Southbound | サウスバウンド
中区日ノ出町 1-18-1 O2ビル8F
横浜市中区福富町西通 41 北原ビル
横浜市中区宮川町 2-35-4
神奈川県横浜市中区長者町 9-172 佐野ハイツ1階
American Craft Beer Taproom & Bottle Shop in Yokohama, Japan.
【🍺TACO TWEDNESDAY🌮】ハッピー・ウエンズデー!ようやく秋の到来ですが、気温はまだそう感じさせません。Southboundは16時から23時まで営業しています!今日はタコトゥウェンズデー、つまり昔ながらのビーフチリのハードシェルタコスです!そしてハッピーアワーは18時までなので、タコスと200円引きのビールを一緒にどうぞ!新規開栓のビールは、フロリダ州のヒドゥンスプリングズよりラブザットフォーユー。フロリダのストロベリーシーズンの女王、ストロベリーショートケーキへのオマージュです。本物のいちごをふんだんに使い、まるでケーキのようなクリーミーな仕上がりです。この他に、残り少なくなってきたビールもあるのでお早めにどうぞ!それではご来店をお待ちしております!
● Fonta Flora | FONTA (Paloma-Style Ale with Grapefruit)
● Hardywood | Juicy Sheep Mullet (Juicy Double IPA)
● Commonwealth | Pool Noodle (American Lager)
● Sante Adairius | If You've Got The Time (West Coast Pale Ale)
● Solace | 2 Legit 2 Wit (Belgian-Style Witbier)
● City-State | Kingman (Export Stout)
● Wren House | It’s All Gravy (Hazy Double IPA)
● Urban Roots | EZPZ (Dry Hopped Pilsner)
🆕● Hidden Springs | Love That For You (Strawberry Shortcake Inspired Sour Ale)
● TDM 1874 | Harlequin Bitter (English Best Bitter)
● Hidden Springs | Silly Rabbit (Fruited Cereal Inspired Sour with Vanilla & Lactose)
● Fukuoka Craft | Hometown Hero (Michigan Style IPA)
Happy Wednesday! Autumn is here but the temperature sure doesn’t feel like it. Southbound is chiling from 4 until 11 PM today so come on by! It’s Taco Twednesday, which means old-school, beef chili hard-shell tacos! Happy Hour goes until 6 PM, so pair those tacos with some 200 yen off beers! New on tap we have Love That For You from . Love That For You is an homage to the Queen of Strawberry Season in Florida: The Strawberry Shortcake. Don't miss this Sour Ale bursting with real, juicy strawberries with a cakey, creamy finish just like the real thing. Several of our taps are getting low so grab your favorite beer before it kicks! See you soon!
● Fonta Flora | FONTA (Paloma-Style Ale with Grapefruit)
● Hardywood | Juicy Sheep Mullet (Juicy Double IPA)
🆕● Commonwealth | Pool Noodle (American Lager)
🆕● Sante Adairius | If You've Got The Time (West Coast Pale Ale)
● Solace | 2 Legit 2 Wit (Belgian-Style Witbier)
🆕● City-State | Kingman (Export Stout)
● Wren House | It’s All Gravy (Hazy Double IPA)
● Urban Roots | EZPZ (Dry Hopped Pilsner)
● Hidden Springs | Humble Pie (Fruited Sour with Boysenberry, Blackberry, Vanilla & Lactose)
🆕● TDM 1874 | Harlequin Bitter (English Best Bitter)
● Hidden Springs | Silly Rabbit (Fruited Cereal Inspired Sour with Vanilla & Lactose)
● Fukuoka Craft | Hometown Hero (Michigan Style IPA)
Hello! The September heat wave continues with no end in sight. Come to Southbound and cool off with us! We are open from 4 to 11 PM today. We've got a whopping four new beers on tap today! Our favorite has to be If You've Got The Time West Coast Pale Ale from — hoppy and light and a perfect beginning to your evening. We also have two new cans from ! Pacific IPA is a strong west coast style IPA featuring Mosaic, Simcoe and Citra Hops. Swift Street Amber is brewed with a beautiful selection of caramel malts and bright, zesty Chinook hops. Quantities are limited so enjoy them while they last! See you soon!
