


Creator of Coffin Dance

Our Story

In 2007 Benjamin Aidoo started pall bearing business as a side job to see himself through school. he noticed such business in Ghana should be unique and creative than others, instead of just wearing black outfits he changed his business style into different colored outfits as well as adding new flavor of celebrating life and spreading joy. Some people they don’t want to cry anymore,other people too whether they want to cry or not we make them happy,we make them cheerful because of what we are doing.

Nana Otafrija has around 100 employees as Benjamin supports young people by providing them with job in the team.

Nana Otafrija and Benjamin became the story of COVID-19 Pandemic as #CoffinDanceMeme is everywhere on social media and we promise we will always put a smile to everyone in this world.

A big THANK YOU! to all of our fans without you all the coffin Dance wouldn't be special.
