Coolabah Sports Cafe
Japan's premier Australian/New Zealand Sports Cafe. Live events, DJ nights, private parties, sports events. Only Australian owned Australian Pub in Osaka.
Please support us
Our great food menu includes home made meat pies, sausage rolls, chicken parma

UFC 312 - Sunday February 9th - Live Coolabah Sports Café - Entry by purchasing a ¥3000 food & drink card - No card No entry - sold on the day.

Great Turn out for Coolaz Pub Crawl #38. Thanks to the supporting bars - Coolabah Sports Bar, Cue’s Game bar, Space Station, 7Up, Base Camp, Boliba and Cherry Bomb. Thanks guys for another wonderful event

Coolaz Osaka Bar Adventures (COBA)
Coolaz Pub Crawl #38
Date: Saturday February 1st
Meet: Coolabah Sports Cafe @ 18:30, bar tour starts from 19:00
Cost: women ¥1800, men ¥2500 (¥500 discount with booking + plus food ¥600 extra)
1. party pies and fries set at Coolabah Sports Cafe, (+¥600)
2. free shots with purchase of every drink along the tour,
3. Total value ¥10000
It’s going to be a lot of fun. Come along and join us
日付 2月1日土曜日
場所:Coolabah Sports Cafe @ 18:30、バーツアーは19:00から始まります
1. Coolabah SportsCafeで用意したパーティーパイとフライドポテト (+¥600)
3. 総額10000円の価値です
とても楽しい時間になるでしょう。 ぜひ一緒にご参加ください。毎月最後土曜日
Please sign up for our Meetup account and get a discount every time you join our party:
Should be a really good time. Please join us.

Super Bowl 2025 - Live Coolabah Sports Café - Feb 10th 2025 - Entry by purchasing ¥5000 food and drink card - PayPal booking available - already 20% booked out - message for PayPal details - half time prize draw

Happy Australia Day from the Coolaz group - get on down under to the Coolabah Sports Café for some Aussie food and beverages tonight - the Real Deal Australian Pub - the place where too much sport is not enough -

NFL Playoffs - Live @ Coolabah Sports Café - the place where too much sport is not enough - the only Real Deal Australian Pub

Australia Day Celebrations Jan 26th, 2025 - Coolabah Sports Café - Oldest Australian Pub in Japan Oldest New Zealand Pub in Japan - We’re the Real Deal Australian Pub - where else would you wanna be for Australia Day - plenty of Aussie beer, meat pies, Bundy rum and entertainment - come show us how Aussie you are - Cheers c& 🇦🇺

2024 Coolaz Review
After a very good year, the best we’ve had since the scamdemic (and the scam is official now that Biden has pardoned Fauci and increased Pfizer and Moderna’s liability shield to 2029) it’s time to analyse where we’re at and where we’re going:
1. Coolabah Sports Café: had a record 18 lock out events (events where we were so full and had to turn people away). We sold a record amount of food including our fastest selling item in chicken wings which we’re struggling to keep up with production. We also had a record in sales for takeaway and Uber eats so our food is literally walking out the door.
2. Coolaz Sportzwear: we had a record year with our merchandise - counter mats, Stubbie holders, coasters, baseball caps, polos and stickers
3. Coolaz Chicken Salt: we sold a record amount of shakers - we are the premium maker in Japan
4. Coolaz Adventure Sports Tours (CAST): after many years of talking about it we conducted our first sports tours in 2024 and looking forward to many more this year.
5. We had our 2nd buy-out approach in 4 years. First being in December 2020 when they thought they’d get us cheap during the scamdemic.
6. Coolaz Osaka Bar Adventures (COBA); our pub crawls continue to be a great night out as we passed our third anniversary of events last November. Thanks to all the wonderful customers that made it so fun.
To come this year:
1. Cazbar: we need to set up satellite bars to take the overflow for our bigger events and also stand alone. These will be the Cazbar (Coolaz Bar - take out the ool). Will double as a karaoke and games bar
2. Coolabah Sports Café: looking to start our next franchise by the end of the year. Long Time coming but the blueprint is there.
3. Coolaz Chicken Salt: will be looking to get them into supermarkets by the end of this year. Should be a big hit with no real competition
4. Coolaz Beach Lodge: after a lot of hard work on renovations over the past three years our beach lodge will finally be ready to launch for rentals this spring. Set in a beautiful location on the Japan sea with open ocean views. Outdoor fire pits and BBQs. Indoors 2 x toilets, 2 x showers, 2 x Kitchens, 4 x refrigerators, 5 x TVs, play station, Nintendo switch. Nearby rock pools, Sandy beaches, onsen. So it’s the complete package for any weather.
5. Coolaz Sportzwear: launching 3 new products - Hawaiian shirts, hoodie shirt, hoodie sweatshirt
So 2025 is gonna be a challenging year. We’re offering job positions only for those with energy and want to make more than the award salary - we’re not interested in lazy people with no motivation.
Funnily had an approach from a guy at another bar recently who was a little gleeful that he’d heard Coolabah was shutting down. I couldn’t contain my laughter but I love the fact there’s people out there that need us to fold to rationalize their own failures - that just motivates me more.
To all those out there who genuinely supported us throughout the hard times we thank you so much and we intend on giving you a lot more. Those interested in a franchise please contact me directly. Thanks everyone from the Coolaz Enterprises crew
To quote George Costanza “We’re back baby, we’re back”

