Bivins Eikaiwa Plus
Much More Than Just English! Bivins Eikaiwa Plus is Much More Than Just English. Bivins Eikaiwa Plus Is Much More Than Just English. Bivin is on you side.
It is about Self-Discover, Personal Development, Empowering Life, Communication, and Much more. It Is About The Development Of Mind, Body and Spirit. We Are Ambassadors Of The Spoken Word. In order to help you reach your goals, dreams, and your life purpose, we provide quality programs, courses, workbooks and teaching to help you experience life at the highest level. In Japan, Bivin's Plus + Lead The field in The Power Of The Spoken Word! In The Faith!
Welcome To Bivin’s English Plus+ Much More Than Just English!
Let’s Enjoy Learning English Together !
Welcome To Bivin’s English Plus+ Much More Than Just English!
Let’s Have Fun Growing Together!
Bivin's English Outreach Program For Communities:
Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is [indeed] plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest." (Matthew 9: 37-38)
This Back Door Ministry's purpose is to reach out to the community and provide a time and place where families can gather for fun, language exchange, and discoveries.
Bivin's Mission Japan's vision is to reach and impact many communities, families, and people who desire to live purposeful and meaningful lives.
All families are welcome to join us for a small fee of just 500 Yen. This money will go towards the rental cost and the space for that day.
God has given Bivin's Mission Japan a clear vision of Empowering Christians For Service through the Ministry of Sonship.
We're here to (Advance) the Gospel of Jesus Christ from Okinawa to Sapporo and to Fulfill the Great Commission as mentioned in Matthew 28:16-20
For this to happen, we're eager to work alongside other Churches, families and community members to make this venture possible.
If you are passionate about winning souls and want to make a meaningful difference in your community and country, we want to hear from you!
Please help Bivin's Mission Japan Fight The Good Fight of Faith. Help us seek and to save those who are lost, make disciples, and fulfill the Great Commission.
Please Partner and Pray for, Bivin’s Mission Japan. Please Support Today!
Welcome To Bivin’s English Plus+ Much More Than Just English!
Let’s Have Fun Growing Together!
Welcome To Bivin’s English Plus+ Much More Than Just English!
Let’s Talk About Your Future Dreams!
Bivin's English Outreach Program For Communities:
Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is [indeed] plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest." (Matthew 9: 37-38)
This Back door Ministry's purpose is to reach out to the community and to provide a time and a place where families can gather together for fun, language exchange, and new discoveries.
Bivin's Mission Japan's vision is to reach and impact many communities, families, and people who desire to live purposeful and meaningful lives.
All families are welcome to join us for a small fee of just 500 Yen. This money will go towards the rental fee and the space for that day.
God has given Bivin's Mission Japan a clear vision of Empowering Christians For Service through the Ministry of Sonship.
We're here to (Advance) the Gospel of Jesus Christ from Okinawa to Sapporo and to Fulfill the Great Commission as mentioned in Matthew 28:16-20
Please help Bivin’s Mission Japan Fight The Good Fight of Faith. Help us seek and to save those who are lost, make disciples, and fulfill the Great Commission. Please help us Become Full-Time Missionaries In Japan. Support Today!
Bivin's English Outreach Program For Communities:
Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is [indeed] plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest." (Matthew 9: 37-38).
This Back door Ministry's purpose is to reach out to the community and to provide a time and a place where families can gather together for fun, language exchange, and new discoveries.
Bivin's Mission Japan's vision is to reach and impact many communities, families, and people who desire to live purposeful and meaningful lives.
All families are welcome to join us for a small fee of just 500 Yen. This money will go towards the rental fee and the space for that day.
God has given Bivin's Mission Japan a clear vision of Empowering Christians For Service through the Ministry of Sonship.
We're here to (Advance) the Gospel of Jesus Christ from Okinawa to Sapporo and to Fulfill the Great Commission as mentioned in )Matthew 28:16-20).
Please help Bivin’s Mission Japan Fight The Good Fight of Faith. Help us seek and to save those who are lost, make disciples, and fulfill the Great Commission. Please help us Become Full-Time Missionaries In Japan. Support Today!
Bivin's English Outreach Program For Communities:
Then He said to His disciples, "The harvest is [indeed] plentiful, but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into His harvest." (Matthew 9: 37-38)
This Back door Ministry's purpose is to reach out to the community and to provide a time and a place where families can gather together for fun, language exchange, and new discoveries.
Bivin's Mission Japan's vision is to reach and impact many communities, families, and people who desire to live purposeful and meaningful lives.
All families are welcome to join us for a small fee of just 500 Yen. This money will go towards the rental fee and the space for that day. Bivin's Mission Japan does not receive any money for its services.
God has given Bivin's Mission Japan a clear vision of Empowering Christians For Service through the Ministry of Sonship.
We're here to (Advance) the Gospel of Jesus Christ from Okinawa to Sapporo and to Fulfill the Great Commission as mentioned in Matthew 28:16-20
Please help Bivin’s Mission Japan Fight The Good Fight of Faith. Help us seek and to save those who are lost, make disciples, and fulfill the Great Commission. Please help us Become Full-Time Missionaries In Japan. Support Today!
Don’t Be Deceived!:
Ephesians 5:6 says, Let no one deceive you with empty words, for because of these things, the wrath of God comes upon the sons of disobedience.
Today, millions of Christians worldwide are being deceived by the devil into thinking that attending Church on Sunday and listening to an inspiring sermon taught by the Pastor is good enough.
In addition, for the past several years, we've watched over and over again how famous pastors, teachers, and leaders were tricked and deceived by satan into thinking that they could lead God's Church while participating in sinful behavior without being punished. They were wrong!
James 3:1 says, Dear brothers and sisters, not many of you should become teachers in the church, for we who teach will be judged more strictly.
The Bible says that in the last days, many Christians will resist the truth. 2 Timothy 3:7 says, There will be those who are constantly learning and never able to come to the knowledge of the truth.
Jesus gave a stern warning to people who hear the words of God but don't act on them: He said, "Not everyone who says to me, 'Lord, Lord,' will enter the Kingdom of heaven, but only the one who does the will of my Father in heaven. Matthew 7:21.
James 1:22 says, "But be doers of the word, and not hearers only, deceiving yourselves. This one line speaks as if the very words are being spoken directly to you from God.
The Bible warns us of a great Spiritual war that will take place in the future. It's already happening! Revelation 12:9 speaks of how that serpent of old, called the Devil and Satan, was cast to the earth; he and his angels were cast out with him.
Their goal is to deceive you, me, and the whole world. As Believers, we must keep watch over ourselves and God's Word. We can best avoid the tricks of deception by practicing being Doers of the word of God, not hearers only.
Remember to "Don't Be Deceived." Fight To Win. Be willing to do what others won't do. Train yourself for God's purpose, and let nothing stop you from reaching your full potential in Jesus Christ. Be doers of the word and not hearers only.
If you are passionate about winning souls and want to make a meaningful difference in your community and country, we want to hear from you!
Please help Bivin's Mission Japan bring in the Harvest by seeking and saving all lost, making disciples, and fulfilling the Great Commission.
For Spiritual Growth and Training, please contact Bivin's Mission Japan. Learn more about God's Divine Strategy for advancing the Gospel of Jesus Christ and winning souls into the Kingdom!
ビデオ (すべて表示)
Daido 3-14-28, Higashiyogawa Ward
Osaka, Osaka
This page documents Siraj Davis- Mr. Taiyo's passionate pursuit to amalgamate humanity and languages.
Osaka, 530-0047
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