Hanzo Japan

Hanzo Japan


Bella Bits & Pieces
Bella Bits & Pieces

Japanese Antiques from Japan to the World

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 29/06/2024

Scenery at the lotus pond in summer
百人一首乳母が絵とき 文屋朝康(ぶんやのあさやす)
Artist: Hokusai          葛飾北斎
Paintings 19th century Edo period
1970s reprint woodblock print

The nurse explains the meaning of the poems from the Hyakunin Isshu using pictures.

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 25/06/2024

Geisha and Shamisen Player 玉屋内まき絹
Artisit : Utamaro   喜多川歌麿 
Paintings 18th Edo period
1970s reprint woodblock print
A standing pr******te and her apprentice wearing matching outfits

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 24/06/2024

Woman holding a fan behind her head  
教訓親の目鑑 浮気者
Artist: Utamaro 喜多川歌麿       
Paintings 18th century Edoperiod    
1970's reprint woodblock print
There is a long passage warning against carelessness.

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 20/06/2024

Pr******te holding a toothpick in Kawagishi
Artisit : Utamaro 喜多川歌麿 北国五色墨 川岸
Paintings 18th Edo period
1970s reprint woodblock print
The riverbank was where the cheap pr******tes lived inside Yoshiwara.
There are few depictions of such desolate women in Utamaro's works.

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 18/06/2024

Ryogoku Bridge in the Edo period
名所江戸百景 両国橋大川ばた
Artist : Hiroshige  歌川広重   
Paintings : 19th century Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print
Ryogoku Bridge is a bridge built over the Sumida River for evacuation purposes in the event of a major fire.
It connects present-day Higashi Nihonbashi, Chuo Ward, Tokyo and Ryogoku, Sumida Ward.

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 16/06/2024

Meguro Jijiga Cafe
江戸名所百景 目黒爺々が茶屋
Artist: Hiroshige  歌川広重   
Paintings 19th century Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print
“Jijiga Cafe” is a place where the third sh**un, Iemitsu, went falconry.
A tea shop we stopped at. There is a slope called Chayazaka that remains between present-day.
Current Nakameguro, Meguro Ward
「爺々が茶屋」とは、三代将軍・家光が鷹狩を行った際に立ち寄った茶屋。 現在の目黒区中目黒。

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 14/06/2024

The road to Shin-Yoshiwara, a night entertainment area.Nihon tsutsumi              江戸名所百景 吉原日本堤
Artist: Hiroshige     歌川広重   
Paintings : 19th century Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 14/06/2024

Woman tying her hair with a hairpin
Artisut: Shigemasa     北尾重政
Paintings: 18th century Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 13/06/2024

Kabuki's Hirai Gonpachi and Banzui Inchobee
Artist: Hokusai 葛飾北斎(19〜35歳の落款で春朗) 2枚組
Paintings: 19th century Edo period
1970s reprint woodblock print
Gonpachi Hirai was a samurai who lived in the early Edo period.
Banzui Inchobee was the originator of Japanese yakuza from the same period.

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 11/06/2024

Beautiful women enjoying the evening coolness
under the willow trees   柳下夕涼美人
Artist : Shuncho      勝川春潮
Paintings : 18th century Edo period
1970s reprint woodblock print
Women smoking to***co pipes and a woman holding a fan

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 07/06/2024

Ueno Shinobazu Pond Snow Scenery
Artist: Hiroshige  歌川広重   
Paintings 19th century Edo period
1970s reprint woodblock print
Ueno Park, Taito-ku, Tokyo 東京都台東区上野公園

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 05/06/2024

Baburocho Hatsune horse trading place
江戸名所百景 馬喰町初音の馬場
Artist: Hiroshige     歌川広重   
Paintings 19th century Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print
It was the horse farm where Ieyasu assembled his horses when he went to Sekigahara, and the Hatsune Inari shrine where it originated was also nearby.
250 years after Hiroshige painted it, it was used as a drying area for dyed goods and a playground for children.

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 04/06/2024

Cherry blossoms and Sumida River seen from Suijin no Mori
江戸名所百景 隅田川水神の森真崎
Artist : Hiroshige  歌川広重   
Paintings : 19th century Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print
Suijin no Mori is 2-chome Tsutsumi-dori, Sumida-ku

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 03/06/2024

Carp streamer at Suidobashi Surugadai
名所江戸百景 水道橋駿河台
Artist: Hiroshige  歌川広重   
Paintings 19th century Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print
Composition looking down on Surugadai beyond the "Suidobashi" spanning the Kanda River


I'm selling Ukiyo-e at the Hanazono Shrine Antique Market in Shinjuku today.

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 31/05/2024

A pr******te who dreams of becoming a concubine of a feudal lord.
Artisit : Utamaro      喜多川歌麿
Paintings 18th Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print
The sealed painting depicts a Chinese legend about a miraculous pillow that can reveal the final outcome of one's life.