● Fonta Flora | FONTA (Paloma-Style Ale with Grapefruit)
🆕● Hardywood | Juicy Sheep Mullet (Juicy Double IPA)
● FiftyFifty | Tahoe Pilz (Czech-Style Pilsner)
● Solace | 2 Legit 2 Wit (Belgian-Style Witbier)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Elbow Patches (Oatmeal Stout)
🆕● Wren House | It’s All Gravy (Hazy Double IPA)
● Urban Roots | EZPZ (Dry Hopped Pilsner)
● Hidden Springs | Humble Pie (Fruited Sour with Boysenberry, Blackberry, Vanilla & Lactose)
● Jackie O's | Chomolungma (Brown Ale with Honey)
● Hidden Springs | Silly Rabbit (Fruited Cereal Inspired Sour with Vanilla & Lactose)
● Fukuoka Craft | Hometown Hero (Michigan Style IPA)
Happy Friday! Southbound is open from 4 to 11 PM today! We are now serving seasonal pickles! The veggies will vary from week to week, but today we have onions, bell peppers, zucchini, and bitter gourd 🥗We’ve pickled them in our special spice blend and they have a nice zip to them. Try them with one of our IPAs! Don’t forget our ¥200 happy hour discount on draft pints today until 6pm as well as ¥500 buttermilk fried chicken or Old Bay fries! See you soon!
● Fonta Flora | FONTA (Paloma-Style Ale with Grapefruit)
🆕● Hardywood | Juicy Sheep Mullet (Juicy Double IPA)
● FiftyFifty | Tahoe Pilz (Czech-Style Pilsner)
● Urban Roots | DDH Like Riding A Bike (DDH West Coast IPA)
● Solace | 2 Legit 2 Wit (Belgian-Style Witbier)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Elbow Patches (Oatmeal Stout)
🆕● Wren House | It’s All Gravy (Hazy Double IPA)
● Urban Roots | EZPZ (Dry Hopped Pilsner)
● Hidden Springs | Humble Pie (Fruited Sour with Boysenberry, Blackberry, Vanilla & Lactose)
● Jackie O's | Chomolungma (Brown Ale with Honey)
● Hidden Springs | Silly Rabbit (Fruited Cereal Inspired Sour with Vanilla & Lactose)
● Fukuoka Craft | Hometown Hero (Michigan Style IPA)
Hello! September has started, and is it my imagination that it's somewhat cooler? Anyway, it's a beautiful day for a beer! Big news: our business hours have changed! We will now be open from 4 to 11 PM on weekdays, 12 to 11 PM on Saturdays, and 12 to 10 PM on Sundays. Our later opening hours on weekdays and Sundays should make it easier to visit, and we’ll also be serving hot food every day! We’re also introducing a Happy Hour weekdays until 6 PM! Enjoy 200 yen off pints and glasses of draft beer/cider as well as our Old Bay Fries and Buttermilk Fried Chicken for 500 yen each! Whether it's after work or on your day off, come visit Southbound early and often! We have two new beers on tap—both first-time drafts here at Southbound! Juicy Sheep Mullet Double IPA from and It's All Gravy Hazy Double IPA from ! See you soon!
Here is Southbound’s schedule for September 2024. Please note our hours are changing from September 3. Also, on Respect for the Aged Day (August 16) and Autumn Equinox Day (August 23), we will operate on Sunday hours and close the following day. We'll also be hosting a pop-up event with on September 22 & 23!
#サウスバウンド #カーディナルトレーディング #ビアスタグラム #クラフトビール好きと繋がりたい #クラフトビール愛好家 #クラフトビール専門店 #ビアバー #ビール好き #ボトルショップ #野毛飲み #野毛 #横浜グルメ #横浜
【🏖️カリフォルニアよりSARAが再上陸😍初入荷ビールも❣️】こんにちは👋台風の影響により雨が降ったり止んだり、蒸し暑い天気が続いています🥵Southboundは12時から23時まで営業していますので、一緒に涼みましょう!今日はビッグニュースがあります!昨年ミート・ザ・オーナーイベントと共に日本に初上陸し、大人気を博したカリフォルニアのSante Adairius Rustic Ales (サンテアデアリアスラスティックエールズ、通称”SARA”)が再び入荷しました〜!2015年に初めて訪れた時、SARAはビーチタウンであるキャピトラのまだまだ小規模でありながら生み出されるビールの秀逸さに悶絶したのを今でもよく覚えています✨ぜひ日本でも皆さんにお届けしたいと思い、西海岸のブルワリーとして初めて輸入を決めたのでした😆写真は2015年当時のSARA、そしてかっこつけてる若かりしカリフォルニアっぽい!?オーナーでお送りします(笑)ぜひサウスバウンドで笑って飲んで一緒に憂鬱な雨を吹き飛ばしましょう!😄
