Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan

Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan


Peer-reviewed scientific journal published since 1968 / Society of Chemical Engineers, Japan / Gold Open Access since 2023 / DOAJ

JCEJ publishes timely original research in the broad field of chemical engineering ranging from fundamental principles to practical applications. JCEJ is an international research journal and invites your contributions and subscriptions. All areas of chemical engineering are covered, including:

Physical Properties and Physical Chemistry,
Transport Phenomena and Fluid Engineering,

A Comprehensive Computer-Aided Review of Trends in Heterogeneous Catalysis and Its Theoretical Modelling for Engineering Catalytic Activity 07/01/2025

New review article: A Comprehensive Computer-Aided Review of Trends in Heterogeneous Catalysis and Its Theoretical Modelling for Engineering Catalytic Activity

T&F STEM Taylor & Francis 公益社団法人 化学工学会 Journal of Chemical Engineering of Japan

A Comprehensive Computer-Aided Review of Trends in Heterogeneous Catalysis and Its Theoretical Modelling for Engineering Catalytic Activity Writing scientific literature reviews is highly challenging, especially for broad topics like “heterogeneous catalysis” due to the explosion of knowledge. In this article, we introduce a machine-as...

Synthesis and Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Dammar Gum-Epoxy Bio-Composites with Areca Nut Husk and Banana Fiber as Reinforcements for Biomedical Applications 31/12/2024

New article: Synthesis and Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Dammar Gum-Epoxy Bio-Composites with Areca Nut Husk and Banana Fiber as Reinforcements for Biomedical Applications

T&F STEM 公益社団法人 化学工学会 Taylor & Francis

Synthesis and Characterization of Mechanical Properties of Dammar Gum-Epoxy Bio-Composites with Areca Nut Husk and Banana Fiber as Reinforcements for Biomedical Applications This study explores the potential of agricultural waste fibers, specifically banana and areca nut husk, as sustainable reinforcements in epoxy-dammar gum composites. Composites with 80% epoxy and 2...

Performance Evaluation of a Commercial-Scale Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) Thermal Destruction Process 27/12/2024

New article: Performance Evaluation of a Commercial-Scale Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) Thermal Destruction Process

Taylor & Francis T&F STEM 公益社団法人 化学工学会

Performance Evaluation of a Commercial-Scale Sulfur Hexafluoride (SF6) Thermal Destruction Process Recently, the importance of carbon neutrality has been highlighted, and the power industry is also making efforts to reduce the use of SF6, which is mainly used in power facilities. As part of this...

Feasibility Study on Smart Network Transporting and Consuming e-Fuel by Several H2 Carriers Produced by Water Electrolyzer Using Power Generated by Large-Scale Photovoltaic Installed in India 24/12/2024

New article: Feasibility Study on Smart Network Transporting and Consuming e-Fuel by Several H2 Carriers Produced by Water Electrolyzer Using Power Generated by Large-Scale Photovoltaic Installed in India

T&F STEM Taylor & Francis 公益社団法人 化学工学会

Feasibility Study on Smart Network Transporting and Consuming e-Fuel by Several H2 Carriers Produced by Water Electrolyzer Using Power Generated by Large-Scale Photovoltaic Installed in India Many countries have set the target to reduce a global warming gas by 2050. Renewable energy is paid attention to be a candidate to contribute to the reduction of global warming gases. The aim of th...

A Local Information Entropy-Based Point Cloud Simplification Algorithm for Hazardous Chemical Warehouses 13/12/2024

New article: A Local Information Entropy-Based Point Cloud Simplification Algorithm for Hazardous Chemical Warehouses

T&F STEM Taylor & Francis 公益社団法人 化学工学会

A Local Information Entropy-Based Point Cloud Simplification Algorithm for Hazardous Chemical Warehouses In automatic safety monitoring of hazardous chemical warehouses,point cloud acquisition with structured light cameras is one of the means to obtain scene data.The complex point cloud of the hazardo...