Australian Open Tennis 2025 - Live @ Coolabah Sports Café - We are the only Real Deal Australian Pub in Osaka - where too much sport is not enough

UFC 311 - Sunday January 19th - Live Coolabah Sports Café - Entry by purchasing a ¥3000 food & drink card - No card No entry - sold on the day.

Japanese Staff

UFC 310 - Sunday December 8th - Live Coolabah Sports Café - Entry by purchasing a ¥3000 food & drink card - No card No entry - sold on the day.

Coolaz Osaka Bar Adventures (COBA)
Coolaz Pub Crawl #37
Date: Saturday December 7th
Meet: Coolabah Sports Cafe @ 18:30, bar tour starts from 19:00
Cost: women ¥1800, men ¥2500 (¥500 discount with booking + plus food ¥600 extra)
1. party pies and fries set at Coolabah Sports Cafe, (+¥600)
2. free shots with purchase of every drink along the tour,
3. Total value ¥10000
It’s going to be a lot of fun. Come along and join us
場所:Coolabah Sports Cafe @ 18:30、バーツアーは19:00から始まります
1. Coolabah SportsCafeで用意したパーティーパイとフライドポテト (+¥600)
3. 総額10000円の価値です
とても楽しい時間になるでしょう。 ぜひ一緒にご参加ください。毎月最後土曜日
Please sign up for our Meetup account and get a discount every time you join our party:
Should be a really good time. Please join us.

Tyson v Paul - Live @ Coolabah Sports Café - the Real Deal Australian Pub - the only New Zealand Pub - where too much sport is not enough - Come and get your kicks at the Coolabah

UFC 309 - Sunday November 17th - Live Coolabah Sports Café - Entry by purchasing a ¥3000 food & drink card - No card No entry - sold on the day.

Live music - Almost People - Sat 2nd Nov - Sports Café - come help them rock the house down

Coolaz Osaka Bar Adventures (COBA)
Coolaz Pub Crawl #36
Date: Saturday November 2nd
Meet: Coolabah Sports Cafe @ 18:30, bar tour starts from 19:00
Cost: women ¥1800, men ¥2500 (¥500 discount with booking + plus food ¥600 extra)
1. party pies and fries set at Coolabah Sports Cafe, (+¥600)
2. free shots with purchase of every drink along the tour,
3. Total value ¥10000
It’s going to be a lot of fun. Come along and join us
場所:Coolabah Sports Cafe @ 18:30、バーツアーは19:00から始まります
1. Coolabah SportsCafeで用意したパーティーパイとフライドポテト (+¥600)
3. 総額10000円の価値です
とても楽しい時間になるでしょう。 ぜひ一緒にご参加ください。毎月最後土曜日
Please sign up for our Meetup account and get a discount every time you join our party:
Should be a really good time. Please join us.
ビデオ (すべて表示)
中央区西心斎橋2丁目16-13 Housen Building 1F
Osaka, Osaka
月曜日 | 18:00 - 02:00 |
火曜日 | 11:30 - 14:30 |
18:00 - 02:00 | |
水曜日 | 11:30 - 14:30 |
18:00 - 02:00 | |
木曜日 | 11:30 - 14:30 |
18:00 - 02:00 | |
金曜日 | 11:30 - 14:30 |
18:00 - 05:00 | |
土曜日 | 12:00 - 05:00 |
日曜日 | 12:00 - 02:00 |