● Fonta Flora | FONTA (Paloma-Style Ale with Grapefruit)
● Aslin | Tyson’s Grandma (Pecan Pie Style IPA)
● FiftyFifty | Tahoe Pilz (Czech-Style Pilsner)
● Urban Roots |DDH Like Riding A Bike (DDH West Coast IPA)
🆕● Solace | 2 Legit 2 Wit (Belgian-Style Witbier)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Elbow Patches (Oatmeal Stout)
● Urban Roots | Like Riding A Bike (West Coast IPA)
🆕● Urban Roots | EZPZ (Dry Hopped Pilsner)
● Hidden Springs | Humble Pie (Fruited Sour with Boysenberry, Blackberry, Vanilla & Lactose)
● Jackie O's | Chomolungma (Brown Ale with Honey)
● Hidden Springs | Silly Rabbit (Fruited Cereal Inspired Sour with Vanilla & Lactose)
● Fukuoka Craft | Hometown Hero (Michigan Style IPA)
Happy Saturday! The typhoon is slowly making its way across the country, and the heat and humidity just won’t quit. We’re open today from noon to 11 PM, so come cool off with us! We have big news for you today! One of California's (and America’s) best breweries, Sante Adairius Rustic Ales, is back in Japan! We first hosted the owner Adair last year here at Southbound, and we have been looking forward to bringing their beers back since then. When we visited SARA’s brewery in Capitola for the first time in 2015, we still remember being blown away by the excellence of their beers despite their small size. They were one of the first breweries we wanted to share with fans in Japan. Today’s photos include some snaps of SARA’s taproom from back in 2015, as well as owner Grayson striking a California-esque pose 😄 Come join us today — we hope to see you soon!
【🐔チキンティンガケサディーヤがリニューアル✨】こんにちは!Southboundは本日15時から22時まで営業しております。本日はチキンティンガケサディーヤをご紹介❣️ご好評を受けてグランドメニューにカムバックしたチキンティンガケサディーヤ、実はチーズもチキンも増量してパワーアップしていますよ😋3カットから4カットになったので2人でシェアもしやすくなりました!ペアリングビールのおすすめは、アーバンルーツのSIDEWORK!こちらはフードを待つ間にサクッとビールだけで味わっていただきたい、お米を使ったライスラガー🌾とっても軽い飲み口がふわっと優しく、残暑と湿気のこの気温の中スッと飲みやすく、罪悪感がないノーカウントの0杯目にピッタリ(笑)今ならドラフトも缶もあります🍺そして、先日麻布十番納涼祭りでもご紹介していたHidden Springsの限定ベリー系🫐フルーツサワーHumble Pieも繋がりました🍷スッキリとした絶妙なバランスレシピのフルーツサワー、ぜひご賞味あれ✨フクオカクラフトの新作IPA、ホームタウンヒーローも開栓!🦸♂️それでは本日もご来店お待ちしております〜🖐️
● Fonta Flora | FONTA (Paloma-Style Ale with Grapefruit)
● Aslin | Tyson’s Grandma (Pecan Pie Style IPA)
● FiftyFifty | Tahoe Pilz (Czech-Style Pilsner)
● Urban Roots |DDH Like Riding A Bike (DDH West Coast IPA)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Elbow Patches (Oatmeal Stout)
🆕● Urban Roots | Like Riding A Bike (West Coast IPA)
● Urban Roots | Sidework (American Rice Lager)
🆕● Hidden Springs | Humble Pie (Fruited Sour with Boysenberry, Blackberry, Vanilla & Lactose)
● Jackie O's | Chomolungma (Brown Ale with Honey)
● Hidden Springs | Silly Rabbit (Fruited Cereal Inspired Sour with Vanilla & Lactose)
🆕● Fukuoka Craft | Hometown Hero (Michigan-Style IPA)
Hello! Southbound is open today from 3 to 10 PM. Have you tried our Chicken Tinga Quesadilla? We recently gave it an upgrade with even more chicken and more cheese! Perfect for sharing, but if you want to have the whole thing to yourself we won't judge. 😉 Pair it with Sidework from ! An easy-drinking rice lager that is great in this lingering summer heat and humidity. New on tap we have Humble Pie, a limited-edition berry fruit sour from that we recently served at the Tokyo Craft Beer Fest in Azabu Juban! We also have Hometown Hero IPA from on tap! Come on by today and try them all!
