Fussa, Tokyoのヘアサロンを見つける。リスティングに含まれるもの Jamila Beauty Salon, Total beauty salon PURE MIST By, Aoi Lisa Fearney, Hair by Danarae, Claire Knows Hair, HairSaloon Flamingo, 美容室BAZZ.
Jamila Beauty Salon is a Japanese and English-speaking salon located near the Supply Gate, Yokota Air Base, Fussa-shi, Tokyo, Japan. We offer shampoo/cuts, color (bayallage, highli...
Eyelash Extension, Full set ¥7,000- for Sable lashes and ¥8,000- for Mink lashes. Fill-in are ¥6,000- for Sable lashes and ¥7,000- for Mink lashes, and 2 weeks fill-in is ¥4,000-. ...
Yokota AFB 📍Cut & Color Specialist ✂️ *Not currently taking new color clients, still accepting cuts*
東京都福生市の西口徒歩5分 リンパドレナージュ ¥5200〜 まつ毛エクステ ¥4000〜 (税別) 毎月お得なキャンペーン実施中☆ 10:00〜20:00 毎日営業(臨時休日あり)
ヘアー ペティート 守 志織【美容師歴18年目】 [email protected] instagram→ hair.petite