Sarathi Super specialty Ortho Centre
Experience London in Bangalore! International Quality standards in Orthopaedic treatment 1st time in

Fantastic to meet, for the first time & interact with, the legendary Mr. Prakash Belawadi, the Indian theatre artist, film actor, who has acted in block buster movies like Pataan, Kashmir & Tashkent files, M***i, etc, a film director, television and media personality, a teacher, activist and a journalist!
He is alumini, of my primary school, Mahila Seva Samaja, my college, National College Basavanagudi & the college, where I got engineering seat, UVCE, but decided to do MBBS in Bangalore medical college & research centre! He is a Ted speaker & it was incredible to hear, his chief guest speech, where he spoke about AI in health care & his knowledge & understanding of AI in healthcare, was beyond the understanding, of many doctors, I know!

Incredible moment, to meet my favourite Kannada singer, at the Bangalore palace, who has given so much happiness, to millions of Kannada lovers,worldwide!

Join the innovation meeting of the year this Saturday!
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*Team SSOC*
*Finding Solutions, where others see full stop!*

Join us on this Saturday for the innovation meeting of the year, learn about a knee replacement for life, beyond robotics, day care hip surgery, Creating a perfect body thro Aesthetics, surviving the AI era, with a new avatar, avoiding violence in hospitals in India etc & many more!No need to say, anything more than this! Register now!
*Registration closes in few hours!*
*Team SSOC*
*Finding Solutions, where others see full stop!*

Join us for the Innovation meeting of 2024 & be Stunned!
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