【🚲DDH Like Riding A Bike ほか3種開栓👀✨】こんにちは!サウスバウンドは本日15時から23時までの営業です。開店祝いにいただいた多肉植物くんに新芽が出ていました!🌱🪴嬉しいのと同時に、この1年半程の時間が本当にあっという間だという実感が🥲関東のお盆も明けTime Flies🪽夏も残りわずか。。でしょうか?本日は一気に4タップがKegチェンジです!!おすすめはこれまで繋がっていたLike Riding A BikeのダブルドライホップバージョンのDDH Like Riding A Bike🚵♀️ダブルドライホッピングと、より大量のシムコー、モザイクホップが加わることにより、ウエストコーストIPA ながらもアロマの華やかさとジューシーさが際立つIPAです!そのほか、樽で繋がるとあっという間になくなってしまうFONTA、IPAにピーカンパイの味!?と思いながらも1度飲むと癖になってしまうTyson’s Grandmaなど、飲み飽きないビールのラインナップが揃いました😆それでは本日もご来店お待ちしています👋
🆕● Fonta Flora | FONTA (Paloma-Style Ale with Grapefruit)
🆕● Aslin | Tyson’s Grandma (Pecan Pie Style IPA)
🆕● FiftyFifty | Tahoe Pilz (Czech-Style Pilsner)
🆕● Urban Roots | DDH Like Riding A Bike (DDH West Coast IPA)
● Urban Roots | Playground Tactics (Hazy Double IPA with Lactose)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Elbow Patches (Oatmeal Stout)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Free Verse (Hazy IPA)
● Urban Roots | Sidework (American Rice Lager)
● Commonwealth | Havana (Fruited Gose with Pineapple, Tangerine, Cherry and Meyer Lemon)
● Jackie O's | Chomolungma (Brown Ale with Honey)
● Hidden Springs | Silly Rabbit (Fruited Cereal Inspired Sour with Vanilla & Lactose)
● Fukuoka Craft | Summer Peach (Light Ale with Peaches)
Happy Friday! Southbound is open from 3 to 11 PM. The succulent plant we received back in 2022 as an opening gift has sprouted! At the same time, it's amazing how fast the last year and a half has flown by—Obon in Kanto is over and so is summer. Come cool off with us! Today we have 4 new beers on tap! We recommend DDH Like Riding A Bike West Coast IPA, a double dry-hopped version of the popular IPA from with the addition of more Simcoe and Mosaic hops, making this IPA stand out for its aroma and juiciness while still being a West Coast IPA! Also don't miss FONTA, the paloma-style ale; Tyson's Grandma, an addictive pecan pie (?) IPA; and Tahoe Pilz, a new pilsner from ! See you soon!
● FiftyFifty | Tahoe American Lager
● FiftyFifty | CAPA (California Pale Ale)
🆕● New Anthem | Clapback (TDH Hazy Double IPA with Lactose)
● Urban Roots | Like Riding A Bike (West Coast IPA)
● Urban Roots | Playground Tactics (Hazy Double IPA with Lactose)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Elbow Patches (Oatmeal Stout)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Saving Daylight (Citrus Wheat Ale)
● Urban Roots | Sidework (American Rice Lager)
● Commonwealth | Havana (Fruited Gose with Pineapple, Tangerine, Cherry and Meyer Lemon)
● Jackie O's | Chomolungma (Brown Ale with Honey)
🆕● Hidden Springs | Silly Rabbit (Fruited Cereal Inspired Sour with Vanilla & Lactose)
● Fukuoka Craft | Summer Peach (Light Ale with Peaches)
Hello! The long Obon holiday is coming to an end. Come join us at Southbound and relax with us on this lazy Sunday afternoon! Today we are open from 12 to 9 PM. We have two new beers on tap! First up is Silly Rabbit, a fruit cereal-style sour beer from Tampa’s ! Silly Rabbit is jam packed with that nostalgic, fruity cereal plus a spoonful of lactose. If you've ever had Trix you'll know what we're talking about! We also have Clapback, a triple dry-hopped hazy IPA from New Anthem! This IPA is bursting with tropical aromas and juiciness, with a slightly sweet accent of lactose. Since New Anthem closed earlier this year, this is the last keg in Japan — come get a taste before it’s gone! See you soon!
【🌵アリゾナ州のレンハウスが初上陸!🏜️】こんにちは!台風一過で猛暑が再来ですね🥵🫠避暑地であるSouthboundで涼みましょう!本日は12時から23時まで営業しています。アリゾナ州のナンバーワンブルワリー、レンハウスブルーイングカンパニーが初上陸しました!フェニックスのグリーン・ゲイブルズ地区にあった古いゲストハウスとガレージをブルワリーとして建て替え、1930年代のバンガローをタップルームへと改装しました。インターナショナルなビアスタイルと、アリゾナの特徴を融合させるビール作りに挑戦しています。アメリカ最大級のビール品評会であるGreat American Beer Festivalでは過去に、Hazy IPAやLager、更にはBitterなど様々なビアスタイルでの受賞経験があり、その輝きはアメリカだけでなく日本を含む各国でも数々のメダルを獲得している、まさにグローバルなブルワリーなのです!今回は6種類ものIPAとラガーを入荷しましたので、この一流ブルワリーのビールをお見逃しなく!それではご来店をお待ちしております!