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 30/05/2024

Ohisa using double mirror
Artisit : Utamaro  喜多川歌麿
Paintings 1797 Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print
A painting of Ohisa, one of the Three Beauties of Edo

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 28/05/2024

⑫ Tsukuda Island in Musashi Province 武陽佃島
Artist: Hokusai 葛飾北斎    富嶽三十六景
Paintings 18th century Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print
Tsukuda, Chuo-ku, Tokyo
At that time it was an island, but now it has been reclaimed.
People return to the island after work in the evening.
The birthplace of tsukudani.  東京都中央区佃
夕方に仕事を終えて島に帰る人々。 佃煮発祥の地。

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 25/05/2024

Two lovers under one umbrella in the snow
Artist : Buncho Ippitsusai 一筆斎文調
Paintings 18th century Edo period
1970s reprint woodblock print


May 18 (Sat)
I sell Ukiyo-e at Yamato Antique Market.
In front of Yamato Station on the Odakyu Line

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 15/05/2024

⑩Tama River in Musashi Province  
        富嶽三十六景 武州玉川
Artist: Hokusai 葛飾北斎
Paintings 18th century Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print
Tamagawa, Chofu City, Tokyo
river gradation. The white parts are also carved from
woodblocks and rubbed without ink.
東京都調布市 多摩川。

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 14/05/2024

⑨ Surugadai, Edo 富嶽三十六景 東都駿台
Artist: Hokusai 葛飾北斎
Paintings 18th century Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print
Kanda Surugadai, Chiyoda-ku, Tokyo
People such as pilgrims, samurai, travelers, and
merchants come and go.

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 13/05/2024

⑧ The Cushion Pine at Aoyama 
   富嶽三十六景 青山円座松
Artist: Hokusai 葛飾北斎
Paintings 18th century Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print
Ryuganji Temple, Shibuya-ku, Tokyo
This temple was famous for its giant tree called
Enzamatsu. Mt.Fuji in black and white gradation
is rare. People having a party while looking at the pine trees and Mt. Fuji.
A cleaning person whose feet can only be seen in the lower left. 東京都渋谷区竜巌寺

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 11/05/2024

Cherry blossoms and the monkey 桜に猿
Artist: Hiroshige  歌川広重
Paintings 19th century Edo period
1970s reprint woodblock print
During the Edo period, some samurai mansions,
shrines, and temples kept monkeys.
Monkeys were cherished because they were
believed to have a role in curing diseases in horses.

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 10/05/2024

A child plays with his mother who does needlework
Artisit : Utamaro 喜多川歌麿  針仕事
Paintings : 1794 Edo period
1970s reprint woodblock print

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 09/05/2024

Geisya trimming a lanp
星の霜当世風俗 「行燈」
Artist : Kunisada  国貞
Paintings 1861 Edo period
1970's reprint woodblock print

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 08/05/2024

⑦ Senju in Musashi Province 富嶽三十六景 武州千住
Artist: Hokusai 葛飾北斎
Paintings 18th century Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print
Senju, Adachi-ku, Tokyo
4 water gate pillars. Mt. Fuji following the line of
sight of anglers. 東京都足立区千住

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 07/05/2024

⑥ Inume Pass in Kai Province 富嶽三十六景 甲州犬目峠
Artist: Hokusai 葛飾北斎
Paintings 18th century Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print
Uenohara City, Yamanashi Prefecture
Although it was a difficult pass, we had a good view of
Mt. Fuji from the high point.
A horse that is not motivated because it is about to
山梨県上野原市。 難所の峠だが高い場所で富士山が良く見えた。

Photos from Hanzo Japan's post 06/05/2024

⑤Fujimi Field in Owari Province
富嶽三十六景 尾州不二見原
Artist: Hokusai 葛飾北斎
Paintings 18th century Edo period
1960s reprint woodblock print
Naka Ward, Nagoya City, Aichi Prefecture Mt. Fuji seen
from the westernmost point
In reality, Mt. Fuji cannot be seen because it is
blocked by the Southern Alps.
Hokusai's paintings make full use of circles, triangles,
and squares.
In fact, this is not a barrel production area.
愛知県名古屋市中区。 最も西からみた富士山。


I started selling Ukiyo-e at the antique market in Yurakucho.





Yokohama, Kanagawa
インテリアのその他Yokohama (すべて表示)
明石照明 MyAurora 明石照明 MyAurora
横浜市緑区台村町202- 9
Yokohama, 226-0014


株式会社HouseGrit 株式会社HouseGrit
Yokohama, 2450003

HouseGritは、リフォーム専門業者です。 お家の些細なお悩みもお聞かせ下さい。 お客様に喜んで頂けるように、精一杯頑張らせて頂きます。

Yokohama, 2310861

Sathi Rugsには約7000点以上の手織り絨毯を 取り揃えております。

ライフスタイルブランド mofua/モフア ライフスタイルブランド mofua/モフア
Yokohama, 220-0072


Stampsdp Stampsdp
137-1006, Hinodecho, Noda-shi, Chiba
Yokohama, 137-1006


sathi_rugs sathi_rugs
神奈川県横浜市中区元町1-20 1F
Yokohama, 231-0861

髙松テクノサービス東京 リノベーション部 髙松テクノサービス東京 リノベーション部
Yokohama, 220-0012

マンションや戸建のリノベーションを設計・施工しています! 施工事例や工事中の様子をご紹介。 みなとみらいショールームやオンラインでのご相談もお気軽にどうぞ♪

Ambientec (アンビエンテック) Ambientec (アンビエンテック)
Parktower Yokohama Portside 2F
Yokohama, 2210056


Epoxy art エポキシアート Epoxy art エポキシアート
Yokohama, 236-0004


Laurent Philippe Cluet Laurent Philippe Cluet
Yokohama, 230-0052


インテリアショップ ボー・デコール横浜 ロハスじゅうたん&カーテンショップ インテリアショップ ボー・デコール横浜 ロハスじゅうたん&カーテンショップ
Yokohama, 224-0001


ランド オブ マスターウォール 横浜 ランド オブ マスターウォール 横浜
都筑区茅ケ崎中央6-1 サウスウッド2F
Yokohama, 224-0032