Gallery Stacii Samidin

Gallery Stacii Samidin


Gallery Stacii Samidin is an artist-run gallery that opened on October 5th, 2019 in Rotterdam, The N

Photos from Gallery Stacii Samidin's post 19/06/2024

Wow this has become a special project. In recent years I have flown back and forth to get to know the different neighborhoods in one of my fav places. With my Eastside brothers we have made beautiful things in New York City! you know if you grew up with hip hop legends from there. I can't wait to share the project. Always grateful and humble to connect with communities around the world. Big up and love to my brothers from the eastside, from the neighborhoods where we grew up now making business across the sea. I can't show much yet, but soon the world will know. Once again super excited to share it quickly with you homies, soon more. ONE LOVE.

The legendary Gazali ❤️


I'm going to tell you honestly. I have traveled far in 18 years, sincerely grateful and proud for all the encounters that have filled me and raised me with new norms and values. My life's work is an archive that can freeze current time. Grateful, an ungoing life's work. Grateful that I am now building my own gallery to which I would like to invite you soon. This is how I want to share stories with you and make my life's work tangible.

And for now be apart of preserving and archiving history of those who are unheard inside the communities of present day. The 18 years of my life's work, Societies, embraces the idea that every human being should be treated like a honorable human. This is one way how we break down stereotypes, by giving these artworks a new home.

And in this chapter of 18 years Societies part of the proceeds will go back to charities and communities of cities that became apart of this ongoing photo documentary, a way to exchange norms and values that we normally don't think about.

This is one way how we celebrate 18 years of Samidin's life's work.

Now meet a large collection of series via and hopefully soon I can welcome you to the new Gallery in Rotterdam, Netherlands.

One ❤️🌍💯

Fotograaf Stacii Samidin treedt toe tot Raad van Toezicht Nederlands Fotomuseum. 28/03/2023

Het is een eer dat ik ben benoemd tot lid van de Raad van Toezicht van het Nederlands Fotomuseum. Vroeger voelde ik me ongehoord tot dat ik fotografie als ambacht omarmde. Het bracht mij naar nieuwe werelden en het werd mijn opvoeding. Mijn levenswerk Societies speelt een belangrijke rol in mijn leven en heeft ervoor gezorgd dat ik de mens ben die ik vandaag in de spiegel zie. Ik heb altijd gestaan voor nieuwe perspectieven en de stemmen van ongehoorden. Deze samenwerking met het Nederlands Fotomuseum is een bijzonder nieuw hoofdstuk voor mij en voor fotografie.
"Door zijn zitting in de Raad van Toezicht van het Nederlands Fotomuseum wil hij een nieuw perspectief bieden en stemmen laten gelden die (nog) niet gehoord worden. Wanda van Kerkvoorden, voorzitter van de Raad van Toezicht van het Nederlands Fotomuseum: “Het Nederlands Fotomuseum wil met visuele verhalen die ertoe doen aanzetten tot reflectie op de wereld om ons heen. Als Raad van Toezicht hebben wij daarin ook een rol, door ervoor te zorgen dat wij vanuit diversiteit een brede blik hebben en zo een goede sparringpartner voor de bestuurder kunnen zijn. Ik verwacht dat Stacii Samidin, met zijn unieke, filosofische kijk, onze blik nog meer verbreedt en wij kijken allen dan ook zeer uit naar de samenwerking.” - Nederlands Fotomuseum

Fotograaf Stacii Samidin treedt toe tot Raad van Toezicht Nederlands Fotomuseum. Op 23 maart 2023 is Stacii Samidin benoemd tot lid van de Raad van Toezicht van het Nederlands Fotomuseum in Rotterdam. Stacii Samidin (1987) is documentair fotograaf en filmmaker met een scherp oog voor de hedendaagse mens en identiteit. Middels zijn continue levenswerk Societies toont hij al meer....


Gil The Grid x Stacii Samidin - Homi Grandi short doc trailer

Very proud to have documented my brother Gil on his journey back to his motherland Cape Verde after 20+ years. It has been a beautiful in-depth experience and I'm proud to see how Gil's growth as both a human being and movement artist inspires many. This is my longest and best documentary so far in which we get to understand the importance of dance, family, and mental health in Gil's life from a youngin to a homi grandi, a grown man.

Join the premiere and Q&A this Saturday 23 April at 16:00 sharp during 2022, in Schouwburg. Duration event ca. 50 min.

Blessings and a sincere thank you to l and your family for your openness and love,
and to the rest of the crew making it all possible:
Production & interviewer:
Co-production: .lilitu
Drone operator: .to.get.high
Sound design: ,
Directed, filmed & edited by myself.



Knowledge is power only if man knows what facts not to bother with.
I want to collaborate more and grow together in the coming months. 🖤💯📈✈

[email protected]



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Stacii Samidin (1987 – Based in Rotterdam, The Netherlands)

Stacii Samidin

Documentary Photographer

Raw honesty, radicalism, and unfamiliar territories are the foundation of Samidin’s continuous life’s work called Societies. At the core, is the essence of seeing, hearing and accepting a human being without prejudice and judgment. Documenting the lives of minorities, the oppressed and of those with unorthodox lifestyles all around the world. Creating a shift in the individual and collective consciousness by challenging our perception and raising the voices of the unheard through photography and film.

During his teenage years, Samidin (1987, Rotterdam) had difficulty conforming to the world around him. Being labeled by stereotypes and feeling unheard himself, Hip Hop and radicalism became his allies. He started documenting his environment without the intent of becoming a photographer. This came to the attention of professional documentary photographer Kees Spuijt who introduced him to the field. Shortly after, Samidin got the opportunity to exhibit his first series Moluccans in The Netherlands (2011), a controversial subject about the Republic of South Maluku (RMS) youth, in the Nederlands Fotomuseum. From that moment on Samidin understood the power of his medium. Photography became his first language and it had a tremendous influence on his personal life and strong work ethic.

Video's (alles zien)

Made this for the brother @hungryboi.worldwide in my hometown Rotterdam ❤️🎬. In which he brings his passion for comfort ...
I'm going to tell you honestly. I have traveled far in 18 years, sincerely grateful and proud for all the encounters tha...
Gil The Grid x Stacii Samidin - Homi Grandi short doc trailer Very proud to have documented my brother Gil on his journe...
X21 X HUF 2021Enjoyed creating this trailer for the new drop of the first international HUF collab with the legendary X2...
Much respect to these boys: @ginocochise @rafaeldevante @kickw22 @rurulacruzforShout out to the amazing @birdrotterdam c...
BIRDfest 2021 x Gallery Stacii Samidin
I feel honored to have made a short portrait of the @blackarchive together with @Patta. Had a great time listening to st...
MELT the documentary starring Sammie Sedano (Official trailer) 2020



Noordplein 197


Woensdag 12:00 - 17:00
Donderdag 12:00 - 17:00
Vrijdag 12:00 - 18:00
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