● FiftyFifty | Tahoe American Lager
● FiftyFifty | CAPA (California Pale Ale)
● FiftyFifty | West Coast Haze (Hazy IPA)
● Urban Roots | Like Riding A Bike (West Coast IPA)
● Urban Roots | Playground Tactics (Hazy Double IPA with Lactose)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Elbow Patches (Oatmeal Stout)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Saving Daylight (Citrus Wheat Ale)
● Urban Roots | Sidework (American Rice Lager)
● Commonwealth | Havana (Fruited Gose with Pineapple, Tangerine, Cherry and Meyer Lemon)
● Jackie O's | Chomolungma (Brown Ale with Honey)
● ANXO | Happy Trees (Dry Hard Cider with Wild Yeast)
● Fukuoka Craft | Summer Peach (Light Ale with Peaches)
Happy Saturday! The typhoon has passed and it’s another fiercely hot day. Come cool off with us at Southbound! Today we have new beers in from Arizona’s #1 brewery, Wren House Brewing Company! Founded in 2015, co-founders Drew Pool, Bill Hammond, and Preston Thoeny rebuilt an old guesthouse and garage in Phoenix's Green Gables neighborhood into a brewery & taproom. has taken on the challenge of making beer that blends international beer styles with Arizona character, winning awards at the Great American Beer Festival as well as at numerous events in Europe, Australia, and Japan. We have six of their IPAs and lagers available in cans starting today, so don’t miss trying this world-class brewery! See you soon!
Due to the impact of Typhoon Ampil (No. 7), Southbound will operate with shortened hours on Friday, August 16th. Our hours today will be from 5 to 11 PM. Depending on the weather and transportation situation, we may close early to ensure the safety of our customers and staff. We look forward to seeing you!
【🌃本日17時OPEN、フードあり〼🍔🌮🍟】こんにちは!本日Southboundは17時〜22時までの時間短縮営業です😊が!!フルフード+Taco Twednesday🌮やっております👍三連休のカリフォルニアイベントにお越しくださった皆さま、ありがとうございました✨おかげさまでフィッシュタコス🐟は完売しましたが、カリフォルニアビールはまだ繋がっておりますよ〜!🍻三連休お仕事だった皆さまもぜひお越しください🙏本日はゲストタップの新規開栓も!FUKUOKA CRAFT BREWINGの芳醇な🍑香るサマーピーチエールです😍お盆休み中の方もお仕事帰りの方も、Southboundで気分を盛り上げましょう!!
● FiftyFifty | Tahoe American Lager
● FiftyFifty | CAPA (California Pale Ale)
● FiftyFifty | West Coast Haze (Hazy IPA)
● Urban Roots | Like Riding A Bike (West Coast IPA)
● Urban Roots | Playground Tactics (Hazy Double IPA with Lactose)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Elbow Patches (Oatmeal Stout)
🆕 ● The Virginia Beer Company | Saving Daylight (Citrus Wheat Ale)
● Urban Roots | Sidework (American Rice Lager)
● Commonwealth | Havana (Fruited Gose with Pineapple, Tangerine, Cherry and Meyer Lemon)
● Jackie O's | Chomolungma (Brown Ale with Honey)
● ANXO | Happy Trees (Dry Hard Cider with Wild Yeast)
🆕 ● Fukuoka Craft | Summer Peach (Light Ale with Peaches)
Happy Hump Day! Today Southbound is open from 5 to 10 PM. Today we have a full food menu, including tacos! We have a limited number of soft tacos available upon request! Thanks to all of you who came to our California event over the holiday weekend! Our fish tacos are sold out, but we've still got plenty of California beer. Our new guest beer is from -- Summer Peach! It's a lovely light ale with a mellow peach flavor aroma. Whether you're on Obon vacation or on your way home from work, Southbound will cheer you up!
★Opening hours for Friday the 16th★
Typhoon Ampil (No. 7) is expected to approach the Kanto region on Friday, August 16th. Depending on the situation, Southbound may have shortened hours or close temporarily for the safety of our customers and staff. Please check our SNS feeds for the latest information. Cheers and stay safe!
