Camag Couture Videos

Videos by Camag Couture. Dealer in designing Gowns, African wears,kaftans for females,dinner wears and special outfits for kids

That joy when you get what you ordered….

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Other Camag Couture videos

That joy when you get what you ordered….

Call us for your beautiful corset dress 0256374573 WhatsApp 0256384573 Ig @camagcouture

The brides pride
That bride you’re dreaming to become…make it come to pass…trust Camag Couture ❤️

Decency counts in all aspect os our live
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Do you want to standout beautifully modest? Call cam
Modestly dressed up by Camag Couture Contact us 0256384573/0558385203 WhatsApp 0256374573 Ig @camagcouture Fb Camag Couture

Still camag Couture #CEO #modeststyle #decency #naturalbeauty #ghanafashion #appreciationpost

Happy birthday to me. I'm blessed #CEO ❤️ #camagcouture We're still waiting for your orders

Camag Kente❤️ Contact us for yours Call us in 0558385203 Whatsapp us 0558385203 Follow us on IG @camagcouture

Camag Couture made this corset dress Call us for yours 0558385203 IG@camagcouture

Awesome . #camag Couture Contact us here on FB IG @camagcouture TikTok@camagcouture Tel:0558385203 You will love working with us

Beading in process