A Numerical Simulation Study of the Effect of Deformed Free Surface on the Thermo-Solutal Marangoni Convection in a Shallow Cavity 11/12/2024

New article: A Numerical Simulation Study of the Effect of Deformed Free Surface on the Thermo-Solutal Marangoni Convection in a Shallow Cavity

T&F STEM Taylor & Francis 公益社団法人 化学工学会

A Numerical Simulation Study of the Effect of Deformed Free Surface on the Thermo-Solutal Marangoni Convection in a Shallow Cavity This research utilized three-dimensional numerical simulations to a**lyze the effect of volume ratio on fluid dynamics of a range of Prandtl (Pr) number and Schmidt (Sc) number fluids under steady ...

Light-Driven Chemical Production with Quantum Dot-Biohybrid System: A Review 19/11/2024

New review article: Light-Driven Chemical Production with Quantum Dot-Biohybrid System: A Review

T&F STEM Taylor & Francis 公益社団法人 化学工学会

Light-Driven Chemical Production with Quantum Dot-Biohybrid System: A Review The synthesis of compounds via conventional thermochemical methods necessitates reactions at high temperatures and pressures, which results in significant energy consumption and carbon dioxide emis...

Effects of Pore Size and Surface Modification on the Alumina Microfiltration Membrane Fouling in MBR with Backwashing 31/10/2024

New article: Effects of Pore Size and Surface Modification on the Alumina Microfiltration Membrane Fouling in MBR with Backwashing

T&F STEM Taylor & Francis 公益社団法人 化学工学会

Effects of Pore Size and Surface Modification on the Alumina Microfiltration Membrane Fouling in MBR with Backwashing The effects of pore size and surface modification on the fouling and cleaning properties in membrane bioreactor (MBR) with backwashing were studied using porous alumina microfiltration membranes wi...

Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Storage Systems for Connecting Large-Scale Wind Energy to the Grid 30/10/2024

New article: Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Storage Systems for Connecting Large-Scale Wind Energy to the Grid

T&F STEM Taylor & Francis 公益社団法人 化学工学会

Comparative Life Cycle Assessment of Energy Storage Systems for Connecting Large-Scale Wind Energy to the Grid To help achieve a sustainable society, power generation from variable renewable energy (VRE) is increasing even though a stable power supply cannot be ensured because of its intermittent nature. To...

Unravel the Active Sites and Intermediates for Selective Production of Acrylic Acid from Biomass 16/10/2024

New article: Unravel the Active Sites and Intermediates for Selective Production of Acrylic Acid from Biomass

Taylor & Francis T&F STEM 公益社団法人 化学工学会

Unravel the Active Sites and Intermediates for Selective Production of Acrylic Acid from Biomass Producing chemicals from alternative feedstocks such as biomass is promising route for sustainable manufacturing. In this study, we unravel the reaction mechanism and the nature of the active site ...

Effects of Aeration on the External Shape of Crystalline Particles in Reactive Crystallization with pH Modulation 07/10/2024

New article: Effects of Aeration on the External Shape of Crystalline Particles in Reactive Crystallization with pH Modulation

T&F STEM Taylor & Francis 公益社団法人 化学工学会

Effects of Aeration on the External Shape of Crystalline Particles in Reactive Crystallization with pH Modulation Crystalline particles with complex external shapes are frequently produced during reactive crystallization. As such crystalline particles increase the load on downstream processes, their external s...

Optical Analysis of Dry Reforming of Methane in Microwave-Induced Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure 02/10/2024

New article: Optical Analysis of Dry Reforming of Methane in Microwave-Induced Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure
T&F STEM Taylor & Francis 公益社団法人 化学工学会

Optical Analysis of Dry Reforming of Methane in Microwave-Induced Plasma at Atmospheric Pressure Spectroscopic a**lysis was conducted on microwave (MW) argon (Ar) plasma, promoted by a charcoal bed, during the dry reforming of methane at atmospheric pressure. High-resolution spectroscopic a**l...