【⛰️カリフォルニア州ビールが6タップを占拠‼️🪼】こんにちは!本日Southboundは12時〜23時までの営業です😊立秋も過ぎ、実は1年で1番暑い時期だそうですが、せめてカリフォルニアのように湿気のない清々しい暑さだったら🙏という淡い期待を込めて(?)、そして、2つのブルワリーの上陸を祝し、アーバンルーツビアとフィフィティブーイングのハーフタップテイクオーバーを開催します🍻🥳缶で入荷しているものもそうでないものも、今ならドラフトで!✨ラガーとIPAメインのこのタップリスト、すごく楽しい〜🎶こちらのイベントに合わせてフードも限定フィッシュタコスが登場🐟🌮連休中毎日14時から提供しています!ペアリングでぜひ皆さんでカリフォルニアに想いを馳せ、カリフォルニアの風を感じ、Tripしましょう!!😆そして、お待ちかね限定パイもいよいよチェンジ!南部の代表のパイと言えばまさしくキーライムパイ🥧See you KANPAI👍🍻
🆕🏖️ ● FiftyFifty | Tahoe American Lager
🆕🏖️ ● FiftyFifty | CAPA (California Pale Ale)
🆕🏖️ ● FiftyFifty | West Coast Haze (Hazy IPA)
🆕🏖️ ● Urban Roots | Like Riding A Bike (West Coast IPA)
🆕🏖️ ● Urban Roots | Playground Tactics (Hazy Double IPA with Lactose)
🆕🏖️ ● Urban Roots | Sidework (American Rice Lager)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Elbow Patches (Oatmeal Stout)
● Westbrook | Lemon Meringue Pie Gose (Pastry Sour with Lemon, Cinnamon, Graham Crackers, Vanilla and Lactose)
● Commonwealth | Havana (Fruited Gose with Pineapple, Tangerine, Cherry and Meyer Lemon)
● Jackie O's | Chomolungma (Brown Ale with Honey)
● ANXO | Happy Trees (Dry Hard Cider with Wild Yeast)
● KOBO Brewery | DDH Lager (Double Dry-Hopped Lager)
Hello! Today Southbound is open from 12 to 11 PM! It's the hottest time of the year, but it would be nice if it wasn’t as humid as, say, California! Speaking of which, we have six new beers from California on tap today from and ! We’ve got a mix of IPAs, pale ales and lagers that should satisfy any beer lover. Not only that, but we are serving up some California fish tacos this weekend to go with them! We’ll be offering them daily after 2 PM! Enjoy a little trip to California here at Southbound this holiday weekend! Don’t forget our new pie this month — Key Lime Pie! It’s sweet and sour and you’ll want to eat more than one slice. See you soon!
【🍂立秋、残暑とカリフォルニアビール🍻⛰️】日本の今年の暦では8月7日が立秋でした。横浜では先日一番盛大な花火大会が終わったばかり。皆さんはもう秋の風は感じられましたか?本日Southboundは15時〜23時までの営業です。時間帯によってはやっと暑さも和らぎ、ビールも進むようになったような😅スッキリ華やかなビールにフォーカス👀今日は新規入荷カリフォルニア州のフィフティフィフティブルーイングの2種をご紹介!すでに11月開催のAmerican Craft Beer Experienceのインスタでピルスナーとペールエール部門の飲み比べの引き合いにも上がっている、こちら。
Tahoe Pilzは、タホ湖の透明度とそのほとりで過ごす爽やかな景色や気候にインスパイアされた、チェコスタイルのクラシックなピルスナー⛰️クリアでクリスプな爽快感。2023年のGABF、WBCボヘミアンスタイルピルスナーで銅賞受賞のビール🎖️
CAPA(California Pale Ale)はシトラとモザイクホップのダンスと表現されているように、トロピカル、シトラス、フローラルの風味が口の中で踊る、回る、広がる💃🕺ちょっぴりコクを感じられるようなこっくりとした色味とボディ、モルティさも流石のフィニッシュのウエストコーストスタイル。
● The Virginia Beer Company | Saving Daylight (Citrus Wheat Ale)
● New Anthem | Clapback (TDH Hazy Double IPA with Citra Hops)
● Hardywood | Richmond Lager (American Lager)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Elbow Patches (Oatmeal Stout)
● Westbrook | Lemon Meringue Pie Gose (Pastry Sour with Lemon, Cinnamon, Graham Crackers, Vanilla and Lactose)
● Commonwealth | Havana (Fruited Gose with Pineapple, Tangerine, Cherry and Meyer Lemon)
● Jackie O's | Chomolungma (Brown Ale with Honey)
● ANXO | Happy Trees (Dry Hard Cider with Wild Yeast)
● KOBO Brewery | DDH Lager (Double Dry-Hopped Lager)
According to this year's Japanese calendar, August 7 was Risshu (the first day of autumn). In Yokohama, the most spectacular fireworks display just finished the other day. Have you felt the autumn breeze yet? (Maybe not for another few weeks…!) Today Southbound is open from 3 to 11 PM. Today we'll be introducing two new arrivals from California's ! Tahoe Pilz is a classic Czech-style pilsner inspired by the clarity of Lake Tahoe and the invigorating scenery and climate along its shores. Clear, crisp and refreshing! A 2023 GABF and WBC Bohemian Style Pilsner Bronze Award winning beer! CAPA (California Pale Ale) features a blend of of Citra and Mosaic hops, with tropical, citrus, and floral flavors that will dance in your mouth. A pale ale with strong hop aroma and a quintessential West Coast finish. Keep an eye on our tap list — we’ve got some big new additions this weekend! See you soon!
