video. Please like, comment, share, subscribe and hit the notification 🔔 so that updated po kayo sa newly uploaded kung m...

making of 3D beaded heart shape key chains.. 14/09/2022


making of 3D beaded heart shape key chains.. Hello guys, thanks for watching my video. Please like, comment, share, subscribe and hit the notification bell so that updated po kayo sa newly uploaded kung...

How to make a 3D Beaded " I 💚 U" / 3 D beaded letters w/ heart shape.. 14/09/2022


How to make a 3D Beaded " I 💚 U" / 3 D beaded letters w/ heart shape.. Hello guys, thanks for watching my video. Please like, comment, share, subscribe and hit the notification bell so that updated po kayo sa newly uploaded kung...

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#Our Father
#unboxing vacuum sealer
lord,please clean my mind from overthinking..amen...
forget who hurt you....
#hailholyqueen#prayfor us
#maulan na Sunday



General Santos City