Ntjam Rosie

Ntjam Rosie


Singer and songwriter. Soul/Jazz. Cameroon-born, Rotterdam residing Afropean. Pop/Soul/Jazz.


The coming two weeks I am back touring with
⭐ Tue 28 & Wed 29 Jan - Internationaal Theater Amsterdam -Sold out-
⭐ Thu 30 Jan - Stadsschouwburg Nijmegen
⭐ Fri 31 Jan - Deventer Schouwburg
⭐ Sat 1 Feb - Parkstad Limburg Theaters

⭐ Wed 5 Feb - Cpunt, Hoofddorp
⭐ Thu 6 Feb - Muis en Stadstheater, Arnhem
⭐ Fri 7 Feb - ChasséTheater, Breda

Tour until April 6 - check link


Thank you Frankfurt. We truly felt the love. Can’t wait to be back next year❤️

Special tnx to the Afrika Alive festival for inviting us!



Performances this week! ✨

🌟Normality No More | Schubert’s Winterreise
🗓️JANUARI 2025
di 21 Het Speelhuis — Helmond
wo 22 Theater Leiden — Leiden
do 23 Theater de Purmaryn — Purmerend
More info:

📌Zaterdag 25 Jan Africa Alive festival Brotfabrik Frankfurt Germany




Nächsten Samstag trete ich mit meiner Band um 20 Uhr in der Brotfabrik (Frankfurt) im Rahmen des „Africa Alive” Film und Kulturfestivals auf. Wir freuen uns schon sehr darauf!-
Next Saturday I will perform with my band in the Brotfabrik (Frankfurt) at 20h during the “Africa Alive” Film and Culture festival. We are super excited!

Photos from Ntjam Rosie's post 10/01/2025

Hey you! Hope you are well. Wishing you a blessed 2025✨
I am currently back on the road, touring until the 6th of April with this very cool project called ‘Normality no more’ Info & dates for this month down below.
Maybe see you somewhere in the crowd? Ok, byeee xx

🌟Normality No More | Schubert’s Winterreise Revisited

🗓️JANUARI 2025
wo 8 - za 11 De Schuur — Haarlem
di 14 Stadsschouwburg — Utrecht
wo 15 Schouwburg — Hengelo
do 16 Isala theater — Capelle a/d IJssel
vr 17 Theater De Maagd — Bergen op Zoom
di 21 Het Speelhuis — Helmond
wo 22 Theater Leiden — Leiden
do 23 Theater de Purmaryn — Purmerend
Di 28 - wo 29 ITA — Amsterdam
do 30 Stadsschouwburg — Nijmegen
vr 31 Deventer Theater — Deventer

👆More info, dates, tickets 🎫 in February, March and April- check normalitynomore.nl

⭐️ Choreo, video, camera en edit: Three Hands / Davide Bellotta
⭐️ Music: Ragazze Quartet Arturo Den Hartog Enric Monfort Genevieve Murphy Ntjam Rosie
⭐️ Acting, narrator : Dagmar Slagmolen ( )
⭐️ The dancers in Normality No More are: Adi Amit, Thomas Fauc, Yanaika Holle, Kenji Nieuwenhuizen / Tijmen Teunissen, Gaspar Ribeiro, Mariko Shimoda, Yashasvi Shrotriya
⭐️Scenography: Thomas Rupert
⭐️Costumes: Dieuweke van Reij

Portret photo by .jpg

Photos from Ntjam Rosie's post 17/12/2024

Het is eindelijk zover😊 We hebben hard gewerkt, het is tof geworden. Kom je kijken!?✨

Het is première week voor “Normality No More”
Een muziektheatervoorstelling die neurodivergentie belicht, geïnspireerd door Schubert’s fameuze Winterreise.

We staan deze week in Theater Rotterdam
18,19 Dec Try Outs
21 Dec
22 Dec

Een productie van Ragazze Quartet Conny Janssen Danst en Via Berlin
Alle data www.ntjamrosie.com

Credit foto’s: Andreas Terlaak Photography

Photos from Ntjam Rosie's post 06/12/2024

Het is bijna zover: Normality No More | Schuberts Winterreise revisited komt naar het theater. Over een paar dagen verhuizen we van de studio in HUIS Conny Janssen Danst naar Theater aan de Schie voor de montage en finishing touch!

Normality No More is een samensmelting van muziektheater, moderne dans, klassieke muziek en wetenschap. Kom jij Via Berlin, Ragazze Quartet en Conny Janssen Danst zien in het theater? 👀

Eerste tourdata:
Zaterdag 14 december (try-out) - Theater aan de Schie, Schiedam
Woensdag 18 december (try-out) - Theater Rotterdam
Donderdag 19 december (try-out) - Theater Rotterdam
Vrijdag 20 december (première) - Theater Rotterdam
Zaterdag 21 december - Theater Rotterdam
Zondag 22 december - Theater Rotterdam

📷: Pien Düthmann (repetitiebeelden Normality No More)