● The Virginia Beer Company | Saving Daylight (Citrus Wheat Ale)
● Commonwealth | Pink Fluffy Unicorns (Hazy Triple IPA with Pink Guava)
● New Anthem | Clapback (TDH Hazy Double IPA with Citra Hops)
● Commonwealth | Wapatoolie (DDH Tropical Hazy IPA)
● Hardywood | Richmond Lager (American Lager)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Elbow Patches (Oatmeal Stout)
● Westbrook | Lemon Meringue Pie Gose (Pastry Sour with Lemon, Cinnamon, Graham Crackers, Vanilla and Lactose)
● Commonwealth | Havana (Fruited Gose with Pineapple, Tangerine, Cherry and Meyer Lemon)
● Jackie O's | Chomolungma (Brown Ale with Honey)
● ANXO | Happy Trees (Dry Hard Cider with Wild Yeast)
● KOBO Brewery | DDH Lager (Double Dry-Hopped Lager)
“It’s hot!” is the greeting of the day…come cool down at Southbound! Today we’re open from 12 to 9 PM. Did you know all of our cans and bottles are available for takeout for 15% off? Tomorrow is the Minatomirai Smart Festival, with a drone show and fireworks, so you’ll definitely want some beer, cider and mead to enjoy it with! We’ll be closed tomorrow so today is a great time to come by and stock up for the festivities! Pick up a koozie and cooler bag to put them in! We’re here till 9 PM so see you soon!
● The Virginia Beer Company | Saving Daylight (Citrus Wheat Ale)
● Commonwealth | Pink Fluffy Unicorns (Hazy Triple IPA with Pink Guava)
● New Anthem | Clapback (TDH Hazy Double IPA with Citra Hops)
● Commonwealth | Wapatoolie (DDH Tropical Hazy IPA)
● Hardywood | Richmond Lager (American Lager)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Elbow Patches (Oatmeal Stout)
● Westbrook | Lemon Meringue Pie Gose (Pastry Sour with Lemon, Cinnamon, Graham Crackers, Vanilla and Lactose)
● Hardywood | Singel (Blonde Ale)
● Commonwealth | Havana (Fruited Gose with Pineapple, Tangerine, Cherry and Meyer Lemon)
● Jackie O's | Chomolungma (Brown Ale with Honey)
● ANXO | Happy Trees (Dry Hard Cider with Wild Yeast)
● KOBO Brewery | DDH Lager (Double Dry-Hopped Lager)
Happy Saturday! The heat wave seems to have no end in sight, and the government is advising people to avoid outdoor activities. Come join us at Southbound for some indoor activities instead! Today we’re open from 12 to 11 PM. As we mentioned in our stories last night, two awesome breweries from California have arrived: from Sacramento and from the shores of Lake Tahoe! We have 19 (!) beers to share with you, including a bunch of fresh IPAs and lagers! Our top recs are Steely Jam, a collab WCIPA from Urban Roots and , and Totality, a rich Imperial Stout! Steely Jam is dry-hopped with Mosaic and Strata (two hops that go great together) and has a taste and aroma worthy of both Urban Roots and Beachwood. Totality won a bronze medal in the British Imperial Stout category at last year's World Beer Cup competition! Both are great choices—come by and try them! We look forward to seeing you soon!
Here is Southbound’s schedule for August 2024. On Mountain Day (Monday, August 12) we open from noon until 9 PM and close the next day (Tuesday, August 13), with longer hours on Sunday, August 11. Also, we will be closed on Thursday, August 8 for staff training. We'll be back on Friday with even more beer knowledge to share!
