Badagoni Kosher Wine Georgia

Georgian Kosher wine is made from the selected Saperavi grape variety. This deep purple red wine off

🏆Our Wine has 8 International medals
🥇🥇 Mundus Vini
🥈Catavinum World Wine & Spirit
🥇🥇Mondial Des Vins Extrêmes Cervim
🥇Frankfurt International Trophy
🥈International Wine & Spirits rewards
🥇The International Wine and Spirits Competition


Happy Passover! 🍷


💫Since 2018 Badagoni company produces Kosher wine.
🍇It is made from the selected Saperavi grape variety.
🫐 This deep purple red wine offers complex fruity tones with easily noticeable blackberry accents.
😋The mouth feel is characterized by a fine suede texture on the extended finish.
👌Badagoni Kosher wine has the major certificates of Kashrut.
🎉At international exhibitions Badagoni Kosher wine Georgia showed unprecedented results.



Happy Mother's day! 💐


Timeline photos 27/02/2024

🥳Congratulation to our Saperavi kosher wine!

🎉At The Grand International Wine Award 2024 MUNDUS VINI 🍷 - Badagoni Kosher Wine Georgia was awarded with gold medal! 🥇It's our 8th international medal!


Happy Hanukkah 🕎

💫Since 2018 Badagoni company produces Kosher wine.
🍇It is made from the selected Saperavi grape variety.
🫐 This deep purple red wine offers complex fruity tones with easily noticeable blackberry accents.
😋The mouth feel is characterized by a fine suede texture on the extended finish.
👌Badagoni Kosher wine has the major certificates of Kashrut.
🎉At international exhibitions Badagoni Kosher wine Georgia showed unprecedented results.




⚜ ბადაგონის მორიგი დიდი გამარჯვება!

ღვინისა და ალკოჰოლური სასმელების საერთაშორისო კონკურსზე the International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC), რომელსაც წელს საქართველომ უმასპინძლა და გურჯაანში, კახეთში ჩატარდა, ბადაგონის ღვინომ “საფერავი ქაშერი” ოქროს მედალი მოიპოვა! 🏅

The International Wine & Spirit Competition (IWSC) არის ყოველწლიური ღვინისა და სპირტიანი სასმელების კონკურსი რომელიც 1969 წელს დაარსდა გერმანელ/ბრიტანელ ენოლოგის, ანტონ მასელის მიერ. ყოველ წელს კონკურსზე წარმოდგენელია 90-ზე მეტი ქვეყანა. IWSC არის ყველაზე რესპექტაბელური გლობალური ღვინისა და სპირტიანი სასმელების საზოგადოება, რომელიც ცნობილია თავისი გამოცდილებით, გავლენითა და პერსონალური მიდგომით.

⚜ Another great victory for Badagoni!

At the the International Wine & Spirit Competition, which was hosted in Georgia and took place in Gurjaani, Kakheti, Badagoni wine Saperavi Kosher was awarded with Gold medal! 🏅

The International Wine & Spirit Competition is an annual wine and spirit competition founded in 1969 by the German/British oenologist Anton Massel. Each year the competition receives entries from over 90 countries worldwide. The IWSC is the most respected global wine and spirits community, renowned for their expertise, influence and personal approach.

Badagoni Kosher Wine Georgia


Happy Sukkot!🍋🌱
kosherwine 🍷 🍷
יין כשר בטביליסי, מאת היקב זוכה הפרסים הבינלאומי באדגוני, עכשיו ניתן לרכוש בחנות של באדגוני ליד כיכר החירות (ראה דגל ישראל)
#ייןכשר #ייןכשרגאורגיה #כשר #אוכלכשר #טיולייןכשר

Photos from ბადაგონი • Badagoni's post 29/09/2023

🍇RTVELI - (Grape Harvest) in Georgia

🍇Traditions related to grape harvest (rtveli) are an important part of each Georgians’ life. What began as the simple task of picking ripe grapes for the production of wine has evolved into a complex of rituals that include songs, food and some other elements.

Photos from ბადაგონი • Badagoni's post 29/09/2023

Shana Tova to all our Jewish friends! 🍷🎉

kosherwine 🍷 🍷
יין כשר בטביליסי, מאת היקב זוכה הפרסים הבינלאומי באדגוני, עכשיו ניתן לרכוש בחנות של באדגוני ליד כיכר החירות (ראה דגל ישראל)
#ייןכשר #ייןכשרגאורגיה #כשר #אוכלכשר #טיולייןכשר


💫Since 2018 Badagoni company produces Kosher wine.
🍇It is made from the selected Saperavi grape variety.
🫐 This deep purple red wine offers complex fruity tones with easily noticeable blackberry accents.
😋The mouth feel is characterized by a fine suede texture on the extended finish.
👌Badagoni Kosher wine has the major certificates of Kashrut.
🎉At international exhibitions Badagoni Kosher wine Georgia showed unprecedented results.



We are happy to inform you, that our wine will be in retail in Israel soon! 🥳🥳🤩🤩

Timeline photos 23/05/2023


📣 Great News!

🥇Our Seventh Medal at the international competition!


💫Since 2018 Badagoni company produces Kosher wine.

🍇It is made from the selected Saperavi grape variety.

🫐 This deep purple red wine offers complex fruity tones with easily noticeable blackberry accents.

😋The mouth feel is characterized by a fine suede texture on the extended finish.

👌Badagoni Kosher wine has the major certificates of Kashrut.

🎉At international exhibitions Badagoni Kosher wine Georgia showed unprecedented results.


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4 Freedom Square

Opening Hours

Monday 10:00 - 18:00
Tuesday 10:00 - 18:00
Wednesday 10:00 - 18:00
Thursday 10:00 - 18:00
Friday 10:00 - 18:00
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