Continuous-Flow Asymmetric Aldol Addition Using Immobilized Chiral Catalyst on Organogel-Based Porous Monolith 30/09/2024

New article: Continuous-Flow Asymmetric Aldol Addition Using Immobilized Chiral Catalyst on Organogel-Based Porous Monolith

Taylor & Francis T&F STEM 公益社団法人 化学工学会

Continuous-Flow Asymmetric Aldol Addition Using Immobilized Chiral Catalyst on Organogel-Based Porous Monolith Continuous-flow reactions using immobilized chiral catalysts are attracting much attention in the field of fine chemical productions. Porous materials can mitigate the mass transfer limitation and ...

Solubility Measurement and Correlation of Ethylenediamine Carbamate and Ethylene Urea in a CO2 Capture and Utilization System Using Ethylenediamine as a Solvent 20/09/2024

New article: Solubility Measurement and Correlation of Ethylenediamine Carbamate and Ethylene Urea in a CO2 Capture and Utilization System Using Ethylenediamine as a Solvent

T&F STEM T&F STEM 公益社団法人 化学工学会

Solubility Measurement and Correlation of Ethylenediamine Carbamate and Ethylene Urea in a CO2 Capture and Utilization System Using Ethylenediamine as a Solvent To solve the problem in Carbon Capture and Utilization (CCU), compounds with two functions, CO2 absorption and reactants, have been attracted. Ethylenediamine (EDA) reacts with CO2 to form carbamic...

A Short Review and Future Prospects of Biomass-Based Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Improving the Performance of Lithium Metal Batteries 18/09/2024

New review article: A Short Review and Future Prospects of Biomass-Based Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Improving the Performance of Lithium Metal Batteries

T&F STEM Taylor & Francis 公益社団法人 化学工学会

A Short Review and Future Prospects of Biomass-Based Solid Polymer Electrolytes for Improving the Performance of Lithium Metal Batteries The development of biomass-based solid polymer electrolytes (SPEs) as a desirable alternative to traditional organic liquid electrolytes and separators is crucial to advancing sustainable, safer, a...

Synthesis and Characterization Chitosan Cryogels Modified by Tripolyphosphate and Tannic Acid 10/09/2024

New article: Synthesis and Characterization Chitosan Cryogels Modified by Tripolyphosphate and Tannic Acid

T&F STEM Taylor & Francis 公益社団法人 化学工学会

Synthesis and Characterization Chitosan Cryogels Modified by Tripolyphosphate and Tannic Acid In the present study, we prepared new cryogels based on the biopolymer chitosan (CH). We used tripolyphosphate (TPP) and tannic acid (TA) as eco-friendly crosslinking agents. TA improves the functi...

Experimental Investigation of the Power Consumption and Metzner–Otto Constant for Highly Shear-Thinning Fluids with Different Impeller Geometries 03/09/2024

New article: Experimental Investigation of the Power Consumption and Metzner–Otto Constant for Highly Shear-Thinning Fluids with Different Impeller Geometries

T&F STEM Taylor & Francis 公益社団法人 化学工学会

Experimental Investigation of the Power Consumption and Metzner–Otto Constant for Highly Shear-Thinning Fluids with Different Impeller Geometries Common industrial non-Newtonian fluids are pseudoplastics with shear-thinning properties. During mixing, it is challenging to evaluate the power consumption for these fluids because the apparent vi...

Adsorption and Desorption Characteristics of Cd(II) Ions onto the Adsorbent Derived from Algae 26/08/2024

New article: Adsorption and Desorption Characteristics of Cd(II) Ions onto the Adsorbent Derived from Algae

T&F STEM Taylor & Francis 公益社団法人 化学工学会

Adsorption and Desorption Characteristics of Cd(II) Ions onto the Adsorbent Derived from Algae In this study, cyanobacterial bloom adsorbents (CBA) were prepared by H2SO4 treatment (sulfonic acid-treated CBA; CBA-S) at 90-95 °C and ZnCl2 activation at 100, 200 and 300 °C (zinc chloride-activ...




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