#サウスバウンド #カーディナルトレーディング #ビアスタグラム #クラフトビール好きと繋がりたい #クラフトビール愛好家 #クラフトビール専門店 #ビアバー #ビール好き #ボトルショップ #野毛飲み #野毛 #横浜グルメ #横浜
【オリジナルTシャツ👕NEWカラー販売中✨】急な豪雨☔️でしたが、止んで虹が🌈✨本日Southboundは15時から22時までの営業しています🍺今日は密かに人気のSouthboundオリジナルロゴTシャツをご紹介!以前から販売している炭黒に白字のロゴのTシャツ、人気のサイズは早々に完売しており、欲しい!とご要望いただいていたお客様すみません🙏💦同じ色味ではありませんが今回はなんと!NEWカラーが入荷です🧡🩶グレーに黄色のロゴ印字の、ちょっとかすれビンテージ感あるおしゃれデザイン!👀✨M〜3XLの5サイズ展開で、綿100%でゆったりめでしっかりとした生地なので、蒸し蒸しした日でもサラッとお召しいただけます🌿(Jacobは付いてきませんので悪しからずご了承ください⚠️)雨に濡れてしまった方も、汗が気持ち悪い方も!アフター5はSouthboundでTシャツに着替えて!!プハ〜ッと一息つきましょう😆本日はTaco Twednesday🌮❣️ペアリングにこちらも久々大人気オレンジピールを使ったスッキリシトラスウィートエールのセービングデイライトはいかがですか?それでは本日もご来店お待ちしております🍻
● The Virginia Beer Company | Saving Daylight (Citrus Wheat Ale)
● Commonwealth | Pink Fluffy Unicorns (Hazy Triple IPA with Pink Guava)
● New Anthem | Clapback (TDH Hazy Double IPA with Citra Hops)
● Commonwealth | Wapatoolie (DDH Tropical Hazy IPA)
● Hardywood | Richmond Lager (American Lager)
● The Virginia Beer Company | Elbow Patches (Oatmeal Stout)
● Westbrook | Lemon Meringue Pie Gose (Pastry Sour with Lemon, Cinnamon, Graham Crackers, Vanilla and Lactose)
● Hardywood | Singel (Blonde Ale)
● Commonwealth | Havana (Fruited Gose with Pineapple, Tangerine, Cherry and Meyer Lemon)
● Jackie O's | Chomolungma(Brown Ale with Honey)
● ANXO | Happy Trees (Dry Hard Cider with Wild Yeast)
● KOBO Brewery | DDH Lager (Double Dry-Hopped Lager)
Happy hump day everyone! A lovely rainbow appeared after the sudden downpour we just had — a good omen for the rest of the week! Today Southbound is open from 3 to 10 PM! Have you checked out our new shirts? Thanks to everyone we’ve been out of stock for a while but now our logo shirt is back in stock—this time in yellow on a charcoal base! with white letters logo T-shirts for a while now, but the most popular sizes sold out early! Not only that, but we have new sizes, all the way up to 3XL! They’re 100% cotton so a good option during this humid summer days. Don’t forget about Taco Twednesday — pair one of our tacos with steady favorite, Saving Daylight citrus wheat ale! See you soon!
#サウスバウンド #カーディナルトレーディング #ビアスタグラム #クラフトビール好きと繋がりたい #クラフトビール愛好家 #クラフトビール専門店 #ビアバー #ビール好き #ボトルショップ #野毛飲み #野毛 #横浜グルメ #横浜
ビデオ (すべて表示)
中区日ノ出町1-24 1F
Yokohama, Kanagawa
火曜日 | 16:00 - 23:00 |
水曜日 | 16:00 - 23:00 |
木曜日 | 16:00 - 23:00 |
金曜日 | 16:00 - 23:00 |
土曜日 | 12:00 - 23:00 |
日曜日 | 12:00 - 22:00 |
中区吉田町5-4 第6吉田ビル
Yokohama, 231-0041
Yokohama, 222-0001
不定休(SNSをご確認ください) クラフトビールとカフェ&ビストロめし ?
Yokohama, 220-0005
Yokohama, 2310868
🍻Good Beer&Wine🍷 Open Mon - Sat 15:00-24:00, closed on Sundays. Tel : 070-3276-1880
Yokohama, 221-0835
横浜で一番アットホームで温かいダイニングバーです!! みんなの、みんなによる、みんなのためのFUN♪ ネット予約はこちらから♪→
西区南幸2-6-1 山田ビル5階
Yokohama, 220-0005
横浜西口徒歩5分にある落ち着いた雰囲気のオーセンティックバーです。2017年6月に、同じビルの4階から5階に引越しました。 サッカー、テキーラ、スペイン、メキシコ