Photos from Ntjam Rosie's post 24/11/2024

When you have curls, you want straight hair. And when you have straight hair you want curls. When you have nappy hair you want silky smooth hair. That’s how I used to feel about my hair when I was younger. I just wanted to fit in and not be the odd one out.
But then the soulquarian/neo-soul movement, you know with D’angelo, the roots, Common, Erykah Badu, Jill Scott, India. Arie (among others) hit the musical scene. I was in my teens and was just amazed..Wauw wauw..I looooved everything about that movement. The music of course AND their sense of style. To my young eyes they exuded an aesthetic I had never seen before on pop stars. One that was afrocentric. One that celebrated black beauty in a different way. I was used to seeing very slick R&B stars wearing hairstyles that were emulating something I personally could not really relate to. Even though I was a sucker for R&B music. The style though, didn’t resonate. But neo-soul won my heart. A bit more jazzy, more funk..more soul..I don’t know..
Another pivotal moment with me really embracing my hair the way it is, is when I travelled to Paris as a teenager. I saw so many young black Afro-French women rocking their natural hair. At that time I lived in Maastricht where there was just a very tiny Afro- European community. Unlike Paris. When I came back to Maastricht, I decided to never ever straightened my hair again. From then on, It would just be braids, crochet, or my afro. It felt like a personal hair revolution. Something so small can feel so huge, even liberating. At least to me it is, I love my nappy hair and I switch it up with all kinds of different black hairstyles every now and then. I love the versatility of my hair.
If/when you see me out in the street, I beg you..,please DON’T TOUCH MY HAIR!! You invade someone’s private space by doing that.
I once was so mad after some strange woman stood behind me and started to touch my afro, so I did the same back to her..also went through her hair without asking..she didn’t expect that, you should have seen her face😅..but seriously…don’t do that. It’s weird, awkward and above all very, very rude.😌

Photos from Ntjam Rosie's post 19/11/2024

Green in Cameroon and Green in the Netherlands💚


Note to self: Take a break regularly. Refill your cup regularly. Prevention is better than cure.

📸 Laisa Maria


Take me back 😌❤️

Photos from Ntjam Rosie's post 06/11/2024

2017- Breaking Cycles - little story time📝😌
Prior to becoming pregnant with my daughter Lizz, I would refer to my albums as my “children”.
Maybe because I felt like music came from a visceral place. You know, how you get these butterflies when you hear that beautiful melody, nice rhythm,groove, that amazing symphony…it gives you butterflies in your..well, in your belly..so I guess to call something that you have put all your heart into your “baby” is not that far fetched.
Until it is. When I became pregnant for the first time, I was 31. By then I had been in this music thing professionally for 9 years. Almost a decade. I had done a lot and something started to change. My sense of purpose. What was I chasing? Why was I making all these albums, performing, touring…what for??
I had many questions and I felt stuck. Seems to be normal, when you hit 30. Well, this album marks a chapter in my life where I started a deep dive into the so called generational patterns in my family. Like, really look in the mirror, trace back some things and work on myself. It was time to start doing the inner work. It was time for me to turn myself inside out and really get to the core of things I wasn’t even really aware of. Behavioral, physical, spiritual, mental, emotional, psychological, and again, generational patterns. I started to see my blind spots, like really see them… and I wanted to start doing the work. Start breaking cycles.

As I write this I am 41 years old. I am 10 years further.
If there is one thing I have learned is that working on one self is a process, a life long journey. I am not flawless, without blemish..but I have definitely managed to break some of those heavy chains and strongholds. I have learned many beautiful lessons I happily pass on to my children. The best thing I have learned throughout this ongoing journey is that
I am enough. God made no mistake when he made me. Quirks and all.
I’ve stopped overcompensating and stopped believing in the “I have to be strong and have everything figured out all the time” lie…it’s exhausting, I can lean into God when I’m weak and lost. He is my strength and is infinitely wise. Now, always and forever.

Photos from Ragazze Quartet's post 02/11/2024

Première 20 December Theater Rotterdam
Wie komt kijken? We gaan door het hele land touren, zin in!


Common Ground Festival tnx for having us!✨



Aanstaande zaterdag ben ik één van de artiesten die mogen optreden tijdens het Common Ground Festival in Zwolle. Helaas zijn er geen kaarten meer, alle routes zijn uitverkocht.

2 nov kun je mij nog wel Live zien met Licks & Brains in ECI cultuurfabriek in Roermond.
Kaartjes en info



Aanstaande zaterdag treed ik op met mijn band tijdens Common Ground Festival te Zwolle op een (nu nog) geheime locatie😊

Er zijn nog een aantal kaarten voor twee routes, de rest is uitverkocht. Sla je slag nu het nog kan, zou ik zeggen!
🎫 https://www.ticketkantoor.nl/events/commonground

Ntjam Rosie

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Video's (alles zien)

Common Ground Festival bedankt!
Dankjewel Podium Grounds wat was het leuk gister. Rotterdam bedankt!!❤️🙏🏾“Embrace the new” met Licks & Brains  Dit jaar ...
Vanavond treed ik samen met Licks & Brains op in Podium Grounds Rotterdam. Zin in!!!💃🏾💃🏾Kaartjes en info https://www.gro...


